Ansonsten fällt mir nichts anderes ein außer es selbst zu zeichnen.
Da wirst Du wohl nicht drum herum kommen.
Ich habe hier ein kleines snippet, mit dem ich Zeilennummern auf einen Gutter zeichne....
Wie gesagt, Du darfst die DefProc nicht aufrufen, dann geht das.
Leider arbeite ich an diesen Projekt in assembler, aber der Sinn dürfte wohl
heraus zulesen sein:
proc WindowProc hwnd,wmsg,wparam,lparam
push ebx esi edi
cmp [wmsg],WM_CREATE
je .wmcreate
cmp [wmsg],WM_HSCROLL
je .wmhscroll
cmp [wmsg],WM_COMMAND
je .wmcommand
cmp [wmsg],WM_DESTROY
je .wmdestroy
invoke DefWindowProc,[hwnd],[wmsg],[wparam],[lparam]
jmp .finish
invoke GetModuleHandle,0
mov [wcCmd.hInstance],eax
invoke RegisterClass,wcCmd
test eax,eax
jz .errorcreatemdiwindow
invoke CreateWindowEx,WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE,_classCmd,_CmdText,\
cmp eax,0
je .errorcreatemdiwindow
mov [CommandWindow.hwnd],eax
mov eax,[hwnd]
mov [CommandWindow.parent],eax
mov [CommandWindow.Location.Top],100
mov [CommandWindow.Location.Left],100
mov [CommandWindow.Location.Height],400
mov [CommandWindow.Location.Width],400
jmp .cmdwinok
mov eax,[wparam]
and eax,0FFFFh
je .scrollleft
je .scrollright
jmp .finish
invoke ScrollWindow,[MainWindow.hwnd],+42,0,NULL,NULL
jmp .finish
invoke ScrollWindow,[MainWindow.hwnd],-42,0,NULL,NULL
jmp .finish
stdcall LastErrorBox,dword eax
jmp .finish
invoke ShowWindow,[CommandWindow.hwnd],SW_SHOW
jmp .finish
mov eax,[wparam] ; hier das meinte ich
and eax,0FFFFh ; mit SubMessages
cmp eax,IDM_NEW
je .new
cmp eax,IDM_ABOUT
je .about
cmp eax,IDM_EXIT
je .wmdestroy
cmp eax,IDM_OPEN
je .open
cmp eax,IDM_RUNAPP
je .runapp
jmp .defwndproc
stdcall getfileopen,[hwnd]
jmp .finish
call saveandrun
jmp .finish
invoke SendMessage,[edithwnd],WM_SETTEXT,0,0
jmp .finish
invoke MessageBox,[hwnd],_about_text,_about_title,MB_OK
jmp .finish
call FreeProgramMemory
invoke PostQuitMessage,0
xor eax,eax
pop edi esi ebx
proc makeLineNumber hwnd, hdc
local oldLine dd ?
; invoke RedrawWindow,[hwnd],tmpRect,NULL,RDW_ALLCHILDREN+RDW_INTERNALPAINT
invoke SendMessage,[hwnd],EM_GETRECT,0,richEditRect
mov eax,[richEditRect.bottom]
sub eax,[]
mov [iRectHeight], eax
invoke GetTextMetrics,[hdc],tm
mov eax,[iRectHeight]
idiv dword [tm.tmHeight]
mov [iMaxNumberOfLines],eax
invoke SendMessage,[hwnd],EM_GETFIRSTVISIBLELINE,0,0
mov [iFirstVisibleLine],eax
; invoke sprintf,read_buffer,_numstring,eax
; invoke MessageBox,[hwnd],read_buffer,_about_title,MB_OK
mov [iLineChar],0
mov [iLineNumber],0
mov [counter],0
mov [oldLine],1
mov eax,1
push eax
mov edi,[counter]
cmp edi,[iMaxNumberOfLines]
je .finish
add edi,[iFirstVisibleLine]
push edi
invoke SendMessage,[hwnd],EM_LINEINDEX,edi,0
mov [iLineChar],eax
invoke SendMessage,[hwnd],EM_LINEFROMCHAR,[iLineChar],0
mov [iLineNumber],eax
cmp [iLineNumber],-1
je .finish
mov eax,[iLineNumber]
add eax,1
mov [iLineNumber],eax
invoke sprintf,read_buffer,_numstring,[iLineNumber]
invoke SendMessage,[hwnd],EM_POSFROMCHAR,pl,[iLineChar]
mov [tmpRect.right],48
mov [tmpRect.left],0
mov eax,[richEditRect.bottom]
mov [tmpRect.bottom],eax
mov eax,[pl.y]
mov [], eax
invoke DrawText,[hdc],read_buffer,3,tmpRect,DT_RIGHT
mov edi,[counter]
add edi,1
mov [counter],edi
jmp .nextline