Kann man mit Javac Folgendes Project vernünftig compelieren

Wie geil ich habs geschafft bzw. besser gesagt kapiert wie man den Eclipse Compiler anspricht. Man kann ja seit kurzem den Batch Compiler einzeln runterladen. In meinem Beispiel würde eine Benutzung wie folgt aussehen

D:\hellobibo>cd src

D:\hellobibo\src>java -jar ecj.jar -cp .;../xercesImpl.jar D:/hellobibo/src/hb/H
Bmain.java -d D:/hellobibo/bin3/
Unable to access jarfile ecj.jar

D:\hellobibo\src>java -jar D:/ecj.jar -cp .;../xercesImpl.jar D:/hellobibo/src/h
b/HBmain.java -d D:/hellobibo/bin3/
1. WARNING in D:\hellobibo\src\hb\HBmain.java (at line 8)
        import org.xml.sax.AttributeList;
The type AttributeList is deprecated
2. WARNING in D:\hellobibo\src\hb\HBmain.java (at line 11)
        import org.xml.sax.DocumentHandler;
The type DocumentHandler is deprecated
3. WARNING in D:\hellobibo\src\hb\HBmain.java (at line 15)
        import org.xml.sax.Parser;
The type Parser is deprecated
4. WARNING in D:\hellobibo\src\hb\HBmain.java (at line 23)
        import org.xml.sax.helpers.ParserFactory;
The type ParserFactory is deprecated
5. WARNING in D:\hellobibo\src\hb\HBmain.java (at line 33)
        DocumentHandler // deprecated in SAX2
The type DocumentHandler is deprecated
6. WARNING in D:\hellobibo\src\hb\HBmain.java (at line 336)
        public void startElement(String name, AttributeList attributes)
The type AttributeList is deprecated
7. WARNING in D:\hellobibo\src\hb\HBmain.java (at line 350)
        int length = attributes.getLength();
The method getLength() from the type AttributeList is deprecated
8. WARNING in D:\hellobibo\src\hb\HBmain.java (at line 355)
        String attrName = attributes.getName(i);
The method getName(int) from the type AttributeList is deprecated
9. WARNING in D:\hellobibo\src\hb\HBmain.java (at line 356)
        String attrType = attributes.getType(i);
The method getType(int) from the type AttributeList is deprecated
10. WARNING in D:\hellobibo\src\hb\HBmain.java (at line 357)
        String attrValue = attributes.getValue(i);
The method getValue(int) from the type AttributeList is deprecated
11. WARNING in D:\hellobibo\src\hb\HBmain.java (at line 739)
        PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(System.out);
The local variable out is never read
12. WARNING in D:\hellobibo\src\hb\HBmain.java (at line 764)
        Parser sax1Parser = ParserFactory.makeParser(parserName);
The type Parser is deprecated
13. WARNING in D:\hellobibo\src\hb\HBmain.java (at line 764)
        Parser sax1Parser = ParserFactory.makeParser(parserName);
The type ParserFactory is deprecated
14. WARNING in D:\hellobibo\src\hb\HBmain.java (at line 764)
        Parser sax1Parser = ParserFactory.makeParser(parserName);
The method makeParser(String) from the type ParserFactory is deprecated
15. WARNING in D:\hellobibo\src\hb\HBmain.java (at line 861)
The method setDocumentHandler(DocumentHandler) from the type Parser is deprecate
16. WARNING in D:\hellobibo\src\hb\HBmain.java (at line 861)
The type Parser is deprecated
16 problems (16 warnings)