Bitte Helft mir mache was falsch


Hallo alle zusammen!

Weis einer von euch was ich da falsch mache?

Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: config_data in /usr/export/www/vhosts/funnetwork/hosting/index.php on line 83

Vielleicht kann mir einer von euch weiterhelfen



$stored_config = 'AutoIndex.conf.php';
$config_generator = 'config.php';

$path_to_classes = './classes/';


function get_microtime()
	list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
	return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
$start_time = get_microtime();


define('IN_AUTOINDEX', true);
define('VERSION', '2.0.0 beta 4');
define('GUEST', 0);
define('USER', 1);
define('ADMIN', 2);

function __autoload($class)
	global $path_to_classes;
	$file = "$path_to_classes$class.php";
	if (!@include_once($file))
		die("Error including file <i>$file</i>.");

if (get_magic_quotes_gpc())
//remove any slashes added by the "magic quotes" setting
	foreach ($_GET as $key => $element)
		$_GET[$key] = stripslashes($element);
	foreach ($_POST as $key => $element)
		$_POST[$key] = stripslashes($element);

if (ini_get('zlib.output_compression') == '1')
//compensate for compressed output set in php.ini
	header('Content-Encoding: gzip');

//now we need to include either the stored settings, or the config generator
if (is_file($stored_config))
	$config = new config_data($stored_config);
else if (is_file($config_generator))
	if (!@include($config_generator))
		new message_die("Error including file <i>$config_generator</i>");
	new message_die("Neither <i>$config_generator</i> nor <i>$stored_config</i> could be found.");

function client_ip()
	if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']))
		return $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'];
	if (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']))
		return $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
	return 'N/A';

//find the user's IP address and hostname
if (!isset($_SESSION['ip'], $_SESSION['host']))
	$_SESSION['ip'] = client_ip();
	$_SESSION['host'] = @gethostbyaddr($_SESSION['ip'])
		or $_SESSION['host'] = 'N/A';
$ip = $_SESSION['ip'];
$host = $_SESSION['host'];

$words = new config_data($config -> __get('path_to_languages')
	. $config -> __get('language') . '.txt');
$log = new logging($config -> __get('log_file'));

foreach ($config as $key => $item)
	$$key = ($item != 'false' && $item != '0');

if ($banned_list && is_file($config -> __get('banned_list')))
	$b_list = @file($config -> __get('banned_list')) or $b_list = array();
	if ($b_list === false)
		new message_die('Error reading from banned_list file.');
	for ($i=0; $i<count($b_list); $i++)
		$b_list[$i] = rtrim($b_list[$i]);
	if (directory_list::match_in_array($ip, $b_list) || directory_list::match_in_array($host, $b_list))
		new message_die('Sorry, the administrator has blocked your IP address or hostname.');

if ($hidden_files && is_file($config -> __get('hidden_files')))
	$hidden_list = @file($config -> __get('hidden_files')) or $hidden_list = array();
	if ($hidden_list === false)
		new message_die('Error reading from hidden_list file.');
	for ($i=0; $i<count($hidden_list); $i++)
		$hidden_list[$i] = rtrim($hidden_list[$i]);
	$hidden_list = array();

$speed = ($bandwidth_limit ? $config -> __get('bandwidth_limit') : 4);

if ($download_count)
	if (!is_file($config -> __get('download_count')))
		$h = @fopen($config -> __get('download_count'), 'wb');
		if ($h === false)
			new message_die('Could not open download count file for writing.');
	$downloads = new config_data($config -> __get('download_count'));

if ($use_login_system && isset($_POST['username'], $_POST['password'])
	&& $_POST['username'] != '' && $_POST['password'] != '')
	$you = new logged_in_user($_POST['username'], sha1($_POST['password']));
	$log -> add_entry('Successful login (Username: ' . $_POST['username'] . ')');
	$_SESSION['password'] = sha1($_POST['password']);
	$_SESSION['username'] = $_POST['username'];
else if ($use_login_system && isset($_SESSION['username'], $_SESSION['password']))
	$you = new logged_in_user($_SESSION['username'], $_SESSION['password']);
	$you = new user();
	if ($use_login_system && $must_login_to_download)
		echo new display('<p>You must login to view and download files.</p>'
			.'<p><table border="0" cellpadding="8" cellspacing="0">'
			.'<tr class="paragraph"><td class="default_td">'
			. $you -> login_box() . '</td></tr></table></p>');

if ($you -> home_dir != '')
	$config -> set('base_dir', $you -> home_dir);
$dir = $config -> __get('base_dir');

if (isset($_GET['dir']))
	$dir .= url::clean_input($_GET['dir']);
	$dir = item::make_sure_slash($dir);
	if (!is_dir($dir))
		$_GET['dir'] = '';
		new message_die('The directory <i>' . htmlentities($dir) . '</i> does not exist.');
	if (isset($_GET['file']) && $_GET['file'] != '')
		$file = url::clean_input($_GET['file']);
		if (!is_file($dir.$file))
			new message_die('File does not exist.');
		if ($anti_leech && !isset($_SESSION['ref']) && (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) || stripos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) === false))
			$log -> add_entry('Leech Attempt');
			new message_die('<h2>This PHP Script has an Anti-Leech feature turned on.</h2>'.
			' <p>Make sure you are accessing this file directly from <a class="default_a" href="http://'
			. $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].'">'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].'</a></p>');
		$log -> add_entry($file);
		if (isset($downloads))
			$downloads -> add_one($dir.$file);
		$url = new url($dir.$file);
		$url -> download();
$subdir = substr($dir, strlen($config -> __get('base_dir')));

if ($md5_show && isset($_GET['md5']) && $_GET['md5'] != '')
	$file = $dir . url::clean_input($_GET['md5']);
	if (!is_file($file))
		new message_die('Error: file does not exist.');
	$size = filesize($file);
	if ($size <= 0 || $size / 1048576 > $config -> __get('md5_show'))
		new message_die('Empty file, or file too big to find the md5sum of (according to the $md5_show variable).');

if ($thumbnail_height && isset($_GET['thumbnail']) && $_GET['thumbnail'] != '')
	$fn = url::clean_input($_GET['thumbnail']);
	new image($fn);

if ($archive && isset($_GET['archive']))
	$list = new directory_list($dir);
	$log -> add_entry('Directory archived');
	$outfile = basename($subdir);
	if ($outfile == '' || $outfile == '.')
		$outfile = 'base_dir';
	header('Content-Type: octet/stream');
	header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'
		. $outfile . '.tar"');
	$tar = new tar($list -> get_file_list(), $outfile, strlen($dir));

if ($description_file && is_file($config -> __get('description_file')))
	$descriptions = new config_data($config -> __get('description_file'));

if (isset($_GET['sort']))
	$_SESSION['sort'] = $_GET['sort'];
else if (!isset($_SESSION['sort']))
	$_SESSION['sort'] = 'filename';

if (isset($_GET['sort_mode']))
	$_SESSION['sort_mode'] = $_GET['sort_mode'];
else if (!isset($_SESSION['sort_mode']))
	$_SESSION['sort_mode'] = 'a';

if (count($_FILES) > 0)
	$upload = new upload($you);
	$upload -> do_upload();

if (isset($_GET['logout']) && $_GET['logout'] == 'true')
	$you -> logout();

if ($use_login_system && isset($_GET['action']))
	$admin = new admin($you);
	$admin -> action($_GET['action']);

$_SESSION['ref'] = true;

if ($search_enabled && isset($_GET['search'], $_GET['search_mode'])
	&& $_GET['search'] != '' && $_GET['search_mode'] != '')
	$s = url::clean_input($_GET['search']);
	$dir_list = new search($s, $dir, $_GET['search_mode']);
	$log -> add_entry("Search: $s");
	$dir_list = new directory_list_detailed($dir);
	$log -> add_entry();
echo new display($dir_list -> __toString());

du instanzierst da 2 classen, die es nicht gibt, oder vielleicht hast du nciht den ganzen Quelltext gepostet ?

Also in Zeile 83 wird eine class instanziert, er kann sie aber nicth instanzieren, weil sie nicht existiert.

ciao filoub
//now we need to include either the stored settings, or the config generator 
if (is_file($stored_config)) 
    $config = new config_data($stored_config); 
Das wird der Abschnitt sein, der Fehler macht. Schau mal nach, in welcher Datei (in deinem Script werden ja einige Dateien zu inkludieren versucht) sich die Klasse config_data befindet (muss etwa so aussehen: class config_data ( ... ) { ).
Anschließend überprüfst du, ob die Datei korrekt bzw. an welcher Stelle deines SCripts sie genau inkludiert wird.
Wenn du dann immer noch keinen Fehler entdecken kannst, poste nochmal (mit der Angabe der betreffenden Datei!).