Übersetzungs Problem!


Erfahrenes Mitglied
Also ich bin mal wieder auf ein Tutorial gestoßen.
Dieses ist auf Englisch schaut hier
http://robouk.mchost.com/tuts/tutorial.php?tutorial=aqa .
Bis jetzt hat ja alles gut geklappt aber diese Stellen verstehe ch überhaupt nicht.Könnt ihr mir sagen was ich hier machen muss,ich bin mit mein Enlisch am Ende.

Now click the "new Style" button and give your style a name, Mines called AQA. You can now use this over and over. Click OK when done.

  Now, we want to add another highlight. This time we will do it manually. Its fairly easy but follow carefully.
HOLD CTRL and click on your text layer in the layers palette to select it. Now create a new layer.
On your keyboard arrows, press up twice and left twice to offset the selection.
Now HOLD CTRL and ALT and click on the text layer in the layers palette again. What you should be left with is a thin selection around part of the text. 
Press X then D to reset your colours and then hit CTRL + Backspace to fill this selection in white.now press CTRL + D to deselect. 
Use the move tool  to move the white highlight down so its just inside your text like so.
I decided to slightly blur my highlight, so go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian blur 
Use a setting of 0.4 and click ok.
It should now look like mine opposite.
  Now, to keep these layers in place I locked them together, to do this click in the square next to the layer until the lock icon appears: 
Now if you move any of the 2 layers, they will move together.
You are now pretty much complete, but if you want to learn how to give it a nice transparent shadow, see the next step.
  Hold CTRL and click on your text layer in the layers palette to select it. now go to Edit>Copy Merged.
Now create a new layer UNDERNEATH both your other 2 layers but ABOVE your background layer. now go to Edit>Paste
Now HOLD CTRL and SHIFT and press down once on your keyboard to move the text down 10 pixels.
Now go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur and choose a setting of 4.7. Click ok.
Again lock this layer with your other too so they all move together.
You are now done, and you text should look like mine opposite.
Hope you enjoyed the tutorial and be sure to post any interesting creations in the Forum. Thanks.