// Chat Simple, from: http://coursesweb.net/php-mysq/
class ChatSimple {
public $maxrows = 30;
public $chatrooms = array(); // for chat rooms
public $chatroomcnt = ''; // store chat room content
protected $lsite = array(); // will contains the texts in the defined language
protected $chatdir = 'chattxt'; // directory that store TXT files for chat
protected $fileroom; // store the file of current chat room
protected $chatuser = ''; // store user name
protected $chatadd = 1; // if not 1, the user must be logged in
// constructor (receives the array with chat rooms)
public function __construct($chatrooms) {
// set properties value
$this->lsite = $GLOBALS['lsite'];
$this->chatrooms = $chatrooms;
if(defined('CHATADD')) $this->chatadd = CHATADD;
if(defined('CHATDIR')) $this->chatdir = CHATDIR;
if(defined('MAXROWS')) $this->maxrows = MAXROWS;
$this->fileusers = $this->chatdir.'/chatusers.txt';
$this->fileroom = isset($_POST['chatroom']) ? ($this->chatdir.'/'.trim(strip_tags($_POST['chatroom'].'.txt'))) : ($this->chatdir.'/'.$this->chatrooms[0].'.txt');
// sets current chat user with the name added in form, and calls the method to set $chatroomcnt
if(isset($_POST['chatuser'])) $this->chatuser = trim(htmlentities($_POST['chatuser'], ENT_NOQUOTES, 'utf-8'));
$this->chatroomcnt = $this->setChatRoomCnt();
// if data from the form to add chat, output chat room content
if(isset($_POST['chatuser'])) echo $this->chatroomcnt;
// returns the HTML code with chat rooms
public function chatRooms() {
$verbindung2 = mysql_connect ("localhost","xxx", "xxx")or die ("keine Verbindung möglich. Benutzername oder Passwort sind falsch");
mysql_select_db("xxx")or die ("Die Datenbank existiert nicht.");
$query = "SELECT * FROM e107_modul_chat_config WHERE userclass='".USERID."'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$nrooms = count($this->chatrooms);
$chatrooms = '';
if($nrooms > 0) {
for($i=0; $i<$nrooms; $i++) {
$id = ($i==0) ? 'id="s_room"' : '';
///$rel = ($i==0) ? 'rel="s_room"' : '';
$class = ($i==0) ? ''.$rooms.'' : 'class="'.$btncolor.'"';
// $class2 = ($i==1) ? ''.$btncolor.'' : '';
$chatrooms .= '<span style="margin-left:5px;"'.$class.' '.$id.'onclick="setChatRoom(this)">'.$this->chatrooms[$i].'</span>';
else $chatrooms = '<span class="btn btn-small "><b> - Chat</span>';
return $chatrooms;
// include the form to add text in chat room, or messaje to Logg in (if $chatuser false, and $chatadd not 1)
public function chatForm() {
if($this->chatadd !== 1) {
if(defined('CHATUSER')) include('chat_form.php');
else echo $this->lsite['chatlogged'];
else include('chat_form.php');
// returns array with online users in chat, in last 7 sec.
protected function getChatUsers($users) {
$regtime = time(); $reusr = array();
// if users, traverses the arrsy and stores the users in last 7 sec.
if(count($users) > 0) {
foreach($users as $t=>$usr) {
if($usr == $this->chatuser) continue;
else if(intval($t) > ($regtime - 8)) $reusr[$t] = $usr;
// adds current user in list
if($this->chatuser !== '') $reusr[$regtime] = $this->chatuser;
$reusr = array_unique($reusr);
return $reusr;
// adds HTML code with chat text in TXT file
protected function setChatRoomCnt() {
$chatrows = array('time'=>'', 'users'=>array(), 'chats'=>array(array('user'=>'', 'date'=>'', 'chat'=>''))); // stores chat room data
// if file for current chat room exists, gets its content, else, display 'no chat', and current user
if(file_exists($this->fileroom)) {
$getchats = file_get_contents($this->fileroom);
if(strlen($getchats) > 11) $chatrows = json_decode($getchats, true);
$chatrows['users'] = $this->getChatUsers($chatrows['users']); // get the list with online users
// if access to add new chat text
if(isset($_POST['adchat'])) {
function smileys($texte)
$verbindung = mysql_connect ("localhost","xxxx", "xxxx")or die ("keine Verbindung möglich. Benutzername oder Passwort sind falsch");
mysql_select_db("xxx")or die ("Die Datenbank existiert nicht.");
$query2 = "SELECT * FROM parse_smilys";
$result2 = mysql_query($query2);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result2))
$code[]= $row['coding'];
$smilys[]= '<img style="vertical-align:middle"src="'.$row['smile'].'">';
return str_replace($code,$smilys,$texte);
//$chatparse= smileys($postchattxt);
$adchat = trim(htmlentities($postchattxt, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'utf-8')); // Transform HTML characters, and delete external whitespace
$adchat =smileys($adchat);
if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) $adchat = stripslashes($adchat); // Removes slashes added by get_magic_quotes_gpc
// if text added, keep the last $maxrows rows, add the new chat data
if(strlen($adchat)<1 || strlen($adchat)<201) {
if(is_array($chatrows['chats'])) $chatrows['chats'] = array_slice($chatrows['chats'], -($this->maxrows));
$chatrows['chats'][] = array('user'=>$this->chatuser, 'date'=>date('j F H:i'), 'chat'=>$adchat);
// if chat in 1st line is empty, remove 1st array with chat line data
if($chatrows['chats'][0]['chat'] == '') array_shift($chatrows['chats']);
// sets chat room content
$chatrows['time'] = time();
// write the chat content in TXT file, returns $chatroomcnt, or message error
$rechat = json_encode($chatrows);
if(file_put_contents($this->fileroom, $rechat)) return $rechat;
else return json_encode(array('error'=>sprintf($this->lsite['err_savechat'], $this->fileroom)));
// to empty chatrooms, include the form with chatrooms to empty
// if request to empty room, and "cadmpass" is correct, write 'notchat' in that room
public function emptyChatRooms() {
if(isset($_POST['emptyroom'])) {
if($_POST['cadmpass'] == CADMPASS) {
$fileroom = $this->chatdir.'/'.trim(strip_tags($_POST['emptyroom'].'.txt'));
if(file_put_contents($fileroom, ' ')) echo '<center>'. sprintf($this->lsite['emptedroom'], $_POST['emptyroom']). '</center>';
else echo '<center>'. $this->lsite['err_emptedroom']. $_POST['emptyroom']. '</center>';
else echo $this->lsite['err_adminpass'];