Fehlersuche bei Pagination

Der Link muß so lauten:


zu sehen unter Firebug

path	ajax_get_file_listing.php?view=thumbnail
path	../uploaded/
view	thumbnail
irgendwie doppelt oder? :)
wo hast du das gesehen auf der testseite seh ich nix

ps hatte da ausversehen noch ne alte ajaxfilemanager.php drauf sorry bitte schau noch mal


was machst du da?
Also ich würde dir vorschlagen, erstmal nur das Skript, ohne den ganzen Getöns ringsrum, zum laufen zu bringen.

Bei mir hagelt es nur Fehlermeldungen. Wenn ich dir helfen soll, dann mache bitte erstmal Ordnung.
<script type="text/javascript">window.onload = function() {SortTable.init();}</script>
<script>var pfad ="../../../../e107_plugins/hupsi_fancybox/";
<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='../../../../e107_plugins/hupsi_fancybox/uploader/uploadify.css' media='screen' />
	<script type='text/javascript' src='../../../../e107_plugins/hupsi_fancybox/fancybox/jqueryload.js'></script>
    <script type='text/javascript' src='../../../../e107_plugins/hupsi_fancybox/fancybox/fancyboxload.js'></script>	
	<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='../../../../e107_plugins/hupsi_fancybox/button/button.css' media='screen' /> 
	<script type='text/javascript' src='../../../../e107_plugins/hupsi_fancybox/uploader/swfobject.js'></script>

	<script type='text/javascript' src='../../../../e107_plugins/hupsi_fancybox/uploader/jquery.uploadify.v2.1.4.min.js'></script>	  
 	<script type='text/javascript' src='../../../../e107_plugins/hupsi_fancybox/js/sorttable.js'></script>
	<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='../../../../e107_plugins/hupsi_fancybox/js/hupsfancy.css' media='screen' /> 
	<script type='text/javascript'src='../../../../e107_plugins/hupsi_fancybox/js/jquery.tipTip.js'></script>
	<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='../../../../e107_plugins/hupsi_fancybox/js/tipTip.css' media='screen' />
1. "../../../../" Das kannst du mit einer htaccess anders machen.
2. window.onload = function() {SortTable.init();} warum dort schon? Sortable ist doch noch garnicht geladen.
3. jQuery.noConflict(); Jquery auch nicht.

nur mal auf die Rasche.
ich habe den fehler glaube ich gefunden

es fehlt das Limit im link ajaxfilemanager.php?Limit=10&view=thumbnail&path=../uploaded/test/

das kommt aus der class.pagination.php

function getPaginationHTML($type=1, $cssClass="pagination")
		$output = '';
		$output .= "<div class=\"pagination_content\"><p class=\"$cssClass\">\n";
			case "2":
				$output .= "<span class=\"pagination_summany\">" . $this->getFirstItem() . " to " . $this->getLastItem() . " of " . $this->getTotal() . " results.</span> ";	
			if($previousUrl = $this->getPreviousUrl())
				$output .= " " . $previousUrl;

			if($nextUrl = $this->getNextUrl())
				$output .= " " . $nextUrl;
			case 1:
				//get full summary pagination
				$output .= "<span class=\"pagination_summany\">" . $this->getFirstItem() . "/" . $this->getLastItem() . " (" . $this->getTotal() . ")</span> ";
			if($firstUrl = $this->getFirstUrl())
				$output .= " " . $firstUrl;
			if($previousUrl = $this->getPreviousUrl())
				$output .= " " . $previousUrl;

			if($groupUrls = $this->getGroupUrls())
				$output .= " " . $groupUrls;
			if($nextUrl = $this->getNextUrl())
				$output .= " " . $nextUrl;
			if($lastUrl = $this->getLastUrl())
				$output .= " " . $lastUrl;
			$itemPerPage = '';
			$itemPerPage .= "<select name=\"" . $this->limitIndex . "\" id=\"limit\" class=\"input inputLimit\" onchange=\"changePaginationLimit();\">\n";
			foreach ($this->limits as $v)
				$itemPerPage .= "<option value=\"" . $v . "\" " . ($v==$this->itemsPerPage?'selected="selected"':'') . ">" . $v . "</option>\n";
			$itemPerPage .= "</select>\n"; 
			$output .= "<span class=\"pagination_items_per_page\">";
			$output .= sprintf(PAGINATION_ITEMS_PER_PAGE, $itemPerPage);
			$output .= "</span>";
			$output .= "<span class=\"pagination_parent\"><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"goParentFolder();\" id=\"pagination_parent_link\" title=\"" . PAGINATION_GO_PARENT . "\">&nbsp;</a></span>";

		$output .= "</p></div>";


diese funktion wird hier aufgerufen oder ****

$text .= $pagination->getPaginationHTML();

es fehlt im Layout das Komplette $output;

daher bekommt er nicht das Limit=10& in den link.

währe ja nicht so schlimm limit 10 reicht mir , wenn ich es fest einbaue nur finde ich leider nicht den code wo er es einbaut das limit
Entweder kannst du das limit in der Config bestimmen oder im entsprechenden JS oder es ist hardcodet. Die Funktion getPaginationHTML() erstellt nur das pagination Html, sind aber nur 2 datensätze, wozu dan Pagination.

Das ist aber nicht dein Problem, siehe weiter oben.
habe das ganze mal auf den manager begrenzt

er übergibt die getvariable irgenwie nicht .

wenn ihr nochmal bitte draufschauen wollt.

die andere seite war zu voll gepackt.

er zeigt den Inhalt der ganzen klasse im html code nicht an
		die('Permission denied');
 * Pagination Class
 * @author Logan Cai  (cailongqun [at] yahoo [dot] com [dot] cn)
 * @since 27/Nov/20006
class pagination
	var $totalItems = 0;
	var $itemsPerPage = 30;
	var $currentPage = 1;
	var $friendlyUrl = false;
	var $baseUrl = "";
	var $pageIndex = "page";
	var $groupLimit = 5;
	var $excludedQueryStrings = array();
	var $totalPages = 0;
	var $url = "";
	var $previousText = "Previous";
	var $nextText = "Next";
	var $lastText = "Last";
	var $firstText = "First";
	var $limitIndex ='limit';
	var $limits = array(5, 10, 20, 30, 50, 80, 150, 999);

	 * Contructor
	 * @param boolean $friendlyUrl set the returned url
	 * as search engine friendly or Normal Url
	function pagination($friendlyUrl=false)
		$this->friendlyUrl = $friendlyUrl;

	 * set maximum number of items per page
	 * @param integer $value maximum number of items per page
	function setLimit($value)
		$this->itemsPerPage = intval($value);
	 * get maximum number of items per page
	 * @return integer
	function getLimit()
		return $this->itemsPerPage;

	 * set the total number of items
	 * @param integer $value the total number of items
	function setTotal($value)
		$this->totalItems = intval($value);
	 * get the total number of items
	 * @return integer total number of items
	function getTotal()
		return $this->totalItems;
	 * get total pages will be used to display all records
	function getTotalPages()

		$output = floor(($this->totalItems / $this->itemsPerPage ));
		if($this->totalItems % $this->itemsPerPage)
		return $output;

	 * Set the index of URL Query String
	 * @param string $value e.g. page
	function setPageIndex($value)
		$this->pageIndex = $value;

	function getPageIndex()
		return $this->pageIndex;
	 * initiate or reset the current page number
	function __resetCurrentPage()
		$this->currentPage = ((isset($_GET[$this->pageIndex]) && intval($_GET[$this->pageIndex]) > 0)?intval($_GET[$this->pageIndex]):1);

	 * set the base url used in the links, default is $PHP_SELF
	 * @param string $value the base url
	function setUrl($value="")
				$this->url = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "/";
				$this->url = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
			$this->url = $value;


	 * get the base url variable
	 * @return string the base url
	function getUrl()


		return $this->url;

	 * set base url for pagination links after exculed those keys
	 * identified on excluded query strings
	function __setBaseUrl()


			$this->baseUrl = $this->getUrl();

			$appendingQueryStrings = array();
			$this->excludedQueryStrings[$this->pageIndex] =$this->pageIndex;
			foreach($_GET as $k=>$v)
				if((array_search($k, $this->excludedQueryStrings) === false ))
					$appendingQueryStrings[$k] = $k . "=" . $v;
				$this->baseUrl = $this->__appendQueryString($this->url, implode("&", $appendingQueryStrings));
				$this->baseUrl = $this->getUrl();


	 * get base url for pagination links aftr excluded those key
	 * identified on excluded query strings
	function __getBaseUrl()


		return $this->baseUrl;

	 * get the first item number
	 * @return interger the first item number displayed within current page
	function getFirstItem()
		$output = 0;
		$temStartItemNumber = (($this->currentPage - 1) * $this->itemsPerPage + 1);
		if($this->totalItems && $temStartItemNumber <= $this->totalItems )

			$output = $temStartItemNumber;
		return $output;
	 * get the last item number displayed within current page
	 * @return interger the last item number
	function getLastItem()
		$output = 0;
		$temEndItemNumber = (($this->currentPage) * $this->itemsPerPage);
			if($temEndItemNumber <= $this->totalItems)
				$output = $temEndItemNumber;
				$output = $this->totalItems;

		return $output;
	 * set  page groupings limit
	 * used for previous 1 2 3 4 5 next
	 * @param unknown_type $value
	function setGroupLimit($value)
		$this->groupLimit = intval($value);
	 * get page grouping limit
	 * @return integer the page grouping limit
	function getGroupLimit()
		return $this->groupLimit;
	 * get the page offset number
	 * used for Query . e.g SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS *
	 * 						FROM mytable LIMIT getPageOffset(), getItemsPerPage()
	 * @return iner
	function getPageOffset()
		return (($this->currentPage - 1)  * $this->itemsPerPage);
	 * get the last url if any
	 * @return  string the last url
	function getLastUrl()

		$url = "";
		$totalPages = $this->getTotalPages();
		if($this->currentPage < $totalPages)
			$url = $this->__getBaseUrl();

				$url .= $this->pageIndex . $totalPages . "/";
				$url = $this->__appendQueryString($url, $this->pageIndex . "=" . $totalPages);
			$url = sprintf('<a href="%s" class="pagination_last"><span>%s</span></a>',
		return $url;

	 * get the first url if any
	 * @return string the first url

	function getFirstUrl()
		$url = "";
		if($this->currentPage > 1)
			$url = $this->__getBaseUrl();
				$url .= $this->pageIndex .  "1/";
				$url = $this->__appendQueryString($url, $this->pageIndex . "=1");
			$url = sprintf('<a href="%s" class="pagination_first"><span>%s</span></a>',

		return $url;

	 * get the previous page url if anywhere
	 * @param array $excludedQueryStrings excluded the value from $_GET
	 * @return string the previous page url
	function getPreviousUrl()
		$url = "";
		if($this->currentPage > 1 && $this->totalItems > 0 )
			$url = $this->__getBaseUrl();
				$url .= $this->pageIndex . ($this->currentPage - 1) . "/";
				$url = $this->__appendQueryString($url, $this->pageIndex . "=" . ($this->currentPage -1));
			$url = sprintf('<a href="%s" class="pagination_previous"><span>%s</span></a>',


		return $url;
	 * get the next page url if anywhere
	 * @param array $excludedQueryStrings excluded the value from $_GET
	 * @return string the next page url
	function getNextUrl()
		$url = "";
		if($this->totalItems > ($this->currentPage * $this->itemsPerPage))
			$url = $this->__getBaseUrl();
				$url .= $this->pageIndex . ($this->currentPage + 1) . "/";
				$url = $this->__appendQueryString($url, $this->pageIndex . "=" . ($this->currentPage + 1));
			$url = sprintf('<a href="%s" class="pagination_next"><span>%s</span></a>',
		return $url;


	 * get the group page links  e.g. 1,2,3,4,5
	 * return format
	 * <a class="pagination_group" href='yoururl'>1</a>
	 * <a class="pagination_group active" href='#'>2</a>
	 * <a class="pagination_group" href='yoururl'>3</a>
	function getGroupUrls()
		$output = "";
		if($this->totalItems > 0)
			$displayedPages = 0;
			$url = $this->__getBaseUrl();
			$totalPages = $this->getTotalPages();
			// find halfway point
			$groupLimitHalf = floor($this->groupLimit / 2);
			// determine what item/page we start with
			$itemStart = $this->currentPage - $groupLimitHalf;
			$itemStart = ($itemStart > 0 && $itemStart <= $totalPages)?$itemStart:1;
			$itemEnd = $itemStart;

			while($itemEnd < ($itemStart + $this->groupLimit - 1) && $itemEnd < $totalPages)

			if($totalPages > ($itemEnd - $itemStart))
				for($i = $itemStart; $i > 1 && ($itemEnd - $itemStart + 1) < $this->groupLimit; $i--)

			for($item = $itemStart; $item <= $itemEnd; $item++)
				if($item != $this->currentPage)
				{//it is not the active link
						$temUrl = $url . $this->pageIndex . $item .   "/";
						$temUrl  = $this->__appendQueryString($url, $this->pageIndex . "=" . $item);
					$output .= sprintf(' <a class="pagination_group" href="%s"><span>%d</span></a> ', $temUrl, $item);
				{//active link
					$output .= sprintf(' <a class="pagination_group pagination_active" href="#"><span>%d</span></a> ', $item);
		return $output;
	 * set the text of previous page link
	 * @param string $value
	function setPreviousText($value)
		$this->previousText = $value;
	 * set the text of first page link
	 * @param string $value
	function setFirstText($value)
		$this->firstText = $value;
	 * set the text of next page link
	 * @param string $value

	function setNextText($value)
		$this->nextText = $value;
	 * set the text of last page link
	 * @param string $value
	function setLastText($value)
		$this->lastText = $value;

	 * set the excluded query string from $_GET;
	 * @param array the lists of the query string keys

	function setExcludedQueryString($values = array())
		$this->excludedQueryStrings = $values;

	function getExcludedQueryString()
		return $this->excludedQueryStrings;

	 * add extra query stiring to a url
	 * @param string $baseUrl
	 * @param string $extra the query string added to the base url
	function __appendQueryString($baseUrl, $extra)
		$output = trim($baseUrl);
		if(strpos($baseUrl, "?") !== false)
			$output .= "&" . $extra;
			$output .= "?" . $extra;
		return $output;
	 * return the html
	 * @param integer $type
	function getPaginationHTML($type=1, $cssClass="pagination")
		$output = '';
		$output .= "<div class=\"pagination_content\"><p class=\"$cssClass\">\n";
			case "2":
				$output .= "<span class=\"pagination_summany\">" . $this->getFirstItem() . " to " . $this->getLastItem() . " of " . $this->getTotal() . " results.</span> ";	
			if($previousUrl = $this->getPreviousUrl())
				$output .= " " . $previousUrl;

			if($nextUrl = $this->getNextUrl())
				$output .= " " . $nextUrl;
			case 1:
				//get full summary pagination
				$output .= "<span class=\"pagination_summany\">" . $this->getFirstItem() . "/" . $this->getLastItem() . " (" . $this->getTotal() . ")</span> ";
			if($firstUrl = $this->getFirstUrl())
				$output .= " " . $firstUrl;
			if($previousUrl = $this->getPreviousUrl())
				$output .= " " . $previousUrl;

			if($groupUrls = $this->getGroupUrls())
				$output .= " " . $groupUrls;
			if($nextUrl = $this->getNextUrl())
				$output .= " " . $nextUrl;
			if($lastUrl = $this->getLastUrl())
				$output .= " " . $lastUrl;
			$itemPerPage = '';
			$itemPerPage .= "<select name=\"" . $this->limitIndex . "\" id=\"limit\" class=\"input inputLimit\" onchange=\"changePaginationLimit();\">\n";
			foreach ($this->limits as $v)
				$itemPerPage .= "<option value=\"" . $v . "\" " . ($v==$this->itemsPerPage?'selected="selected"':'') . ">" . $v . "</option>\n";
			$itemPerPage .= "</select>\n"; 
			$output .= "<span class=\"pagination_items_per_page\">";
			$output .= sprintf(PAGINATION_ITEMS_PER_PAGE, $itemPerPage);
			$output .= "</span>";
			$output .= "<span class=\"pagination_parent\"><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"goParentFolder();\" id=\"pagination_parent_link\" title=\"" . PAGINATION_GO_PARENT . "\">&nbsp;</a></span>";

		$output .= "</p></div>";

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Habe mir das mal local installiert. 5 Minuten und schon lief es ohne Probleme.

  1. create a folder for your website, e.g. C:/Inetpub/wwwroot/ajaxfilemanager/
  2. download the lastest ajax file manager file and unzip it, you should see *_test.php, ajaxfilemanager and uploaded folder
  3. move the ajaxfilemanager folder to C:/Inetpub/wwwroot/ajaxfilemanager/
  4. move the uploaded folder to C:/Inetpub/wwwroot/ajaxfilemanager/
  5. make sure you have read and write permissions to folders of uploaded and session
  6. make sure the CONFIG_THEME_MODE is stand_alone in (config.base.php)
  7. change CONFIG_SYS_ROOT_PATH and CONFIG_SYS_DEFAULT_PATH to be ../uploaded/ in config.base.php
  8. you should have the next directory structure ..
    |___ ajaxfilemanager
    |___ uploaded
  9. now visit the test.php via http://localhost/ajaxfilemanger/ajaxfilemanager/ajaxfilemanager.php

Also poste mal deine Base.config.php und sage welche Änderungen du noch gemacht hast.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator: