// Set the PHP Timeout to 0, so we wont get killed by PHP
// define \r\n for easy use
define ('CRLF', "\r\n");
// Just some variables we need to connect
$nick = 'tester'; // The nick
$username = 'me'; // The Username (username@hostname)
$localhost = 'localhost'; // The localhost, this dosen't really metter, the server will find the right one, or use your IP.
$remotehost = 'irc.quakenet.eu.org'; // The server we are connecting to
$realname = 'me myself'; // Your realname, (real my ass;)
$channel = '#channel'; // Channel we join to on connect
// Open the socket
$fp = fsockopen($remotehost,6667, &$err_num, &$err_msg, 30);
if(!$fp) { // Error trying to connect
print "Sorry, the server is not currently available!";
// Send the connect data (This is a part of the IRC RCF, read it if you are going to code more irc stuff)
$Header = 'NICK ' . $nick . CRLF;
$Header .= 'USER ' . $username . ' ' . $localhost . ' ' . $remotehost . ' :' . $realname . CRLF;
fputs($fp, $Header);
// define response as a variable, so we wont get a error.
$response = '';
while (!feof($fp)) { // Make a while loop untill the socket is closed
$response .= fgets($fp, 1024); // Append 1024 bytes to $response (if any), from the socket buffer
while (substr_count($response,CRLF) != 0) { // Check if there is CRLF (linesplit) in $response, and do that untill none
$offset = strpos($response, CRLF); // Just to know where the line ends
$data = substr($response,0,$offset); // Split the line from the rest of the data
$response = substr($response,$offset+2); // Split the rest from the line
if ( substr($data,0,1) == ':' ) { // If the first char is : then go to this loop
// Lines starting whit : are in this format
// :sender command :text
// So we need to split it like that
$offsetA = strpos($data, ' '); // Find first space
$dFrom = substr($data,1,$offsetA-1); // set $dFrom as the sender
$offsetB = strpos($data, ' :'); // Find the first :
$dCommand = substr($data,$offsetA+1,$offsetB-$offsetA-1); // Set $dCommand as the command
$dText = substr($data,$offsetB+2); // set $dText as the text.
if ( substr($dCommand,0,3) == '004' ) {
// This is just a part of the connect headers that the server send. (001,002,003,004,005)
// Some server dont send 005, so i use 004 to know if i´m connected
fputs($fp,'JOIN ' . $channel . CRLF); // Join $channel
fputs($fp,'PRIVMSG ' . $master . ' Es funzt!' . CRLF);
elseif ( substr($dCommand,0,7) == 'PRIVMSG' ) {
// If somebody msgs us, or if there is some tolk on a channal, this is send.
if ( Ord(substr($dText,0,1)) == 1 ) {
// If first chars acsii code is 1 then its a CTCP question.
if ( substr($dText,1,4) == 'PING' ) {
// Sombody CTCP pinged us, lets respond
fputs($fp,':' . $nick . ' NOTICE ' . $dFrom . ' :' . chr(1) . 'PING ' . substr($dText,6) . chr(1) . CRLF);
elseif ( substr($dText,1,7) == 'VERSION' ) {
// Somebody versiond us, lets respond
fputs($fp,':' . $nick . ' NOTICE ' . $dFrom . ' :' . chr(1) . 'VERSION PHPirc' . chr(1) . CRLF);
if ( substr($dText,1,5) == 'CLOSE' ) {
// Reaktion auf "/ctcp [botname] close"
fclose ($fp); //close socket
else {
// Else, do this. This is just a relay of all privemsg sent to use, will go right to the server.
// so we can send RAW message for testing:)
fputs($fp,$dText . CRLF);
elseif ( substr($data,0,4) == 'PING' ) { // Else if first 4 chars are PING do this
// If the server pings us, respond. This must be done or we will get timeout
fputs($fp,'PONG ' . substr($data,5) . CRLF);
// If we are here, then the server has disconnected use
// Close the socket
fclose ($fp);