aka Dubdidadu
Wenn du phpmyadmin nutzt: Unterpunkt: Neue Spalte einfügen
Folge dem Video um zu sehen, wie unsere Website als Web-App auf dem Startbildschirm installiert werden kann.
Anmerkung: Diese Funktion ist in einigen Browsern möglicherweise nicht verfügbar.
class search extends base {
function search() {
global $CONF, $FORM, $LNG, $TMPL;
$TMPL['header'] = $LNG['search_header'];
if (!$CONF['search']) {
elseif (!isset($FORM['q']) || !$FORM['q']) {
else {
function form() {
global $TMPL;
$TMPL['content'] = $this->do_skin('search_form');
function process() {
global $CONF, $DB, $FORM, $LNG, $TMPL;
$TMPL['query'] = strip_tags($FORM['q']);
$words = explode(' ', $DB->escape($FORM['q']));
// Filter out words that are only 1 or 2 characters
$filtered_words = array_filter($words, create_function('$word', 'return strlen($word) > 2;'));
if (count($filtered_words) > 0) {
$words = $filtered_words;
if (isset($FORM['start'])) {
$start = intval($FORM['start']);
if ($start > 0) {
else {
$start = 0;
$query = "SELECT sites.username, url, url2, url3, title, title2, title3, description, banner_url FROM {$CONF['sql_prefix']}_sites sites, {$CONF['sql_prefix']}_stats stats WHERE active = 1 AND sites.username = stats.username AND (";
$i = 0;
foreach ($words as $word) {
if ($i > 0) {
$query .= " OR ";
$query .= "description LIKE '%{$word}%' OR title LIKE '%{$word}%'";
$query .= ")";
$result = $DB->query($query, __FILE__, __LINE__);
$TMPL['num_results'] = $DB->num_rows($result);
$order_by = $this->rank_by()." DESC";
$query .= " ORDER BY {$order_by}";
$result = $DB->select_limit($query, 10, $start, __FILE__, __LINE__);
$TMPL['results'] = '';
$TMPL['rank'] = $start + 1;
while (list($TMPL['username'], $TMPL['url'], $TMPL['url2'], $TMPL['url3'], $TMPL['title'], $TMPL['title2'], $TMPL['title3'], $TMPL['description'], $TMPL['banner_url']) = $DB->fetch_array($result)) {
foreach ($words as $word) {
$word = preg_quote($word);
$TMPL['description'] = preg_replace_callback("/({$word})/i", create_function('$matches', 'return "<b>{$matches[1]}</b>";'), $TMPL['description']);
$TMPL['title'] = preg_replace_callback("/({$word})/i", create_function('$matches', 'return "<b>{$matches[1]}</b>";'), $TMPL['title']);
$TMPL['title2'] = preg_replace_callback("/({$word})/i", create_function('$matches', 'return "<b>{$matches[1]}</b>";'), $TMPL['title2']);
$TMPL['title3'] = preg_replace_callback("/({$word})/i", create_function('$matches', 'return "<b>{$matches[1]}</b>";'), $TMPL['title3']);
$TMPL['results'] .= $this->do_skin('search_ergebnisse');
if (!$TMPL['results']) {
$prev_num = $start - 9;
if ($prev_num < 1) {
$prev_num = 1;
$next_num = $start + 11;
if ($start >= 1) {
$TMPL['previous'] = "<a href=\"{$TMPL['list_url']}/index.php?a=search&q={$TMPL['query']}&start={$prev_num}\">{$LNG['search_prev']}</a>";
else {
$TMPL['previous'] = $LNG['search_prev'];
if ($next_num <= $TMPL['num_results']) {
$TMPL['next'] = "<a href=\"{$TMPL['list_url']}/index.php?a=search&q={$TMPL['query']}&start={$next_num}\">{$LNG['search_next']}</a>";
else {
$TMPL['next'] = $LNG['search_next'];
$TMPL['displaying_results'] = sprintf($LNG['search_displaying_results'], ++$start, --$TMPL['rank'], $TMPL['num_results'], $TMPL['query']);
$TMPL['content'] = $this->do_skin('search_ergebnisse');
st ja überseztztforeach ($words as $word) {
Ich will aber ---> wort ungefähr wortwort wie wort.
also ich denke mal,dass es an dieser Stelle liegt
st ja überseztzt
Ich will aber ---> wort ungefähr wort