Erfahrenes Mitglied
Sry das ich so oft hier reinschreibe aber bei dem installieren eines Hostingscripts erscheint ein Fehler nach dem anderen einige habe ich schon selbst gelöst aber einige bekomme ich net gelöst
Hier die Fehler:
Warning: CreateObject(/phpgwapi/inc/ [function.CreateObject]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\apache\xampp\htdocs\phpgroupware\phpgwapi\inc\ on line 43
Warning: CreateObject() [function.include]: Failed opening '/phpgwapi/inc/' for inclusion (include_path='.;c:\apache\xampp\php\pear\') in C:\apache\xampp\htdocs\phpgroupware\phpgwapi\inc\ on line 43
Fatal error: Class 'phpgw' not found in C:\apache\xampp\htdocs\phpgroupware\phpgwapi\inc\ : eval()'d code on line 1
Hier der Code von zeile 1 bis 71:
Hier die Fehler:
Warning: CreateObject(/phpgwapi/inc/ [function.CreateObject]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\apache\xampp\htdocs\phpgroupware\phpgwapi\inc\ on line 43
Warning: CreateObject() [function.include]: Failed opening '/phpgwapi/inc/' for inclusion (include_path='.;c:\apache\xampp\php\pear\') in C:\apache\xampp\htdocs\phpgroupware\phpgwapi\inc\ on line 43
Fatal error: Class 'phpgw' not found in C:\apache\xampp\htdocs\phpgroupware\phpgwapi\inc\ : eval()'d code on line 1
Hier der Code von zeile 1 bis 71:
if (floor(phpversion()) == 3)
* Direct functions, which are not part of the API class *
* because they are require to be availble at the lowest level. *
@function CreateObject
@abstract Load a class and include the class file if not done so already.
@discussion Author: mdean, milosch (thanks to jengo and ralf)<br>
This function is used to create an instance of a class,
and if the class file has not been included it will do so. <br>
Syntax: CreateObject('app.class', 'constructor_params'); <br>
Example1: $phpgw->acl = CreateObject('phpgwapi.acl');
@param $classname name of class
@param $p1-$p16 class parameters (all optional)
function CreateObject($class,
global $phpgw_info, $phpgw;
if (is_object(@$GLOBALS['phpgw']->log) && $class != 'phpgwapi.error' && $class != 'phpgwapi.errorlog')
//$GLOBALS['phpgw']->log->write(array('text'=>'D-Debug, dbg: %1','p1'=>'This class was run: '.$class,'file'=>__FILE__,'line'=>__LINE__));
/* error_reporting(0); */
list($appname,$classname) = explode(".", $class);
if (!isset($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['included_classes'][$classname]) ||
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['included_classes'][$classname] = True;
if ($p1 == '_UNDEF_' && $p1 != 1)
eval('$obj = new ' . $classname . ';');
$input = array($p1,$p2,$p3,$p4,$p5,$p6,$p7,$p8,$p9,$p10,$p11,$p12,$p13,$p14,$p15,$p16);
$i = 1;
$code = '$obj = new ' . $classname . '(';
while (list($x,$test) = each($input))
if (($test == '_UNDEF_' && $test != 1 ) || $i == 17)
$code .= '$p' . $i . ',';
$code = substr($code,0,-1) . ');';
/* error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE); */
return $obj;