klasse, ich probiere es gleich aus. Also ich find es wirklich super, dass du dir die zeit genommen hast, das so detailiert zu erklären -> serh nice
Folge dem Video um zu sehen, wie unsere Website als Web-App auf dem Startbildschirm installiert werden kann.
Anmerkung: Diese Funktion ist in einigen Browsern möglicherweise nicht verfügbar.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | codeSnippetBench.php |
// |======================================================================|
// | How it works:
// | Below you will see some working code as sample. To add new tests
// | add a $profileTest[] hash entry below.
// | 'title' / 'text' Are used for the output and are self explaining.
// | 'function' Is the function *basename* like "myTest". This program
// | will then look for function "myTest1", "myTest2" a.s.o.
// | 'param' Is the first parameter passed to that function
// |
// | Now write the function (e.g. "myTest1", "myTest2"). They will be
// | called and benchmarked.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Main Author: |
// | Sam Blum <bs_php@infeer.com> |
// | |
// | Modified By Gerhard Jörges <gerhard@joerges.net> |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
$durchlaeufe = 1000;
# For query vs array vs 1 query
$profileTest[] = array (
'title' => ' ',
'text' => ' 10 Kategorien je 1 Forum (kein Query Cache)',
'function' => 'kat_for_',
'param' => array('3', 'SQL_NO_CACHE')
$profileTest[] = array (
'title' => ' ',
'text' => ' 10 Kategorien je 1 Forum (mit Query Cache)',
'function' => 'kat_for_',
'param' => array('3', 'SQL_CACHE')
$profileTest[] = array (
'title' => ' ',
'text' => ' 10 Kategorien 0 Foren (kein Query Cache)',
'function' => 'kat_for_',
'param' => array('2', 'SQL_NO_CACHE')
$profileTest[] = array (
'title' => ' ',
'text' => ' 10 Kategorien 0 Foren (mit Query Cache)',
'function' => 'kat_for_',
'param' => array('2', 'SQL_CACHE')
$profileTest[] = array (
'title' => ' ',
'text' => ' 10 Kategorien 400 Foren (kein Query Cache)',
'function' => 'kat_for_',
'param' => array('1', 'SQL_NO_CACHE')
$profileTest[] = array (
'title' => ' ',
'text' => ' 10 Kategorien 400 Foren (mit Query Cache)',
'function' => 'kat_for_',
'param' => array('1', 'SQL_CACHE')
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Add your functions below here
$db = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', 'root');
echo mysql_error();
# query Methode
function kat_for_1($table, &$profTest, $functionNr) {
global $db;
$profTest['TestCaption'][$functionNr] = 'query Methode';
$sql = 'SELECT '.$table[1].' cat_id, cat_title FROM categories_'.$table[0].' ORDER BY cat_order';
$result_cat = mysql_query($sql);
$tmp = '';
while ($cat = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_cat)) {
$tmp .= $cat['cat_title'].'<br>';
$sql = 'SELECT '.$table[1].' forum_id, forum_name FROM forums_'.$table[0].' WHERE cat_id='.$cat['cat_id'].' ORDER BY forum_order';
$result_forum = mysql_query($sql);
while ($forum = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_forum)) {
$tmp .= '- '.$forum['forum_name'].'<br>';
//echo $tmp.'<br><br>';
# Array Methode #1
function kat_for_2($table, &$profTest, $functionNr) {
global $db;
$profTest['TestCaption'][$functionNr] = 'Array Methode #1';
$sql = 'SELECT '.$table[1].' cat_id, cat_title FROM categories_'.$table[0].' ORDER BY cat_order';
$result_cat = mysql_query($sql);
$category = array();
while($cat = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_cat)) {
$category[] = $cat;
$sql = 'SELECT '.$table[1].' forum_id, forum_name, cat_id FROM forums_'.$table[0].' ORDER BY forum_order';
$result_forum = mysql_query($sql);
$board = array();
while($forum = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_forum)) {
if(!isset($board[$forum['cat_id']])) { $board[$forum['cat_id']] = array(); }
$board[$forum['cat_id']][] = $forum;
$tmp = '';
foreach ($category as $cat) {
$tmp .= $cat['cat_title'].'<br>';
if (is_array($board[$cat['cat_id']])) {
foreach ($board[$cat['cat_id']] as $forum) {
$tmp .= '- '.$forum['forum_name'].'<br>';
//echo $tmp.'<br><br>';
# Array Methode #2
function kat_for_3($table, &$profTest, $functionNr) {
global $db;
$profTest['TestCaption'][$functionNr] = 'Array Methode #2';
$sql = 'SELECT '.$table[1].' cat_id, cat_title FROM categories_'.$table[0].' ORDER BY cat_order';
$result_cat = mysql_query($sql);
$category = array();
while($cat = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_cat)) {
$category[] = $cat;
$sql = 'SELECT '.$table[1].' forum_id, forum_name, cat_id FROM forums_'.$table[0].' ORDER BY forum_order';
$result_forum = mysql_query($sql);
$board = array();
while($forum = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_forum)) {
if(!isset($board[$forum['cat_id']])) { $board[$forum['cat_id']] = array(); }
$board[] = $forum;
$tmp = '';
foreach ($category as $cat) {
$tmp .= $cat['cat_title'].'<br>';
foreach ($board as $forum) {
if ($forum['cat_id'] == $cat['cat_id']) {
$tmp .= '- '.$forum['forum_name'].'<br>';
//echo $tmp.'<br><br>';
# Array Methode #3
function kat_for_4($table, &$profTest, $functionNr) {
global $db;
$profTest['TestCaption'][$functionNr] = 'Array Methode #3';
$sql = 'SELECT '.$table[1].' cat_id, cat_title FROM categories_'.$table[0].' ORDER BY cat_order';
$result_cat = mysql_query($sql);
$category = array();
while($cat = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_cat)) {
$category[$cat['cat_id']] = $cat;
$sql = 'SELECT '.$table[1].' forum_id, forum_name, cat_id FROM forums_'.$table[0].' ORDER BY cat_id, forum_order';
$result_forum = mysql_query($sql);
$board = array();
while($forum = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_forum)) {
if(!isset($board[$forum['cat_id']])) { $board[$forum['cat_id']] = array(); }
$board[] = $forum;
$tmp = '';
$lastcat = '';
foreach ($board as $forum) {
if($lastcat != $forum['cat_id']) {
$tmp .= $category[$forum['cat_id']]['cat_title'].'<br>';
$lastcat = $forum['cat_id'];
$tmp .= '- '.$forum['forum_name'].'<br>';
//echo $tmp.'<br><br>';
# 1 query Methode
function kat_for_5($table, &$profTest, $functionNr) {
global $db;
$profTest['TestCaption'][$functionNr] = '1 query Methode';
$sql = 'SELECT '.$table[1].' f.forum_id, c.cat_id, f.forum_name, c.cat_title '
.'FROM forums_'.$table[0].' f LEFT JOIN categories_'.$table[0].' c ON c.cat_id=f.cat_id '
.'ORDER BY c.cat_order, f.forum_order';
$result = mysql_query($sql);
while ($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
if($row['cat_id'] != $lastCat) {
$tmp .= $row['cat_title'].'<br>';
$tmp .= '- '.$row['forum_name'].'<br>';
//echo $tmp.'<br><br>';
# Don't add anything below this line
$out = '';
$out_bash = '';
$testSize = sizeOf($profileTest);
for ($i=0; $i<$testSize; $i++) {
$profTest = &$profileTest[$i];
if ($profTest['title'] == $runOnlyThis) continue;
// Now loop through the functions of every test
$functionNr = 1;
$function = $profTest['function'] . $functionNr;
while(function_exists($function)) {
$profTest['result'][$functionNr-1] = 0;
for ($durchlauf = 1; $durchlauf <= $durchlaeufe; $durchlauf++) {
$sTime = explode(' ', microtime());
$function($profTest['param'], $profTest, $functionNr-1);
$eTime = explode(' ', microtime());
$profTest['result'][$functionNr-1] += (($eTime[1] - $sTime[1]) + ($eTime[0] - $sTime[0]))*1000;
$function = $profTest['function'] . $functionNr;
$out .= '<table width="500" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">'
. '<tr align="left" bgcolor="#bcd6f1"><th colspan=2>'
. $profTest['title']
. '</th></tr>'
. '<tr bgcolor="#bcd6f1"><td colspan=2>'
. $profTest['text']
. '</td></tr>';
$out_bash .= ' '.$profTest['title']."\n";
$out_bash .= wordwrap($profTest['text'])."\n";
$out_bash .= "------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
for ($res=0; $res<sizeOf($profTest['result']); $res++) {
$color = ($res % 2 == 0) ? 'bgcolor="#e1fffe"' : 'bgcolor="#ecf5ff"';
$out .= "<tr {$color}><td width=65% style='font-size: 11'>";
$funcName = $profTest['function'][$res];
$out .= isSet($profTest['TestCaption'][$res]) ? ($res+1).': '. $profTest['TestCaption'][$res] : ' ';
$out .= '</td><td style="font-family: courier" nowrap>';
if (isSet($profTest['TestCaption'][$res])) {
$out_bash .= '| '.($res+1).' | '. str_pad($profTest['TestCaption'][$res], 53, ' ');
} else {
$out_bash .= '| '.($res+1).' | ? ';
$time = sprintf("%.2f", round($profTest['result'][$res]/$durchlaeufe, 2));
$time = str_pad($time,5,' ',STR_PAD_LEFT);
$out .= 'Total time: ' . str_replace(' ',' ',$time) . '[ms]';
$out .= '</td></tr>';
$out_bash .= ' | Time: '.$time.' ms |'."\n";
$out .= '</table><br>';
$out_bash .= "------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
if ($argc == 1) {
echo "\n".str_pad('*** Benchmark start ('.$durchlaeufe.' Durchlaeufe) ', 79, '*')."\n";
echo $out_bash;
echo "\n*** habe fertig **************************************************************\n\n";
} else {
echo '<body style="font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial">';
echo $out;
echo '</body>';
10 Kategorien je 1 Forum (kein Query Cache)
| 1 | query Methode | Time: 3.91 ms |
| 2 | Array Methode #1 | Time: 1.06 ms |
| 3 | Array Methode #2 | Time: 1.30 ms |
| 4 | Array Methode #3 | Time: 1.06 ms |
| 5 | 1 query Methode | Time: 0.88 ms |
10 Kategorien je 1 Forum (mit Query Cache)
| 1 | query Methode | Time: 1.80 ms |
| 2 | Array Methode #1 | Time: 0.62 ms |
| 3 | Array Methode #2 | Time: 0.89 ms |
| 4 | Array Methode #3 | Time: 0.62 ms |
| 5 | 1 query Methode | Time: 0.34 ms |
10 Kategorien 0 Foren (kein Query Cache)
| 1 | query Methode | Time: 2.57 ms |
| 2 | Array Methode #1 | Time: 0.78 ms |
| 3 | Array Methode #2 | Time: 0.72 ms |
| 4 | Array Methode #3 | Time: 0.71 ms |
| 5 | 1 query Methode | Time: 0.28 ms |
10 Kategorien 0 Foren (mit Query Cache)
| 1 | query Methode | Time: 1.71 ms |
| 2 | Array Methode #1 | Time: 0.49 ms |
| 3 | Array Methode #2 | Time: 0.44 ms |
| 4 | Array Methode #3 | Time: 0.42 ms |
| 5 | 1 query Methode | Time: 0.19 ms |
10 Kategorien 400 Foren (kein Query Cache)
| 1 | query Methode | Time: 13.41 ms |
| 2 | Array Methode #1 | Time: 13.67 ms |
| 3 | Array Methode #2 | Time: 27.32 ms |
| 4 | Array Methode #3 | Time: 11.70 ms |
| 5 | 1 query Methode | Time: 10.61 ms |
10 Kategorien 400 Foren (mit Query Cache)
| 1 | query Methode | Time: 5.46 ms |
| 2 | Array Methode #1 | Time: 8.34 ms |
| 3 | Array Methode #2 | Time: 17.79 ms |
| 4 | Array Methode #3 | Time: 8.44 ms |
| 5 | 1 query Methode | Time: 6.11 ms |