Hier noch der Code:
function cdd_menu950896(){//////////////////////////Start Menu Data/////////////////////////////////
//**** NavStudio, (c) 2004, OpenCube Inc., -
http://www.opencube.com ****
//Note: This data file may be manually customized outside of the visual interface.
//Unique Menu Id
this.uid = 950896
Icon Images
Global - Menu Container Settings
this.menu_background_color = "transparent"
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Global - Menu Item Settings
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Main Menu Settings
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XImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(gradientType=0, startColorstr=#002455, endColorstr=#002455)"
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XImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(gradientType=0, startColorstr=#ff9900, endColorstr=#ff9900)"
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this.item1 = "PRODUCTS"
this.item2 = "REFERENCES"
this.item3 = "TECHNICAL DATA"
this.item4 = "MANUALS"
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this.url1 = "sample_link.html"
this.url2 = "sample_link.html"
Sub Menu Settings
//Sub Menu 0
this.menu_xy0 = "-184,1"
this.menu_width0 = 187
this.item0_0 = "About us"
this.item0_1 = "Location"
this.item0_2 = "Representatives"
this.item0_3 = "History"
this.item0_4 = "Contact us"
this.url0_0 = "sample_link.html"
this.url0_1 = "sample_link.html"
this.url0_2 = "sample_link.html"
this.url0_3 = "sample_link.html"
this.url0_4 = "sample_link.html"
//Sub Menu 1
this.menu_xy1 = "-126,-2"
this.menu_width1 = 200
this.item1_0 = "Axial Flow Fans"
this.item1_1 = "Centrifugal Fans"
this.item1_2 = "Ex. Proof Fan for Hazardous Area"
this.item1_3 = "Fans for Duct top Mounting"
this.item1_4 = "Portable Gas Freeing Fan"
this.item1_5 = "Ventilation Cowls"
this.item1_6 = "Dampers"
this.item1_7 = "Weather Louvres"
this.item1_8 = "Mist Eliminator Louvers"
this.item1_9 = "Silencers"
this.url1_0 = "sample_link.html"
this.url1_1 = "sample_link.html"
this.url1_2 = "sample_link.html"
this.url1_3 = "sample_link.html"
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this.url1_5 = "sample_link.html"
this.url1_6 = "sample_link.html"
this.url1_7 = "sample_link.html"
this.url1_8 = "sample_link.html"
this.url1_9 = "sample_link.html"
//Sub Menu 2
//Sub Menu 3
this.menu_xy3 = "-138,1"
this.menu_width3 = 214
this.item3_0 = "Axial Fans"
this.item3_1 = "Centrifugal Fans in General"
this.item3_2 = "Low Pressure Centrifugal Fans"
this.item3_3 = "Medium Pressure Centrifugal Fans"
this.item3_4 = "High Pressure Centrifugal Fans"
this.item3_5 = "Fans for Duct-Top Mounting"
this.item3_6 = "Explosion Proof Fans"
this.item3_7 = "Portable Gas Freeing Fan"
this.item3_8 = "Auxiliary Blowers"
this.item3_9 = "Ventilation Cowls"
this.item3_10 = "Dampers"
this.item3_11 = "Weather Louvers"
this.item3_12 = "Mist Eliminator Louvers"
this.item3_13 = "Silencers"
this.url3_0 = "sample_link.html"
this.url3_1 = "sample_link.html"
this.url3_2 = "sample_link.html"
this.url3_3 = "sample_link.html"
this.url3_4 = "sample_link.html"
this.url3_5 = "sample_link.html"
this.url3_6 = "sample_link.html"
this.url3_7 = "sample_link.html"
this.url3_8 = "sample_link.html"
this.url3_9 = "sample_link.html"
this.url3_10 = "sample_link.html"
this.url3_11 = "sample_link.html"
this.url3_12 = "sample_link.html"
this.url3_13 = "sample_link.html"
//Sub Menu 4
this.menu_xy4 = "-104,1"
this.menu_width4 = 287
this.item4_0 = "Installation and Maintenance Manual Fans"
this.item4_1 = "Mez Motors - Operation and Safety Manual"
this.item4_2 = "Cemp Motors - Manual for use and Maintainance"
this.url4_0 = "sample_link.html"
this.url4_1 = "sample_link.html"
this.url4_2 = "sample_link.html"
}///////////////////////// END Menu Data /////////////////////////////////////////
//Document Level Settings
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//NavStudio Code (Warning: Do Not Alter!)
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