Folge dem Video um zu sehen, wie unsere Website als Web-App auf dem Startbildschirm installiert werden kann.
Anmerkung: Diese Funktion ist in einigen Browsern möglicherweise nicht verfügbar.
SELECT F . * , K.ort, (
ACOS( SIN( * PI( ) /180 ) * SIN( * PI( ) /180 ) + COS( * PI( ) /180 ) * COS( * PI( ) /180 ) * COS( (
K2.lon - K.lon
) * PI( ) /180 ) ) *180 / PI( )
) *60 * 1.1515 * 1.609344
) AS distance
FROM geodb_firmen AS F
JOIN geodb_koordinaten AS K ON K.plz = F.plz
SELECT lat, lon
FROM geodb_koordinaten
WHERE plz = '01324'
) AS K2
HAVING distance <= 20
ORDER BY distance
Nö. Glaub ich nicht.Ich hab jetzt doch die geodb Datenbank genommen, da es mehrere doppelte Datensätze in der anderen gab.
Hast du SSH-Zugriff?Wie kann man die geodb mit den deutschen Datensätzen am besten importieren, da wegen der größe immer ein PHp- Timeout kommt (nicht beim Upload sondern bei den inserts)?
Aus dem, was oben steht, könnte man doch schon was machen...?...
Bei der Ausgabe soll dann der Arzt Mustermann angezeigt werden inklusive mit der ungefähtet Entfernung in Km.
Wie mach ich das?
$erdradius = 6371;
$sql = "SELECT coo.lon, FROM geodb_coordinates AS coo INNER JOIN geodb_textdata AS textdata ON textdata.loc_id = coo.loc_id
WHERE textdata.text_val = '$plz'";
$res = $GLOBALS["TYPO3_DB"]->sql_query($sql);
list($lon, $lat) = mysql_fetch_row($res);
$lambda = $lon * pi() / 180;
$phi = $lat * pi() / 180;
$ursprungx = $erdradius * cos($phi) * cos($lambda);
$ursprungy = $erdradius * cos($phi) * sin($lambda);
$ursprungz = $erdradius * sin($phi);
$sql = "SELECT adressen.*, coo.loc_id, coo.lon, FROM tx_implantateadressen_adr AS adressen INNER JOIN geodb_textdata AS textdata ON textdata.text_val = adressen.plz
AND textdata.text_type = '500300000' INNER JOIN geodb_coordinates AS coo ON textdata.loc_id = coo.loc_id WHERE (2 * $erdradius) * ASIN(SQRT(POWER($ursprungx - $erdradius * COS( * PI() / 180) * COS(coo.lon * PI() / 180), 2)
+ POWER($ursprungy - $erdradius * COS( * PI() / 180) * SIN(coo.lon * PI() / 180), 2) + POWER($ursprungz - $erdradius * SIN( * PI() / 180), 2)
) / (2 * $erdradius)) <= $entf ";
SELECT adressen.*, coo.loc_id, coo.lon, FROM tx_implantateadressen_adr AS adressen INNER JOIN geodb_textdata AS textdata ON textdata.text_val = adressen.plz AND textdata.text_type = '500300000' INNER JOIN geodb_coordinates AS coo ON textdata.loc_id = coo.loc_id WHERE (2 * 6371) * ASIN(SQRT(POWER(3890.3007065438 - 6371 * COS( * PI() / 180) * COS(coo.lon * PI() / 180), 2) + POWER(951.95052658408 - 6371 * COS( * PI() / 180) * SIN(coo.lon * PI() / 180), 2) + POWER(4954.6938964583 - 6371 * SIN( * PI() / 180), 2) ) / (2 * 6371)) <= 100
** ZIP Codes in a Radius in USA and Canada
** This PHP Script requires 4 GET parameters: zipcode, country (us/ca), radius, unit (miles/km)
** Plus the database tables us and ca containing the ZIP Code-Lon/Lat data.
** Example call: /tools_radius.php?zipcode=90210&country=us&radius=10&unit=miles
/* Connecting to MySQL server: */
@mysql_connect($CFG_DB['db_host'], $CFG_DB['db_user'], $CFG_DB['db_pass'])
or die("Error: mysql_connect() failed");
/* Selecting client character set: */
/* Selecting database: */
or die("Error: mysql_select_db() failed");
function getCountryIndex($sCountry) {
static $aIndexes= array("us" => 1, "ca" => 2);
return isset($aIndexes[$sCountry])? $aIndexes[$sCountry] : false;
function getZipName($sCountry) {
if (!($nIndex= getCountryIndex($sCountry))) return false;
static $aVals= array(1=> 'zipcode', 2=> 'postalcode');
return $aVals[$nIndex];
/* Get info for a given ZIP Code value */
function getInfoByZip($sCountry, $sZipValue) {
if (!($sZipName= getZipName($sCountry))) return false;
$sql= "SELECT * FROM `$sCountry` WHERE `$sZipName`='$sZipValue' LIMIT 1";
if (!($h_res= mysql_query($sql)) || !mysql_num_rows($h_res)) return false;
$b_ok= ($a_row= mysql_fetch_assoc($h_res)) && count($a_row);
return $b_ok? $a_row : false;
/* Get coordinates for a given ZIP Code value */
function getCoordsByZip($sCountry, $sZipValue) {
if (!($sZipName= getZipName($sCountry))) return false;
$sql= "SELECT `longitude`, `latitude` FROM `$sCountry` WHERE `$sZipName`='$sZipValue' LIMIT 1";
if (!($h_res= mysql_query($sql)) || !mysql_num_rows($h_res)) return false;
$b_ok= ($a_row= mysql_fetch_row($h_res)) && count($a_row) == 2;
return $b_ok? $a_row : false;
/* Get all ZIP Codes in within the given Radius from a given ZIP Code */
function getZipsByRadius($sRadius, $sCountry, $sZipValue, $sLatitude, $sLongitude) {
if (!($nIndex= getCountryIndex($sCountry))) return false;
$fRadius = (float)$sRadius;
$fLatitude = (float)$sLatitude;
$fLongitude = (float)$sLongitude;
$sXprDistance = "SQRT(POWER(($fLatitude-latitude)*110.7,2)+POWER(($fLongitude-longitude)*75.6,2))";
static $aVals= array(1=> ", statecode AS areacode", 2=> ", provincecode AS areacode");
$sXtraFields= $aVals[$nIndex];
$sql = "SELECT `city`, `longitude`, `latitude`, `zipcode`, $sXprDistance AS distance $sXtraFields FROM `$sCountry` WHERE $sXprDistance <= '$fRadius' ORDER BY distance ASC";
if (!($h_res= mysql_query($sql)) || !mysql_num_rows($h_res)) return false;
$a_ret= array();
while ($a_row= mysql_fetch_assoc($h_res)) {
if (count($a_row)) $a_ret[]= $a_row;
return count($a_ret)? $a_ret : false;
define('F_KMPERMILE', 1.609344 );
function sqr($x) {
return $x * $x;
$b_ok= isset($_REQUEST['zipcode']) && isset($_REQUEST['country']) && isset($_REQUEST['radius']);
if (!$b_ok)
die("Error: parameters are missed");
$sZipCode = $_REQUEST['zipcode'];
$sCountry = $_REQUEST['country'];
$sRadius = $_REQUEST['radius'];
$fRadius = (float)$sRadius;
$sUnit = (isset($_REQUEST['unit']) && $_REQUEST['unit'] == "km")? "km" : "miles";
if ($bUnitMiles = $sUnit=="miles") $fRadius = $fRadius * F_KMPERMILE;
/* Get Info for ZIP Code */
if (!($a_info = getInfoByZip($sCountry, $sZipCode)))
die("Error: zipcode not found");
$sCity = $a_info["city"];
$sLongitude = $a_info["longitude"];
$sLatitude = $a_info["latitude"];
$fLatitude = (float)$sLatitude;
$fLongitude = (float)$sLongitude;
if ($sCountry == "us") {
$sAreacode = $a_info["statecode"];
else {
$sAreacode = $a_info["provincecode"];
$sMaptxt = "$sRadius $sUnit around $sZIPName<br/>$sZIPCode $sCity";
/* Get Info for ZIP Code */
if (!($a_result = getZipsByRadius($fRadius, $sCountry, $sZipCode, $sLatitude, $sLongitude)))
die("Error: zipcode not found");
$sResultlist = ''; $sCondition = '';
foreach ($a_result as $i=> $a_row) {
$sZipCode= $a_row["zipcode"];
$sCity= $a_row["city"];
$sAreacode= $a_row["areacode"];
if ($i==0) {
$sDistance = " (0 $sUnit)";
$sResultlist = "$sZipCode $sCity, $sAreacode$sDistance<br>";
$sCondition .= "'$sZipCode'";
if (strpos($sCondition, "'$sZipCode'")!==false) continue;
$sCondition .= ", '$sZipCode'";
$fLatDiff = $fLatitude - (float)$a_row["latitude"];
$fLonDiff = $fLongitude - (float)$a_row["longitude"];
if ($bUnitMiles)
$sDistance = " (". Round(sqrt(sqr($fLatDiff*110.7)+sqr($fLonDiff*75.6))/F_KMPERMILE,1). " ". $sUnit. ")";
$sDistance = " (". Round(sqrt(sqr($fLatDiff*110.7)+sqr($fLonDiff*75.6)),1). " ". $sUnit. ")";
$sResultlist .= "$sZipCode $sCity, $sAreacode$sDistance<br />";
$sCondition = " zipcode IN ($sCondition)";
/* $sCondition contains the SQL-WHERE statement that could now be used to extract all the 'in-radius' datasets out of another table */
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<title>ZIP Codes in a Radius</title>