* Class Configuration
* The Configuration class allows reading a configuration-file.
* Furthermore you are able to add new entries to the configuration.
* Sure it is also possible to add, remove, edit, query and to save
* the new configuration. Finally it is important to
* mention that this class supports the structuring of the
* configuration in different sections, which sure can also
* be handled. Warning! This class can just handle existing
* configuration files.
* @package Configuration
* @version 0.5
* @author Andreas Wilhelm <Andreas2209@web.de>
* @copyright Andreas Wilhelm
class Configuration
// private class-variables
private $config = array();
private $file;
* Constructor - Loads configuration from path
* @access public
* @param Str $file
* @return NONE
public function __construct($file)
// set path to config-file
$this->file = $file;
// save configuration to an array
$this->config = parse_ini_file($file, true);
throw new Exception("{$file} cannot be found.");
* addItem() - Adds a new item
* @access: public
* @param Str $section
* @param Str $key
* @param Str $value
* @return Boolean
public function addItem($section, $key, $value)
if( !isset($this->config[$section][$key]) )
$this->config[$section][$key] = $value;
return true;
throw new Exception("Item {$section} - {$key} already exists.");
* delItem() - Removes an item
* @access: public
* @param Str $section
* @param Str $key
* @return Boolean
public function delItem($section, $key)
if( isset($this->config[$section][$key]) )
return true;
throw new Exception("Cannot remove {$section} - {$key}.");
* setItem() - Assigns a new value to an entry of the config
* @access: public
* @param Str $section
* @param Str $key
* @param Str $value
* @return NONE
public function setItem($section, $key, $value)
$this->config[$section][$key] = $value;
* getItem() - Gets the value of an config-item
* @access: public
* @param Str $section
* @param Str $key
* @return String
public function getItem($section, $key)
if( !isset($this->config[$section][$key]) )
throw new Exception("Cannot get item {$section} - {$key}.");
return $this->config[$section][$key];
* rnItem() - Renames an item
* @access: public
* @param Str $section
* @param Str $from
* @param Str $to
* @return Boolean
public function rnItem($section, $from, $to)
if( isset($this->config[$section][$from]) && !isset($this->config[$section][$to]))
// move data to new section
$this->config[$section][$to] = $this->config[$section][$from];
// remove old section
$this->delItem($section, $from);
return true;
throw new Exception("Cannot rename item {$section} - {$from}.");
* addSection() - Adds a section
* @access: public
* @param Str $name
* @return Boolean
public function addSection($name)
if( !isset($this->config[$name]) )
$this->config[$name] = array();
return true;
throw new Exception("Section {$name} already exists.");
* delSection() - Deletes a section
* @access: public
* @param Str $name
* @param Boo $ifEmpty
* @return Boolean
public function delSection($name, $ifEmpty = true)
if( isset($this->config[$name]) )
if( ($ifEmpty == true) && (count($this->config[$name]) > 0) )
throw new Exception("Section {$name} is not empty.");
return true;
throw new Exception("Cannot found section {$name}.");
* getSection() - Returns all items of a section
* @access: public
* @param Str $name
* @return Array
public function getSection($name)
$items = array();
foreach( $this->config[$name] as $key => $value )
$items[$key] = $value;
return $items;
* getSections() - Returns all sections
* @access: public
* @return Array
public function getSections()
$sections = array();
foreach( $this->config as $key => $value )
if( is_array($value) )
$sections[] = $key;
return $sections;
* rnSection() - Renames a section
* @access: public
* @param Str $from
* @param Str $to
* @return Boolean
public function rnSection($from, $to)
if( isset($this->config[$from]) && !isset($this->config[$to]))
// move data to new section
$this->config[$to] = $this->config[$from];
// remove old section
$this->delSection($from, false);
return true;
throw new Exception("Cannot rename section {$from}.");
* getConfig() - Returns the whole configuration in an array
* @access: public
* @return Array
public function getConfig()
return $this->config;
* save() - Save Configuration to file
* @access: public
* @return Boolean
public function save()
$config = "";
foreach( $this->config as $key => $value)
if( is_array($value) )
// save section name
$config .= "[$key]\n";
// save section items
foreach( $value as $k => $v)
$config .= "$k = \"$v\"\n";
// save item
$config .= "$key = \"$value\"\n";
echo $config;
if( !@file_put_contents($this->file, $config) )
throw new Exception('Cannot save configuration.');
$config = new Configuration('config.ini');
// return whole configuration
echo'<b>Configuration - getConfig():</b><br />';
print_r( $config->getConfig() );
// print out all all sections
echo'<br /><b>Sections - getSections():</b><br />';
print_r( $config->getSections() );
// get all metatags
echo'<br /><b>Metatags - getSection():</b><br />';
print_r( $config->getSection('metatags') );
// add a new section
echo'<br /><b>-> Add section family | addSection()</b><br />';
// add a new item to metatags
echo'<b>-> Add item likoer | addItem()</b><br />';
$config->addItem('metatags', 'likoer', 'hannes');
// add a new item to mom
echo'<b>-> Add item mom | addItem()</b><br />';
$config->addItem('family', 'mom', 'Jutta Wilhelm');
// add a new item to mom
echo'<b>-> Add item dad | addItem()</b><br /><br />';
$config->addItem('family', 'dad', 'Wolfgang Wilhelm') ;
// return whole configuration
echo'<b>Configuration - getConfig():</b><br />';
print_r( $config->getConfig() );
// delete item
echo'<br /><b>-> Delete Item Jutta | delItem()</b><br />';
$config->delItem('family', 'mom');
// rename section mom
echo'<b>-> Rename section family | rnSection()</b><br />';
$config->rnSection('family', 'chaosfamily');
// delete section
echo'<b>-> Remove section chaosfamily | delSection()</b><br />';
$config->delSection('chaosfamily', false);
// rename item likoer
echo'<b>-> Rename item likoer | rnItem()</b><br />';
$config->rnItem('metatags', 'likoer', 'licensor');
// edit item licensor
echo'<b>-> Edit item licensor | setItem()</b><br />';
$config->setItem('metatags', 'licensor', 'Andreas Wilhelm alias "avedo"');
// return whole configuration
echo '<br /><b>Configuration - getConfig():</b><br />';
print_r( $config->getConfig() );
// save to configuration file
echo '<br /><b>Save configuration - save():</b><br />';
echo '<input type="text" name"licensor" value="' . $config->getItem('metatags', 'licensor') . '" />';
catch(Exception $e)
echo'<b>Error:</b><br />';
echo '<b>'.$e->getLine().': </b>'.$e->getMessage().'<br />';