Folge dem Video um zu sehen, wie unsere Website als Web-App auf dem Startbildschirm installiert werden kann.
Anmerkung: Diese Funktion ist in einigen Browsern möglicherweise nicht verfügbar.
Es ist, dass die RecordSet nach ein mal Laufe in for Schleife geschlossen werden muss und dann wieder geöffnet wird..
Public Function save_database()
DoCmd.Hourglass True
'| This Method saves all Parameters into the Database |
Dim connection As New ADODB.connection ' Create a new ADODB-Connection
Dim RS As New Recordset ' Define a Recordset
Dim sql_str As String ' Create the SQL String
Dim con_str As String ' Create the Connection String
Dim Antwort As Variant
Dim db_path As String
db_path = read_backend_path() ' Set path of database
'Verbindung Erstellen
con_str = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & db_path
connection.Open con_str
sql_str = "SELECT Count (*) As Anz FROM ap_main WHERE ID = " & ID & " AND PROJECT_ID = " & CLng(project_ID) & ""
' Datensätze Ändern oder Hinzufügen
Set RS = connection.Execute(sql_str) ' oder rs.AddNew für Neuanlage
'Zugriff auf Tabelle definieren
If RS!anz <> 0 Then
sql_str = "UPDATE ap_main SET title = '" & title & "', accounting = '" & accounting & "', project_manager = '" & project_manager & "', siglum = '" & siglum & "', description = '" & description & "' WHERE ap_number = " & ap_number & ""
sql_str = "INSERT INTO ap_main (PROJECT_ID,ap_number,title,accounting,project_manager,siglum,description) VALUES ('" & CLng(project_ID) & "','" & ap_number & "','" & title & "','" & accounting & "','" & project_manager & "','" & siglum & "','" & description & "') "
End If
Set RS = connection.Execute(sql_str)
'~~~~~~~~~~ Delete all old Information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
sql_str = "DELETE FROM costs WHERE AP_ID = " & ID & ""
Set RS = connection.Execute(sql_str)
'~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Insert new Information into tables ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dim i As Integer
Dim upper_bnd As Integer
upper_bnd = getUbnd_costs()
For i = 0 To upper_bnd Step 1
If costs_array(i).process <> "" Then
sql_str = "INSERT INTO costs (AP_ID,INTERNAL_ID,siglum,process,type,"
sql_str = sql_str & "description,object,hours,rate,costs,startdate,enddate) "
sql_str = sql_str & "VALUES ('" & ID & "', '" & i & "', '" & costs_array(i).siglum & "', "
sql_str = sql_str & "'" & costs_array(i).process & "', '" & costs_array(i).type & "', "
sql_str = sql_str & "'" & costs_array(i).description & "', '" & costs_array(i).object & "', "
sql_str = sql_str & "" & costs_array(i).hours & ", " & costs_array(i).rate & ", "
sql_str = sql_str & "" & costs_array(i).costs & ", " & Format(costs_array(i).startdate, "\# YYYY-MM-DD \#") & ", " & Format(costs_array(i).enddate, "\# YYYY-MM-DD \#") & ")"
MsgBox sql_str
Set RS = connection.Execute(sql_str) ' Hier entsteht der Fehler!
End If
Next i
If Not RS Is Nothing Then Set RS = Nothing
If Not connection Is Nothing Then Set connection = Nothing
DoCmd.Hourglass False
End Function
INSERT INTO costs (AP_ID,INTERNAL_ID,siglum,process,type,description,object,hours,rate,costs,startdate,enddate) VALUES ('0', '0', 'siglum', 'process', 'Other Exp.', 'desciprtion', 'object', 0, 0, 123324, # 2008-02-07 #, # 2008-02-07 #)