Wie baue ich JavaScript aus Open Cube in Dreamweaver ein?



ich habe mir ein Rollover menue in Open Cube Nav Studio erstellt,
bekomme es aber nicht in meine Seite in Dreamweaver MX 2004 eingebaut.

Was genau muss ich tun?

Da gibt es ja schon viele verschiedene Dokumentformate am Anfang wenn man
eine neue Seite anlegen will, was muss ich alles beachten?

(Habe vorher nur mit alter Version gearbeitet und habe noch nie ein Java eingefuegt)
Ich weiß es ist wenig hilfreich, aber ohne das Code postest kann ich dir nur sagen: Du musst HTML und JavaScript lernen, schauen wie das Script funktioniert und den Code angepasst bei Dreamweaver einfügen.
<!--** START NAVSTUDIO MENU TAGS (950896) **-->
<div id="vqp_about" style="position:absolute;visibility:hidden;">****JavaScript based drop down DHTML menu generated by NavStudio. (OpenCube Inc. - http://www.opencube.com)****</div>
<script language="JavaScript" vqptag="doc_level_settings" vqp_datafile0="rollover.js" vqp_uid0=950896>cdd__codebase = "rollover/";cdd__codebase950896 = "rollover/";</script>
<script language="JavaScript" vqptag="datafile" src="rollover/rollover.js"></script><script vqptag="placement" vqp_menuid="950896" language="JavaScript">create_menu(950896)</script>

Das ist der Code von Open Cube, ich will diese Menu selbstverstaendlich ganz oben auf meiner Seite haben, da es ja die Navigation ist.

Wo und wie fuege ich es ein?
Es tut mir leid, dass ist nicht der ganze Code sondern die Referenz zu einer .js Datei, die vermutlich auf deiner Seite liegt.

Mal eine Frage: Wie viel Ahnung hast du von JavaScript und HTML?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hallo, wie du siehst nicht allzuviel

Hier ist die Datei, in der das Menue funktioniert,
ich schaffe es aber nicht direkt unter dem Menue eine Tabelle oder aehnliches einzusetzen, diese erscheint im Browserfenster dann ganz unten.

Kannst Du mir nun weiterhelfen?

<body leftmargin='15' topmargin='15' marginleft='15' marginleft='15' bgcolor='#ffffff'>
<div style="color:#000000; font-size:13px; font-family:Arial; font-weight:bold;"></div>
<div style="padding:30;height:90%;">

<!---------------------------------NavStudio Menu Tags-----------------------------------------

*** The tags directly below these comments are responsible for generating the menu system.
*** Position the menu by adding the tags anywhere within the body of your document, the menu will
*** position itself as an inline block level element, similar to using <TABLE> and <DIV> tags.-->

<!--** START NAVSTUDIO MENU TAGS (950896) **-->
<div id="vqp_about" style="position:absolute;visibility:hidden;">****JavaScript based drop down DHTML menu generated by NavStudio. (OpenCube Inc. - http://www.opencube.com)****</div>
<script language="JavaScript" vqptag="doc_level_settings" is_vqp_html=1 vqp_datafile0="rollover.js" vqp_uid0=950896>cdd__codebase = "";cdd__codebase950896 = "";</script>
<script language="JavaScript" vqptag="datafile" src="rollover.js"></script><script vqptag="placement" vqp_menuid="950896" language="JavaScript">create_menu(950896)</script>

<!-----------------------------------End Menu Tags-------------------------------------------->

Hier noch der Code:

function cdd_menu950896(){//////////////////////////Start Menu Data/////////////////////////////////

//**** NavStudio, (c) 2004, OpenCube Inc., - http://www.opencube.com ****
//Note: This data file may be manually customized outside of the visual interface.

//Unique Menu Id
this.uid = 950896


Icon Images



Global - Menu Container Settings


this.menu_background_color = "transparent"
this.menu_border_color = "#000000"
this.menu_border_width = "0"
this.menu_padding = "10,4,2,4"
this.menu_border_style = "solid"
this.divider_caps = false
this.divider_width = 1
this.divider_height = 0
this.divider_background_color = "#a2a2a2"
this.divider_border_style = "none"
this.divider_border_width = 0
this.divider_border_color = "#000000"
this.menu_is_horizontal = false
this.menu_width = "100"
this.menu_xy = "-80,-2"


Global - Menu Item Settings


this.menu_items_background_color_roll = "#ffcc99"
this.menu_items_text_color = "#000000"
this.menu_items_text_decoration = "none"
this.menu_items_font_family = "Arial"
this.menu_items_font_size = "12px"
this.menu_items_font_style = "normal"
this.menu_items_font_weight = "normal"
this.menu_items_text_align = "left"
this.menu_items_padding = "4,5,4,5"
this.menu_items_border_style = "solid"
this.menu_items_border_color = "#d5d5dd"
this.menu_items_border_width = "1"
this.menu_items_width = 90
this.menu_items_background_color = "#ff9900"


Main Menu Settings


this.menu_background_color_main = "#ffffff"
this.menu_items_background_color_main = "transparent"
this.menu_items_background_color_roll_main = "transparent"
this.menu_items_text_color_main = "#000000"
this.menu_border_color_main = "#ffffff"
this.menu_border_width_main = "1"
this.menu_padding_main = "0,0,0,0"
this.menu_items_text_align_main = "center"
this.menu_gradient_main = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(gradientType=0, startColorstr=#002455, endColorstr=#002455)"
this.menu_items_gradient_roll_main = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(gradientType=0, startColorstr=#ff9900, endColorstr=#ff9900)"
this.menu_is_horizontal_main = true

this.item1 = "PRODUCTS"
this.item2 = "REFERENCES"
this.item3 = "TECHNICAL DATA"
this.item4 = "MANUALS"

this.item_background_color0 = "#ffffff"
this.item_background_color_roll0 = "#ffcc99"
this.item_text_color0 = "#000000"
this.item_border_color0 = "#ffffff"
this.item_font_family0 = "Arial"
this.item_font_weight0 = "normal"
this.item_font_style0 = "normal"
this.item_font_size0 = "13px"
this.item_width0 = 181
this.item_background_color1 = "#ffffff"
this.item_background_color_roll1 = "#ffcc99"
this.item_text_color1 = "#000000"
this.item_border_color1 = "#ffffff"
this.item_font_family1 = "Arial"
this.item_font_weight1 = "normal"
this.item_font_style1 = "normal"
this.item_font_size1 = "13px"
this.item_width1 = 122
this.item_background_color2 = "#ffffff"
this.item_text_color2 = "#000000"
this.item_border_color2 = "#ffffff"
this.item_font_family2 = "Arial"
this.item_font_weight2 = "normal"
this.item_font_style2 = "normal"
this.item_font_size2 = "13px"
this.item_width2 = 125
this.item_background_color3 = "#ffffff"
this.item_text_color3 = "#000000"
this.item_border_color3 = "#ffffff"
this.item_font_family3 = "Arial"
this.item_font_weight3 = "normal"
this.item_font_style3 = "normal"
this.item_font_size3 = "13px"
this.item_width3 = 134
this.item_background_color4 = "#ffffff"
this.item_text_color4 = "#000000"
this.item_border_color4 = "#ffffff"
this.item_font_family4 = "Arial"
this.item_font_weight4 = "normal"
this.item_font_style4 = "normal"
this.item_font_size4 = "13px"
this.item_width4 = 100

this.url1 = "sample_link.html"
this.url2 = "sample_link.html"


Sub Menu Settings


//Sub Menu 0

this.menu_xy0 = "-184,1"
this.menu_width0 = 187

this.item0_0 = "About us"
this.item0_1 = "Location"
this.item0_2 = "Representatives"
this.item0_3 = "History"
this.item0_4 = "Contact us"

this.url0_0 = "sample_link.html"
this.url0_1 = "sample_link.html"
this.url0_2 = "sample_link.html"
this.url0_3 = "sample_link.html"
this.url0_4 = "sample_link.html"

//Sub Menu 1

this.menu_xy1 = "-126,-2"
this.menu_width1 = 200

this.item1_0 = "Axial Flow Fans"
this.item1_1 = "Centrifugal Fans"
this.item1_2 = "Ex. Proof Fan for Hazardous Area"
this.item1_3 = "Fans for Duct top Mounting"
this.item1_4 = "Portable Gas Freeing Fan"
this.item1_5 = "Ventilation Cowls"
this.item1_6 = "Dampers"
this.item1_7 = "Weather Louvres"
this.item1_8 = "Mist Eliminator Louvers"
this.item1_9 = "Silencers"

this.url1_0 = "sample_link.html"
this.url1_1 = "sample_link.html"
this.url1_2 = "sample_link.html"
this.url1_3 = "sample_link.html"
this.url1_4 = "sample_link.html"
this.url1_5 = "sample_link.html"
this.url1_6 = "sample_link.html"
this.url1_7 = "sample_link.html"
this.url1_8 = "sample_link.html"
this.url1_9 = "sample_link.html"

//Sub Menu 2

//Sub Menu 3

this.menu_xy3 = "-138,1"
this.menu_width3 = 214

this.item3_0 = "Axial Fans"
this.item3_1 = "Centrifugal Fans in General"
this.item3_2 = "Low Pressure Centrifugal Fans"
this.item3_3 = "Medium Pressure Centrifugal Fans"
this.item3_4 = "High Pressure Centrifugal Fans"
this.item3_5 = "Fans for Duct-Top Mounting"
this.item3_6 = "Explosion Proof Fans"
this.item3_7 = "Portable Gas Freeing Fan"
this.item3_8 = "Auxiliary Blowers"
this.item3_9 = "Ventilation Cowls"
this.item3_10 = "Dampers"
this.item3_11 = "Weather Louvers"
this.item3_12 = "Mist Eliminator Louvers"
this.item3_13 = "Silencers"

this.url3_0 = "sample_link.html"
this.url3_1 = "sample_link.html"
this.url3_2 = "sample_link.html"
this.url3_3 = "sample_link.html"
this.url3_4 = "sample_link.html"
this.url3_5 = "sample_link.html"
this.url3_6 = "sample_link.html"
this.url3_7 = "sample_link.html"
this.url3_8 = "sample_link.html"
this.url3_9 = "sample_link.html"
this.url3_10 = "sample_link.html"
this.url3_11 = "sample_link.html"
this.url3_12 = "sample_link.html"
this.url3_13 = "sample_link.html"

//Sub Menu 4

this.menu_xy4 = "-104,1"
this.menu_width4 = 287

this.item4_0 = "Installation and Maintenance Manual Fans"
this.item4_1 = "Mez Motors - Operation and Safety Manual"
this.item4_2 = "Cemp Motors - Manual for use and Maintainance"

this.url4_0 = "sample_link.html"
this.url4_1 = "sample_link.html"
this.url4_2 = "sample_link.html"

}///////////////////////// END Menu Data /////////////////////////////////////////

//Document Level Settings

cdd__activate_onclick = false
cdd__showhide_delay = 250
cdd__url_target = "_self"
cdd__url_features = "resizable=1, scrollbars=1, titlebar=1, menubar=1, toolbar=1, location=1, status=1, directories=1, channelmode=0, fullscreen=0"
cdd__display_urls_in_status_bar = true
cdd__default_cursor = "hand"

//NavStudio Code (Warning: Do Not Alter!)

if (window.showHelp){b_type = "ie"; if (!window.attachEvent) b_type += "mac";}if (document.createElementNS) b_type = "dom";if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("afari")>-1) b_type = "safari";if (window.opera) b_type = "opera"; qmap1 = "\<\script language=\"JavaScript\" vqptag='loader_sub' src=\""; qmap2 = ".js\">\<\/script\>";;function iesf(){};;function vqp_error(val){alert(val)}
if (b_type){document.write(qmap1+cdd__codebase+"pbrowser_"+b_type+qmap2);document.close();}
Mal was grundsätzliches:

Der MS-Filter progid XImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(gradientType=0, startColorstr=#002455, endColorstr=#002455 ist IE-typisch und funktioniert nicht in den non-IE Browsers.
Und das heisst im Klartext?
Die obige Seite aus Dreamweaver wird mir aber im Internet Explorer angezeigt, ich will lediglich wissen, wie ich das Menue in meine SEite einbaue, und dieses dort funktioniert.
elg hat gesagt.:
Und das heisst im Klartext?
Dass die etablierte Browser-Konkurrenz FireFox, Mozilla, Netscape, Opera, Konqueror (Linux), Safari (Mac), u.ä diesen speziellen Filter (= Farbverlauf, made by Microsoft for IE) nicht ausführen / anzeigen / darstellen.

elg hat gesagt.:
Hier ist die Datei, in der das Menue funktioniert,
ich schaffe es aber nicht direkt unter dem Menue eine Tabelle oder aehnliches einzusetzen, diese erscheint im Browserfenster dann ganz unten.
<div style="padding:30px;height:90%;">

<!---------------------------------NavStudio Menu Tags-----------------------------------------

<!-----------------------------------End Menu Tags-------------------------------------------->

Entweder entfernst du diese Höhenangabe komplett, oder du verringerst ihren Wert, damit die nachfolgende Tabelle im Browserfenster nach oben rutscht.

Beim padding -Wert fehlt eine Maßeinheit, z.B. px.

Neue Beiträge
