// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// 1.81 photokorn gallery
// $Id: pic.inc.php 95 2008-04-21 00:11:17Z tina $
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Bernd Keil <mail@keil-software.de>
// http://www.keil-software.de
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// THIS SCRIPT IS NOT FREE! Please read the licence agreement for
// this product at http://licence.keil-software.de
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
if (!defined('DIR_PATH')) {
//make sure the file cant be called directly
exit('Invalid file request');
echo $tablemain;
echo $tabletop;
echo $logo;
if ($CONFIG['shop_ssl']==1) {
$httpurl = str_replace("http","https", URL);
} else {
$httpurl = URL;
// define some variables
$previous_img = $next_img = $rating = $download = $ratingvid = $downloadvid = $kwkeys = $infofields = "";
$format_rating = $extras = $extras2 = $ratinvid = $downloadvid = $size_orig = $prev = $navi_links = "";
$downloadcolumn = $printcol = $shopcol = $postcardcol = 0; $addcolumn = 2;
$pic = intval($_GET['id']);
//get category id
$catid = mysql_fetch_row(cnt_mysql_query("SELECT catid FROM ".DB_PREFIX."pic WHERE id=$pic LIMIT 1"));
$cat = $catid[0]; $rate = "0";
if (empty($cat)) {
echo "<span class=\"error\">$lang_error_nopicid</span>";
if (isset($_POST['rate'])){
$rate = intval($_POST['rate']);
//get addinfo colums and process variables
$fieldarray = explode (",",substr($CONFIG['addnames'],1));
foreach ($fieldarray as $w) {
if (!empty($CONFIG['addnames']) AND !empty($CONFIG['name_addinfo'.$w])) {
$infofields .= ", addinfo$w";
//make sure mysql sorts numbers naturally
if ($CONFIG['sortpics'] == "filesize" OR $CONFIG['sortpics'] == "views" OR $CONFIG['sortpics'] == "id"
OR $CONFIG['sortpics'] == "rating" OR $CONFIG['sortpics'] == "price") {
$CONFIG['sortpics'] = $CONFIG['sortpics']."+0";
if ($CONFIG['sortpics2'] == "filesize" OR $CONFIG['sortpics2'] == "views" OR $CONFIG['sortpics2'] == "id"
OR $CONFIG['sortpics2'] == "rating" OR $CONFIG['sortpics2'] == "price") {
$CONFIG['sortpics2'] = $CONFIG['sortpics2']."+0";
//get password
$protection = mysql_fetch_row(cnt_mysql_query("SELECT password, origfolder, sortfield, sortorder, sortfield2, sortorder2 FROM ".DB_PREFIX."cat WHERE id=$cat"));
if (isset($_SESSION['category'.$cat])=="yes" OR empty($protection[0])) {
$sortpics = $CONFIG['sortpics']; $sortpics2 = $CONFIG['sortpics2'];
$sortpicsasc = $CONFIG['sortpicsasc']; $sortpicsasc2 = $CONFIG['sortpicsasc2'];
if (!empty($protection[2])) { $sortpics = $protection[2]; }
if (!empty($protection[4])) { $sortpics2 = $protection[4]; }
if (!empty($protection[3])) { $sortpicsasc = $protection[3]; }
if (!empty($protection[5])) { $sortpicsasc2 = $protection[5]; }
$order = "$sortpics $sortpicsasc";
if (!empty($CONFIG['sortpics2'])) {
$order .= ", $sortpics2 $sortpicsasc2";
$query = "SELECT p.id, p.catid, p.filename, p.title, p.description, p.views, p.rating, p.numrating, p.downloads, p.filesize, (p.datetime$dotime$seconds), p.allow_rating, p.allow_postcard, p.allow_download, p.allow_shop, p.keywords, p.price, p.pricecat, v.ip, v.pic, p.upload_from{$infofields}
FROM ".DB_PREFIX."pic as p LEFT JOIN ".DB_PREFIX."vote as v
ON v.pic = p.id AND v.ip = '$ip' WHERE p.id=$pic";
$result = cnt_mysql_query($query);
$data = mysql_fetch_row($result);
//assign variables title, picdesc and keywords, if not already done so in header (see pic.php)
if ($CONFIG['show_picnameheader']=="0") { $title = stripslashes($data[3]); }
if ($CONFIG['replace_metadesc']=="0") { $picdesc = $data[4]; }
if ($CONFIG['replace_metakeys']=="0") { $keywords = stripslashes($data[15]);}
$id = $data[0];
$cat_id = $data[1];
$file_name = stripslashes($data[2]);
$desc = nl2br($picdesc);
$views = $data[5];
$rating = $data[6];
$numrating = $data[7];
$down_loads = $data[8];
$file_size = format_filesize($data[9]);
$datetime = date("$CONFIG[date_format] $CONFIG[time_format]", $data[10]);
$allow_rating = $data[11];
$allow_postcard = $data[12];
$allow_download = $data[13];
$allow_shop = $data[14];
$price = stripslashes($data[16]);
$pricecat = $data[17];
$vip = $data[18];
$vpic = $data[19];
$username = stripslashes($data[20]);
if ($action=="dorate" AND $rate!="0") {
//make sure they dont vote twice
if ($ip=="$vip" AND $pic=="$vpic") {
$novote = "<div class=\"error\" style=\"text-align: center;\">$lang_error_novote</div>";
$newrating = $rating;
$newnumrating = $numrating;
} else {
$newrating = $rating + $rate;
$newnumrating = $numrating + 1;
$time = time();
$novote = "<div class=\"ok\" style=\"text-align: center;\">$lang_thanks_vote</div>";
$update = "UPDATE ".DB_PREFIX."pic SET rating='$newrating', numrating='$newnumrating' WHERE id=$pic";
$upresult = cnt_mysql_query($update);
$insert = "INSERT into ".DB_PREFIX."vote (id, catid, ip, host, browser, pic, datetime, vote)
VALUES (NULL, $cat_id, '$ip', '$remotehost', '$useragent', $pic, '$time', '$rate')";
$inresult = cnt_mysql_query($insert);
} else {
$newrating = $rating;
$newnumrating = $numrating;
$newviews = $views + 1;
if ($isimage == "true") {
$size_orig = @getimagesize(DIR_PATH ."/$CONFIG[gal]/$cat/$protection[1]/$file_name");
$alt = "$lang_preview"; //alt tag
if ($isvideo == "true" or $isaudio == "true" or $isdoc == "true") {
player ($file_name, $protection[1], $cat);
} elseif ($isimage == "true") {
//test if medium image exists
if ($CONFIG['createmediumimg']==1 AND (file_exists(DIR_PATH . "/$CONFIG[gal]/$cat/med_".$nameonly.".jpg")) or (file_exists(DIR_PATH . "/$CONFIG[gal]/$cat/med_$file_name"))) {
//show medium image
if ($fileending==".gif" or $fileending==".jpg" or $fileending==".jpeg" or $fileeding==".jpe" or $fileending==".png") {
$size_pic = @getimagesize(DIR_PATH . "/$CONFIG[gal]/$cat/med_".$nameonly.$fileending);
$imgfile = "<img src=\"$CONFIG[gal]/$cat/med_".$nameonly.$fileending."\" class=\"mediumimage\" border=\"0\" $size_pic[3] alt=\"$alt\" title=\"$alt\"/>";
} else {
$size_pic = @getimagesize(DIR_PATH . "/$CONFIG[gal]/$cat/med_".$nameonly.".jpg");
$imgfile = "<img src=\"$CONFIG[gal]/$cat/med_".$nameonly.".jpg\" class=\"mediumimage\" border=\"0\" $size_pic[3] alt=\"$alt\" title=\"$alt\"/>";
} elseif ($CONFIG['createmediumimg']==2) {
//show original instead
$size_pic = @getimagesize(DIR_PATH . "/$CONFIG[gal]/$cat/$protection[1]/$file_name");
$imgfile = "<img src=\"$CONFIG[gal]/$cat/$protection[1]/$file_name\" class=\"mediumimage\" border=\"0\" $size_pic[3] alt=\"$alt\" title=\"$alt\" />";
} else {
//show error thumb
$size_pic = @getimagesize(DIR_PATH . "/$CONFIG[imgfolder]/nothumb.gif");
$imgfile = "<img src=\"$CONFIG[imgfolder]/nothumb.gif\" border=\"0\" $size_pic[3] alt=\"$alt\" title=\"$alt\" /><br />";
$imgfile .= "<br /><span class=\"text\">$lang_error_nomedimage</span>";
//next and previous links
if (!empty($file_name)) {
$ids = array(); $ref = $prev_file = $next_file = $curr = 0; $marker = "";
$querypages = "SELECT id FROM ".DB_PREFIX."pic WHERE catid=$cat ORDER BY $order";
$rows = cnt_mysql_query($querypages);
while (list($id) = mysql_fetch_array($rows)) {
$ids[$ref] = array($id);
$startlink = $ids[1];
if ($ids[$ref][0]==$pic) {
$curr = $ref;
$prev_file = array();
$next_file = array();
if ($curr>1) { $prev_file = $ids[$curr-1]; }
if ($curr!=$ref) { $next_file = $ids[$curr+1];}
if (@!empty($next_file[0])) {
$next = "<a href=\"pic.php?id=$next_file[0]\" accesskey=\"n\">$lang_next</a> <b>»</b> ";
} else {
$next = "<a href=\"pic.php?id=$startlink[0]\" accesskey=\"s\">$lang_start</a>";
if (@$prev_file[0]!=0) {
$prev = "<b>«</b> <a href=\"pic.php?id=$prev_file[0]\" accesskey=\"p\">$lang_previous</a>";
if (!empty($prev) AND !empty($next)) {
$marker = "|";
//start table with image table here
echo "\n<!-- image and rating table start //-->\n";
if (!empty($file_name)) {
//breadcrum navigation
$crumb = breadcrumb($cat, ' <b>»</b> ');
if (!empty($prev) AND !empty($next)) { $navilinks = "<div style=\"float: right;\">$prev $marker $next</div>\n"; }
echo "<div class=\"breadcrumb\">$navi_links<a href=\"index.php\" accesskey=\"1\"><b>$lang_home</b></a> $crumb</div>\n";
if ($CONFIG['show_catdesc3'] == "1" and !empty($linkdesc)) {
echo "$linkdesc";
echo "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"1\" align=\"center\" width=\"100%\" bgcolor=\"$CONFIG[tablebordercolor]\">\n";
echo "<tr>\n<td>\n";
echo "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"1\" width=\"100%\">\n";
if (!empty($cat)) { // check because of moderated images
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td bgcolor=\"$CONFIG[bgcolor2]\" class=\"text\">";
echo "<div style=\"float: right\">".@$prev." ".@$marker." ".@$next." </div>\n";
echo " <a href=\"index.php?action=showgal&cat=$cat\" accesskey=\"b\">$lang_backtocat</a>\n";
echo "</td>\n</tr>\n";
//show image
echo "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" bgcolor=\"$CONFIG[bgcolor1]\" cellspacing=\"0\" align=\"center\" width=\"100%\">\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td align=\"center\" valign=\"top\" class=\"mediumcell\">$imgfile</td>\n";
echo "<td>\n";
//get addinfo colums and process variables
$numfields = explode (",",substr($CONFIG['addnames'],1)); $s=21;
foreach ($numfields as $w) {
if ($CONFIG['addnames']!="") {
if ($CONFIG['show_addinfo'.$w]==1 and $CONFIG['name_addinfo'.$w]!="" and $data[$s]!="") {
echo "<tr>\n<td bgcolor=\"$CONFIG[bgcolor1]\" width=\"1%\"><b>".stripslashes($CONFIG['name_addinfo'.$w]).": </b></td>\n";
echo "<td valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"$CONFIG[bgcolor1]\">".stripslashes($data[$s])."</td>\n</tr>\n";
if (trim(!empty($price)) and $price!="0.00") {
$currency = currency();
if (!empty($pricecat)) { $lang_price_format = $lang_article; } else { $lang_price_format = $lang_price; }
// echo "<tr>\n<td bgcolor=\"$CONFIG[bgcolor1]\" nowrap=\"nowrap\" width=\"1%\"><b>$lang_price_format:</b> </td>\n";
echo "<td valign=\"top\" width=\"200\" bgcolor=\"$CONFIG[bgcolor1]\">";
if (!empty($pricecat)) {
$query = "SELECT id,format,multiply,sort FROM ".DB_PREFIX."pricecat
WHERE id IN ($pricecat) ORDER BY sort ASC";
$result = cnt_mysql_query($query) or die("Pricecat error".mysql_error()."");
if (mysql_num_rows($result)!="") {
echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"$httpurl/cart.php\">\n";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"$pic\" />\n";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"qty\" value=\"1\" />\n";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cat\" value=\"$cat\" />\n";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"add\" />\n";
echo "<u><b><br>Formatauswahl <br>für Ihre Bestellung:</b></u><br><br>"; //text
echo "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">";
echo "<tr>\n<td width=\"1%\" nowrap=\"nowrap\">";
if (!empty($CONFIG['shop_vat']) AND $CONFIG['shop_vat']!="0") {
$vat = round(($price * $CONFIG['shop_vat'] / 100),2);
$vatprice = $price + $vat;
$price2 = price_format($vatprice);
$withvat = "$lang_inkvat"; $withvat2 = "($lang_inkvat)";
} else {
$price2 = price_format($price);
$withvat = ""; $withvat2 = "";
// Auswahl in Radio Button geändert
if ($CONFIG['show_shopcart'] == "0") {
echo "$currency ".$price2." $withvat2";
} elseif ($CONFIG['show_shopcart'] == "1") {
if (!empty($pricecat) AND @mysql_num_rows($result)!="") {
while (list($id,$format,$multiply) = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
// echo "$id";
$mulprice = $price * $multiply;
if ($CONFIG['shop_vat']!="" and $CONFIG['shop_vat']!="0") {
$vat = round(($mulprice * $CONFIG['shop_vat'] / 100),2);
$price2 = price_format($mulprice + $vat);
$withvat = "$lang_inkvat"; $withvat2 = "($lang_inkvat)";
} else {
$price2 = price_format($mulprice);
$withvat = ""; $withvat2 = "";
$format = str_replace("\"",""",stripslashes($format));
echo "\n<input type=\"radio\" name=\"formats\" class=\"selectpricecat\" value=\"$id\" >$format - $currency $price2\n<br>\n";
//echo "\n<input type=\"radio\" name=\"formats\" class=\"selectpricecat\" value=\"$id\" Checked>$format - $currency $price2\n<br>\n";
echo "</td>";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td align=\"left\" ><br><br><input type=\"submit\" value=\"$lang_addtocart\" class=\"button\" /><br><br><i>Für weitere Formate sprechen Sie mich einfach an...</i>";
} else {
//show this if no price categories defined
echo "<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td class=\"text\">$currency ".$price2." $withvat2</td>\n";
echo "<td align=\"right\"><a href=\"$httpurl/cart.php?action=add&id=$pic&cat=$cat&qty=1\">$lang_addtocart</a> </td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
echo "</td>\n</tr>\n</tr>\n";
echo "</table>";
if (!empty($pricecat) and @mysql_num_rows($result)!="") {
echo "</form>\n";
echo "</td>\n</tr>\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>";
//show rating scale if allowed
if ($CONFIG['show_rating'] == 1) {
if ($allow_rating == "1") {
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td bgcolor=\"$CONFIG[bgcolor2]\">\n";
if (isset($novote)=="") {
echo "<form name=\"rateform\" action=\"pic.php?action=dorate&id=$pic\" method=\"post\">\n";
echo "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"1\" align=\"center\">\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td class=\"text\"><b>$lang_rating: </b></td>\n";
echo "<td class=\"text\">$lang_rating1</td>\n";
echo "<td>";
for ($vi = 1; $vi <= 10; $vi++) {
echo "<input name=\"rate\" type=\"radio\" title=\"$vi\" value=\"$vi\" onclick=\"this.form.submit()\" />";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "<td class=\"text\"> $lang_rating5</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
echo "</form>\n";
} else {
//show error message if someone tries to vote more than once
echo "$novote";
echo "</td>\n</tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
echo "</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n";
echo "<!-- image and rating table end //-->\n\n";
//show file statistics ... find out how many colums will be displayed
if ($CONFIG['show_numdownloads']==1 AND $allow_download!=0) {
$downloadcolumn = 1;
$numofcolumns = $allow_rating + $downloadcolumn + $CONFIG['show_filename'] + $CONFIG['show_numviews'] + $addcolumn;
switch ($numofcolumns) {
case 1:
$columnwidth = "100%";
case 2:
$columnwidth = "50%";
case 3:
$columnwidth = "33%";
case 4:
$columnwidth = "25%";
case 5:
$columnwidth = "20%";
case 6:
$columnwidth = "16%";
echo "<!-- file info table start //-->\n";
echo "<div class=\"cellspacing\"></div>\n";
echo "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" align=\"center\" width=\"100%\" bgcolor=\"$CONFIG[tablebordercolor]\">\n";
echo "<tr>\n<td>\n";
echo "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"1\" width=\"100%\">\n";
if ($CONFIG['show_picinfos']!="0") {
echo "<tr align=\"center\">\n";
//#### table head ######
echo "<td bgcolor=\"$CONFIG[bgcolor2]\" width=\"$columnwidth\"><b>$lang_date</b></td>\n";
if ($CONFIG['show_filename'] == "1") {
echo "<td bgcolor=\"$CONFIG[bgcolor2]\" width=\"$columnwidth\"><b>$lang_filename</b></td>\n";
echo "<td bgcolor=\"$CONFIG[bgcolor2]\" width=\"$columnwidth\"><b>$lang_filesize</b></td>\n";
if ($CONFIG['show_rating'] == 1) {
if ($allow_rating == "1") {
echo "<td bgcolor=\"$CONFIG[bgcolor2]\" width=\"$columnwidth\"><b>$lang_rating</b></td>\n";
if ($CONFIG['show_downloadlink'] != 3) {
if ($allow_download == "1" AND $CONFIG['show_numdownloads'] == "1") {
echo "<td bgcolor=white; width=\"$columnwidth\"><b>$lang_downloads</b></td>\n";
if ($CONFIG['show_numviews'] == "1") {
echo "<td bgcolor=\"$CONFIG[bgcolor2]\" width=\"$columnwidth\"><b>$lang_views</b></td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
// ######## second row - details ########
echo "<tr align=\"center\">\n";
//date and time
echo "<td bgcolor=\"$CONFIG[bgcolor1]\">$datetime</td>\n";
if ($CONFIG['show_filename'] == "1") {
echo "<td bgcolor=\"$CONFIG[bgcolor1]\">$file_name</td>\n";
//file size;
$show_filesize = "<span style=\"white-space: nowrap;\">($show_filesize)</span>";
if ($isimage=="true") {
$filedims = "$size_orig[0] x $size_orig[1] $show_filesize";
} else {
$filedims = "$show_filesize";
echo "<td bgcolor=\"$CONFIG[bgcolor1]\">$filedims</td>\n";
// file rating
if ($CONFIG['show_rating'] == 1) {
if ($allow_rating == "1") {
if ($numrating != 0) {
$currentrating = round(($newrating / $newnumrating), 2);
} else {
$currentrating = $newrating;
if ($numrating > 1 or $numrating == 0) { $vote_word = "$lang_numvotes";} else {$vote_word = "$lang_numvote";}
echo "<td bgcolor=\"$CONFIG[bgcolor1]\">$currentrating ($numrating $vote_word)</td>\n";
//number of downloads
if ($CONFIG['show_downloadlink'] != 3) {
if ($allow_download == "1" AND $CONFIG['show_numdownloads']=="1") {
if ($fileending==".wmas" or $fileending==".rpas" or $fileending==".rpvs" or $fileending==".wmvs") {
$download_val = "$lang_livestream";
} else {
$download_val = numbering($down_loads);
echo "<td bgcolor=\"$CONFIG[bgcolor1]\">$download_val</td>\n";
//number of views
if ($CONFIG['show_numviews'] == "1") {
echo "<td bgcolor=\"$CONFIG[bgcolor1]\">".numbering($views)."</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
// ########### show action permissions table ############
//find out how many colums will be displayed
if ($CONFIG['show_downloadlink']=="0" and $allow_download=="1") { //show both
$downloadcol = 2;
} elseif ($CONFIG['show_downloadlink']=="1" and $allow_download=="1") { //only original
$downloadcol = 1;
} elseif ($CONFIG['show_downloadlink']=="2" and $allow_download=="1") { //only zip
$downloadcol = 1;
} elseif ($CONFIG['show_downloadlink']=="3" or $allow_download=="0") { //no download
$downloadcol = 0;
if ($CONFIG['printing']=="1" AND $allow_print!="0" AND $isimage=="true") { $printcol = 1; }
if ($CONFIG['photo_partner_id']!="" AND $CONFIG['photo_partner']!="0" AND $isimage=="true") { $shopcol = 1; }
if ($CONFIG['show_postcardlink']=="1" and $allow_postcard!="0") { $postcardcol = 1; }
$numofcolumns2 = $downloadcol + $postcardcol + $printcol + $shopcol;
switch ($numofcolumns2) {
case 1:
$columnwidth2 = "100%";
case 2:
$columnwidth2 = "50%";
case 3:
$columnwidth2 = "33%";
case 4:
$columnwidth2 = "25%";
case 5:
$columnwidth2 = "20%";
case 6:
$columnwidth2 = "16%";
if ($numofcolumns2 > 0) {
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td colspan=\"$numofcolumns\" bgcolor=\"$CONFIG[bgcolor1]\">\n";
echo "\n<!-- action table start //-->\n";
echo "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n";
echo "<tr align=\"center\">\n";
//post card link
if ($CONFIG['show_postcardlink'] == 1) {
if ($allow_postcard == "1") {
$size_ecard = @getimagesize(DIR_PATH . "/$CONFIG[imgfolder]/postcard.gif");
$ecard_link = "<img src=\"$CONFIG[imgfolder]/postcard.gif\" $size_ecard[3] alt=\"$lang_write\" title=\"$lang_write\" border=\"0\" class=\"actionicons\" />";
echo "<td bgcolor=\"$CONFIG[bgcolor1]\" width=\"$columnwidth2\">$ecard_link <a href=\"postcard.php?cat=$cat&pic=$pic\">$lang_write</a></td>\n";
//download and zip link
if ($allow_download == "1") {
$size_down = @getimagesize(DIR_PATH . "/$CONFIG[imgfolder]/download.gif");
$download_link = "<img src=\"$CONFIG[imgfolder]/download.gif\" $size_down[3] alt=\"$lang_download_full\" title=\"$lang_download_full\" border=\"0\" class=\"actionicons\" />";
$size_zip = @getimagesize(DIR_PATH . "/$CONFIG[imgfolder]/zip_dwl.gif");
$zip_link = "<img src=\"$CONFIG[imgfolder]/zip_dwl.gif\" $size_zip[3] alt=\"$lang_download_zip\" title=\"$lang_download_zip\" border=\"0\" class=\"actionicons\" />";
//show both download and zip link
if ($CONFIG['show_downloadlink'] == "0") {
if ($fileending!=".zip") {
echo "<td width=\"$columnwidth2\" nowrap=\"nowrap\">$zip_link <a href=\"zip.php?cat=$cat&pic=$pic\">$lang_download_zip</a></td>\n";
echo "<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">$download_link <a href=\"download.php?cat=$cat&pic=$pic\">$lang_download_full</a></td>\n";
//show only normal download
} elseif ($CONFIG['show_downloadlink'] == "1") {
echo "<td width=\"$columnwidth2\" nowrap=\"nowrap\">$download_link <a href=\"download.php?cat=$cat&pic=$pic\">$lang_download_full</a></td>\n";
//show only zip download
} elseif ($CONFIG['show_downloadlink'] == "2") {
echo "<td width=\"$columnwidth2\" nowrap=\"nowrap\">$zip_link <a href=\"zip.php?cat=$cat&pic=$pic\">$lang_download_zip</a></td>\n";
//print link if its an image
if ($isimage=="true" and $CONFIG['printing']=="1") {
$size_print = @getimagesize(DIR_PATH . "/$CONFIG[imgfolder]/print.gif");
$print_link = "<img src=\"$CONFIG[imgfolder]/print.gif\" $size_print[3] alt=\"$lang_print\" title=\"$lang_print\" border=\"0\" class=\"actionicons\" />";
echo "<td width=\"$columnwidth2\">$print_link <a href=\"javascript:MM_openBrWindow('print.php?cat=$cat&pic=$pic','print','width=15,height=15,scrollbars=no')\">$lang_print</a></td>\n";
//show partner shop cart button
if ($isimage=="true" and $allow_shop=="1" and !empty($CONFIG['photo_partner_id'])) {
$originalpic = base64_encode(URL . "/$CONFIG[gal]/$cat/$protection[1]/$file_name");
$thumbpic = base64_encode(URL . "/$CONFIG[gal]/$cat/thb_$file_name");
if ($CONFIG['photo_partner'] == "1") {
$countrycode = fotokasten_lang();
$size_fk = @getimagesize(DIR_PATH . "/$CONFIG[imgfolder]/cart.gif");
$fk_link = "<img src=\"$CONFIG[imgfolder]/cart.gif\" $size_fk[3] alt=\"$lang_fk\" title=\"$lang_fk\" border=\"0\" class=\"actionicons\" />";
echo "<td width=\"$columnwidth2\">$fk_link <a href=\"javascript:fotokasten('$CONFIG[photo_partner_id]','$originalpic','$thumbpic','$size_orig[1]','$size_orig[0]','$countrycode')\">$lang_fk</a></td>\n";
} elseif ($CONFIG['photo_partner'] == "2") {
$size_bp = @getimagesize(DIR_PATH . "/$CONFIG[imgfolder]/cart.gif");
$bp_link = "<img src=\"$CONFIG[imgfolder]/cart.gif\" $size_bp[3] alt=\"$lang_bp\" title=\"$lang_bp\" border=\"0\" class=\"actionicons\" />";
echo "<td width=\"$columnwidth2\">$bp_link <a href=\"javascript:bildpartner('$CONFIG[photo_partner_id]','$originalpic','','$pic','$title')\" onmouseover=\"MM_displayStatusMsg('$lang_bp');return document.MM_returnValue\">$lang_bp</a></td>\n";
} elseif ($CONFIG['photo_partner'] == "3") {
$size_px = @getimagesize(DIR_PATH . "/$CONFIG[imgfolder]/cart.gif");
$px_link = "<img src=\"$CONFIG[imgfolder]/cart.gif\" $size_px[3] alt=\"$lang_px\" title=\"$lang_px\" border=\"0\" class=\"actionicons\" />";
echo "<td width=\"$columnwidth2\">$px_link <a href=\"javascript:pixacotransfer('$originalpic')\">$lang_px</a></td>\n";
} elseif ($CONFIG['photo_partner'] == "4") {
//pixaco by zanox
$size_zn = @getimagesize(DIR_PATH . "/$CONFIG[imgfolder]/cart.gif");
$zn_link = "<img src=\"$CONFIG[imgfolder]/cart.gif\" $size_bp[3] alt=\"$lang_px\" title=\"$lang_px\" border=\"0\" class=\"actionicons\" />";
echo "<td width=\"$columnwidth2\">$zn_link <a href=\"pixacozanox('$CONFIG[photo_partner_id]','$originalpic')\">$lang_px</a></td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n</table>\n";
echo "</td>\n</tr>\n";
echo "<!-- action table end //-->\n"; //end action table
echo "</table>\n";
echo "</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n";
echo "\n<!-- file info table end //-->\n";
// ############ dipslay details table ##############
if (empty($title) AND empty($desc) AND (empty($price) OR $price=="0.00") AND empty($keywords) AND empty($CONFIG['addnames']) AND empty($username)) {
$tableend = ""; $tableendborder = "";
} else {
echo "\n<!-- details table start //-->\n";
echo "<div class=\"cellspacing\"></div>";
echo "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"1\" align=\"center\" width=\"50%\" bgcolor=\"$CONFIG[tablebordercolor]\">\n";
echo "<tr>\n<td>\n";
echo "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"1\" width=\"100%\">\n";
$tableend = "</table>\n";
$tableendborder = "</td></tr></table>\n";
if (!empty($title)) {
echo "<tr>\n<td bgcolor=\"$CONFIG[bgcolor1]\" width=\"1%\" nowrap=\"nowrap\"><b>$lang_title: </b></td>\n";
echo "<td valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"$CONFIG[bgcolor1]\">$title</td>\n</tr>\n";
if (!empty($desc)) {
echo "<tr>\n<td valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"$CONFIG[bgcolor1]\" nowrap=\"nowrap\" width=\"1%\"><b>$lang_desc: </b></td>\n";
echo "<td valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"$CONFIG[bgcolor1]\">$desc</td>\n</tr>\n";
if (!empty($keywords) AND $CONFIG['show_keywords']!=0) {
echo "<tr>\n<td valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"$CONFIG[bgcolor1]\" nowrap=\"nowrap\" width=\"1%\"><b>$lang_keywords: </b></td>\n";
echo "<td valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"$CONFIG[bgcolor1]\">";
//process keywords and link them to search function
$keywords = preg_replace("/[,]+/", ", ", $keywords);
$kw = explode(", ",$keywords);
for($x=0; $x<count($kw); $x++) {
$kwlink = "<a href=\"search.php?action=search&type=detail&where[]=keywords&keyword=".urlencode(trim($kw[$x]))."\">$kw[$x]</a>, ";
$kwkeys .= $kwlink;
echo substr($kwkeys,0,-2);
echo "</td>\n</tr>\n";
if ($username!="" and $CONFIG['show_useruploadname']==1) {
echo "<tr>\n<td valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"$CONFIG[bgcolor1]\" nowrap=\"nowrap\" width=\"1%\"><b>$lang_uploader: </b></td>\n";
echo "<td valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"$CONFIG[bgcolor1]\">$username</td>\n</tr>\n";
// update views table
if ($action!="dorate") {
$update = "UPDATE ".DB_PREFIX."pic SET views='$newviews' WHERE id=$pic";
$result = cnt_mysql_query($update);
update_stats_table($cat, 1, 0, 0, 0, "NOUPDATE", "NOUPDATE");
echo $tableend;
echo $tableendborder;
echo "\n<!-- details table end //-->\n";
echo $tablebottom;
echo $blankline;
// show exif table if image has exif information
if ($CONFIG['show_exif']==1) {
$select_exif = "SELECT exifinfo FROM ".DB_PREFIX."exifinfo WHERE picid='$pic'";
$result = cnt_mysql_query($select_exif);
$data = mysql_fetch_row($result);
$exifinfo = unserialize($data[0]);
if (!empty($exifinfo)) {
include_once (INCLUDE_PATH . "/libs/exif.inc.php");
if (!empty($cat)) { // check because of moderated images
// link table under image
// echo $tabletop;
// echo "<table border=\"0\" align=\"center\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n";
// echo "<tr>\n";
// echo "<td bgcolor=\"$CONFIG[bgcolor2]\" class=\"text\"><a href=\"index.php?action=showgal&cat=$cat\">$lang_backtocat</a></td>\n";
// echo "<td bgcolor=\"$CONFIG[bgcolor2]\" align=\"right\" class=\"text\">".@$prev." ".@$marker." ".@$next."</td>\n";
// echo "</tr>\n";
// echo "</table>\n";
} else {
echo $tablebottom;
} else {
//no session
header("Location: login.php?do=showpic&cat=".$cat."&pic=".$pic);
echo $tablemain_bottom;
echo $copyright; //removing the copyright is a violation of the licence agreement!
// ############# Logout ###############
if ($action == "logout") {
header("Location: index.php");