Hi zusammen,
wollt mir nen Miniscript zurrecht fuddeln das mir einfach Bilder aus einem Verzeichniss liest, ich die dann per Button zippen kann und als Downlaod angeboten bekomme oder einen Downloadlink erhalt, dacht mir mal ich fang mit dem Download an nur erhalte ich immer nur leere Zipfiles evtl. weiß ja noch jemand spontan rat, wollts mit mit der zip.lib.php besorgen aber irgendwo hängts
aso die zip.lib.php
wollt mir nen Miniscript zurrecht fuddeln das mir einfach Bilder aus einem Verzeichniss liest, ich die dann per Button zippen kann und als Downlaod angeboten bekomme oder einen Downloadlink erhalt, dacht mir mal ich fang mit dem Download an nur erhalte ich immer nur leere Zipfiles evtl. weiß ja noch jemand spontan rat, wollts mit mit der zip.lib.php besorgen aber irgendwo hängts
if (isset( $_POST['zippen'] ))
$zipfile=new zipfile();
// Dateinamen aus POST ermitteln
$filename = $_POST['nfilename'];
$clearfilename = substr($filename, strrpos ($filename, "/") + 1);
// Datei einlesen
$handle = fopen ($filename, "r");
$content = fread ($handle, filesize ($filename));
fclose ($handle);
// Datei in Zipfile speichern
$zipfile->addFile($content, $clearfilename, filemtime($filename));
// Header für Download senden
header("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
header('Content-Type: application/zip'); // ZIP file
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Zip-File-Name.zip"');
header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
// senden
echo $zipfile->file();
$ordner = "images";
foreach (glob("$ordner/*.jpg") as $filename) {
echo '<form method="POST" action=' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '>';
echo '<a href=' . $filename . '><img src=' . $filename . ' width=150px height=150px border=0></a><br>';
$nfilename = str_replace("images/", "", $filename);
echo $nfilename;
echo '<input type=submit name=zippen class=zippen value=zippen plz>';
echo '</form>';
/* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */
* @version $Id: zip.lib.php 10240 2007-04-01 11:02:46Z cybot_tm $
* Zip file creation class.
* Makes zip files.
* Based on :
* http://www.zend.com/codex.php?id=535&single=1
* By Eric Mueller <eric@themepark.com>
* http://www.zend.com/codex.php?id=470&single=1
* by Denis125 <webmaster@atlant.ru>
* a patch from Peter Listiak <mlady@users.sourceforge.net> for last modified
* date and time of the compressed file
* Official ZIP file format: http://www.pkware.com/appnote.txt
* @access public
class zipfile
* Array to store compressed data
* @var array $datasec
var $datasec = array();
* Central directory
* @var array $ctrl_dir
var $ctrl_dir = array();
* End of central directory record
* @var string $eof_ctrl_dir
var $eof_ctrl_dir = "\x50\x4b\x05\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00";
* Last offset position
* @var integer $old_offset
var $old_offset = 0;
* Converts an Unix timestamp to a four byte DOS date and time format (date
* in high two bytes, time in low two bytes allowing magnitude comparison).
* @param integer the current Unix timestamp
* @return integer the current date in a four byte DOS format
* @access private
function unix2DosTime($unixtime = 0) {
$timearray = ($unixtime == 0) ? getdate() : getdate($unixtime);
if ($timearray['year'] < 1980) {
$timearray['year'] = 1980;
$timearray['mon'] = 1;
$timearray['mday'] = 1;
$timearray['hours'] = 0;
$timearray['minutes'] = 0;
$timearray['seconds'] = 0;
} // end if
return (($timearray['year'] - 1980) << 25) | ($timearray['mon'] << 21) | ($timearray['mday'] << 16) |
($timearray['hours'] << 11) | ($timearray['minutes'] << 5) | ($timearray['seconds'] >> 1);
} // end of the 'unix2DosTime()' method
* Adds "file" to archive
* @param string file contents
* @param string name of the file in the archive (may contains the path)
* @param integer the current timestamp
* @access public
function addFile($data, $name, $time = 0)
$name = str_replace('\\', '/', $name);
$dtime = dechex($this->unix2DosTime($time));
$hexdtime = '\x' . $dtime[6] . $dtime[7]
. '\x' . $dtime[4] . $dtime[5]
. '\x' . $dtime[2] . $dtime[3]
. '\x' . $dtime[0] . $dtime[1];
eval('$hexdtime = "' . $hexdtime . '";');
$fr = "\x50\x4b\x03\x04";
$fr .= "\x14\x00"; // ver needed to extract
$fr .= "\x00\x00"; // gen purpose bit flag
$fr .= "\x08\x00"; // compression method
$fr .= $hexdtime; // last mod time and date
// "local file header" segment
$unc_len = strlen($data);
$crc = crc32($data);
$zdata = gzcompress($data);
$zdata = substr(substr($zdata, 0, strlen($zdata) - 4), 2); // fix crc bug
$c_len = strlen($zdata);
$fr .= pack('V', $crc); // crc32
$fr .= pack('V', $c_len); // compressed filesize
$fr .= pack('V', $unc_len); // uncompressed filesize
$fr .= pack('v', strlen($name)); // length of filename
$fr .= pack('v', 0); // extra field length
$fr .= $name;
// "file data" segment
$fr .= $zdata;
// "data descriptor" segment (optional but necessary if archive is not
// served as file)
// nijel(2004-10-19): this seems not to be needed at all and causes
// problems in some cases (bug #1037737)
//$fr .= pack('V', $crc); // crc32
//$fr .= pack('V', $c_len); // compressed filesize
//$fr .= pack('V', $unc_len); // uncompressed filesize
// add this entry to array
$this -> datasec[] = $fr;
// now add to central directory record
$cdrec = "\x50\x4b\x01\x02";
$cdrec .= "\x00\x00"; // version made by
$cdrec .= "\x14\x00"; // version needed to extract
$cdrec .= "\x00\x00"; // gen purpose bit flag
$cdrec .= "\x08\x00"; // compression method
$cdrec .= $hexdtime; // last mod time & date
$cdrec .= pack('V', $crc); // crc32
$cdrec .= pack('V', $c_len); // compressed filesize
$cdrec .= pack('V', $unc_len); // uncompressed filesize
$cdrec .= pack('v', strlen($name)); // length of filename
$cdrec .= pack('v', 0); // extra field length
$cdrec .= pack('v', 0); // file comment length
$cdrec .= pack('v', 0); // disk number start
$cdrec .= pack('v', 0); // internal file attributes
$cdrec .= pack('V', 32); // external file attributes - 'archive' bit set
$cdrec .= pack('V', $this -> old_offset); // relative offset of local header
$this -> old_offset += strlen($fr);
$cdrec .= $name;
// optional extra field, file comment goes here
// save to central directory
$this -> ctrl_dir[] = $cdrec;
} // end of the 'addFile()' method
* Dumps out file
* @return string the zipped file
* @access public
function file()
$data = implode('', $this -> datasec);
$ctrldir = implode('', $this -> ctrl_dir);
$data .
$ctrldir .
$this -> eof_ctrl_dir .
pack('v', sizeof($this -> ctrl_dir)) . // total # of entries "on this disk"
pack('v', sizeof($this -> ctrl_dir)) . // total # of entries overall
pack('V', strlen($ctrldir)) . // size of central dir
pack('V', strlen($data)) . // offset to start of central dir
"\x00\x00"; // .zip file comment length
} // end of the 'file()' method
} // end of the 'zipfile' class