Delphi BBCode für phpbb



ich suche nen Delphi bbCode für mein phpbb forum! Kennt sich damit jemand aus....

Ich habe hier ne Funktion, die delphi text highlited...

wer kann mir sowas in mein Forum einbinden...

bin auch bereit was dafür zu bezahlen...




global $BEAUT_PATH;
if (!isset ($BEAUT_PATH)) return;
  class HFile_delphi extends HFile{
   function HFile_delphi(){

// Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File 
// Delphi 4
// Flags

$this->nocase            	= "1";
$this->notrim            	= "0";
$this->perl              	= "0";

// Colours

$this->colours        	= array("blue", "purple", "gray", "brown");
$this->quotecolour       	= "blue";
$this->blockcommentcolour	= "green";
$this->linecommentcolour 	= "green";

// Indent Strings

$this->indent            	= array("begin", "repeat", "asm", "type");
$this->unindent          	= array("end", "until");

// String characters and delimiters

$this->stringchars       	= array("'");
$this->delimiters        	= array("#", "$", "&", "'", "(", ")", "*", "+", ",", "-", ".", "/", ";", "<", ">", "@", "[", "]", "^", "{", "}", " ", "	");
$this->escchar           	= "";

// Comment settings

$this->linecommenton     	= array("//");
$this->blockcommenton    	= array("{");
$this->blockcommentoff   	= array("}");

// Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)

$this->keywords          	= array(
			"array" => "1", 
			"asm" => "1", 
			"begin" => "1", 
			"case" => "1", 
			"class" => "1", 
			"const" => "1", 
			"constructor" => "1", 
			"destructor" => "1", 
			"dispinterface" => "1", 
			"do" => "1", 
			"downto" => "1", 
			"else" => "1", 
			"end" => "1", 
			"except" => "1", 
			"exports" => "1", 
			"file" => "1", 
			"finalization" => "1", 
			"finally" => "1", 
			"for" => "1", 
			"function" => "1", 
			"goto" => "1", 
			"if" => "1", 
			"implementation" => "1", 
			"inherited" => "1", 
			"initialization" => "1", 
			"inline" => "1", 
			"interface" => "1", 
			"label" => "1", 
			"library" => "1", 
			"nil" => "1", 
			"object" => "1", 
			"of" => "1", 
			"out" => "1", 
			"packed" => "1", 
			"procedure" => "1", 
			"program" => "1", 
			"property" => "1", 
			"raise" => "1", 
			"record" => "1", 
			"repeat" => "1", 
			"resourcestring" => "1", 
			"set" => "1", 
			"string" => "1", 
			"then" => "1", 
			"threadvar" => "1", 
			"to" => "1", 
			"try" => "1", 
			"type" => "1", 
			"unit" => "1", 
			"until" => "1", 
			"uses" => "1", 
			"var" => "1", 
			"while" => "1", 
			"with" => "1", 
			"absolute" => "2", 
			"abstract" => "2", 
			"assembler" => "2", 
			"automated" => "2", 
			"cdecl" => "2", 
			"contains" => "2", 
			"default" => "2", 
			"dispid" => "2", 
			"dynamic" => "2", 
			"export" => "2", 
			"external" => "2", 
			"far" => "2", 
			"forward" => "2", 
			"implements" => "2", 
			"index" => "2", 
			"message" => "2", 
			"name" => "2", 
			"near" => "2", 
			"nodefault" => "2", 
			"overload" => "2", 
			"override" => "2", 
			"package" => "2", 
			"pascal" => "2", 
			"private" => "2", 
			"protected" => "2", 
			"public" => "2", 
			"published" => "2", 
			"read" => "2", 
			"readonly" => "2", 
			"register" => "2", 
			"reintroduce" => "2", 
			"requires" => "2", 
			"resident" => "2", 
			"safecall" => "2", 
			"stdcall" => "2", 
			"stored" => "2", 
			"virtual" => "2", 
			"write" => "2", 
			"writeonly" => "2", 
			"*" => "3", 
			"+" => "3", 
			"-" => "3", 
			"//" => "3", 
			"/" => "3", 
			"<" => "3", 
			"<=" => "3", 
			"<>" => "3", 
			"=" => "3", 
			">" => "3", 
			">=" => "3", 
			"@" => "3", 
			"and" => "3", 
			"as" => "3", 
			"div" => "3", 
			"in" => "3", 
			"is" => "3", 
			"mod" => "3", 
			"not" => "3", 
			"or" => "3", 
			"shl" => "3", 
			"shr" => "3", 
			"xor" => "3", 
			"#" => "4", 
			"$" => "4", 
			"&" => "4", 
			"(" => "4", 
			"(." => "4", 
			")" => "4", 
			"," => "4", 
			"." => "4", 
			".)" => "4", 
			".." => "4", 
			":" => "4", 
			":=" => "4", 
			";" => "4", 
			"[" => "4", 
			"]" => "4", 
			"^" => "4");

// Special extensions

// Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
// version of the keyword.

$this->linkscripts    	= array(
			"1" => "donothing", 
			"2" => "donothing", 
			"3" => "donothing", 
			"4" => "donothing");


function donothing($keywordin)
	return $keywordin;


Das ist eigentlich nicht kompliziert.

Du musst nur einen preg_replace in den Code hinzufügen...

Leider weiß ich nicht, wie die Klasse aufgerufen werden muss.
Scheinen nur Definitionen und eine Funktion zu sein, die nichts tut...

Sag mir den Funktionsaufruf und ich such dir den Code raus...

Welche phpBB-Version hast du?
Nichts tut stimmt nicht, denn die klasse erbt methoden von der klasse HFile deren definition allerdings fehlt....

Steht in einem include das hier nicht gepostet wurde.
Ich weiß *g*...
Das Thema "Vererbung"... (extends HFile)

Daher will ich den Aufruf ja wissen.

Ich hoffe, dass da noch eine Antwort kommt, wenn er das haben will.

Mit "nichts tut" war diese Funktion in der Klasse gemeint:
function donothing($keywordin)
    return $keywordin;