Tritanium Bulletin Board ohne sessions


sorry if my german is full of mistakes :rolleyes:

Ich habe eine diskussion board gefunden das keine MySQL datenbank hat und arbeitet mit txt dateien. Aber dieser board benötigt SESSIONS und in meinen server sind die SESSIONS nicht erlaubt :(
Ich weiss das es ist machbar das die SESSIONS weck nemen und nur COOKIES benutzen

Tritanium Bulletin Board
This is a forum that uses No MySQL
Database are txt files!
This forum uses SESSIONS but on my homepage server are SESSIONS not allowed and I cannot use this froum. I know that it is possible to remove te SESSIONS and replace them with some COOKIES

If someone know how to do that then it would be very nice if he or she can help me

thanks :)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
ok, trotz, dass es ein deutsches hilfeforum ist, muss man ja jeden hilfe anbieten, nu?

if you want to use cookies instead of session you have to replace all keys related to session with cookies, ie:

session_start() -> setcookie();

the variables for registering must be saved when you send the cookie

setcookie("variablename","value","time of expire");

how to use cookies read the manual on
sessions are easier to use and there more possibilities to register variables, with cookies you have to save them first and then you can use the cookie. get more information on, it's easy to unterstand.

i hope you unterstood what i wrote *g* my english is as bad as your german :p
the one thing I know is that this board uses both sessions and cookies
but I don't know what all I have to remove so that finally the board does use only cookies
as i already said, you have to remove session_start() session_register()....aso. but im not responsible for any errors. its possible that the script is based on the sessions and save all information in it. when you remove them the script would not work anylonger