Suche SMTP Mail Klasse für mehrere Empfänger


Erfahrenes Mitglied

wie der titel es schon sagt, suche ich verzweifelt eine SMTP klasse mit der ich eine Email an ein Array aus Empfängern (gerne kann ich das auch in [to1, to2, to3,...] formatieren) schicken kann.

SMTP-Klassen gibt es einige und einige habe ich schon getestet, aber ich habe noch keine gefunden die das eben kann bzw. die sich leicht umfunktionieren lässt,...

Bitte um tipps

sorry, das habe ich vergessen dazuzuschreiben,... aber ich wollte ein möglichst simples System haben,... am liebsten wären mir 5 Zeilen die das können,... alles andere ist für meine zwecke zu überladen.
--> ich möchte gerne das System verstehen :)
Eine SMTP Klasse gibt es nunmal nicht in 5 Zeilen. Wenn du es so kurz haben möchtest, dann bleibt dir nur der [phpf]mail[/phpf] Befehl.
naja klar, ich meine ja auch nur, ich möchte nicht so ein riesen komplex haben,...
ich habe auch schon schöne klassen gefunden,... aber einmal fehlen mir die mehrfach Empfänger und wann anders fehlen mir die Header (weil die schon eingebunden sind),...

ich brauche ne einfache smtp funktion an der ich
ssl, tls, oder none




kurz wäre z.B. die da:

aber die kann (so wie ich das sehe) keine Authentifizierung.

Danke für weitere hilfe
schön wäre diese hier:

aber die überliefert mir folgenden Fehler:
SMTP_Exception[5] -- 501 5.5.4 Illegal argument. in file C:\xampplite\htdocs\smtp\ at line 662 Trace: #0 C:\xampplite\htdocs\smtp\ SMTP->parseResponse(250) #1 C:\xampplite\htdocs\smtp\ SMTP->sendCommand('RCPT TO: ****@*...', 250) #2 C:\xampplite\htdocs\smtp\ SMTP->rcptTo('*****@****.c...') #3 C:\xampplite\htdocs\smtp\smtp_test.php(49): SMTP->sendMessage('***@***.c...', Array, 'Hello World', '****************************?...', Array, '***@*****.c...', NULL, 1) #4 {main}
(die Email Adressen habe ich mit *chen unsichtbar gemacht)

Ich habe das Script 1zu1 übernommen habe nur im test den SMTP Server und die Email Adressen eingetragen.

kann da einer das dazu sagen?

hier die orginalfiles:

 * The SMTP Class provide access to a smtp server.
 * Multiple message sending is possible, too.
 * @package:
 * @author: Steffen 'j0inty' Stollfuß
 * @created 12.06.2008
 * @copyright: Steffen 'j0inty' Stollfuß
 * @version: 0.7.1-dev
 * Class SMTP_Exception
 * @author j0inty
 * @version 1.1.0-final
class SMTP_Exception extends Exception
	 * SMTP Exception constructor
	 * @param integer $intErrorCode
	 * @param string $strErrorMessage
	function __construct($intErrorCode, $strErrorMessage = null)
				$strErrorMessage = "Sockets Error: (". socket_last_error() .") -- ". socket_strerror(socket_last_error());
				$strErrorMessage = "Not implemented now.";
		parent::__construct($strErrorMessage, $intErrorCode);
	 * Store the Exception string to a given file
	 * @param string $strLogFile  logfile name with path
	public function saveToFile($strLogFile)
		if( !$resFp = @fopen($strLogFile,"a+") )
			return false;
		$strMsg = date("Y-m-d H:i:s -- ") . $this;
		if( !@fputs($resFp, $strMsg, strlen($strMsg)) )
			return false;
	 * toString method
	public function __toString()
		return __CLASS__ ."[". $this->getCode() ."] -- ". $this->getMessage() ." in file ". $this->getFile() ." at line ". $this->getLine().PHP_EOL."Trace: ". $this->getTraceAsString() .PHP_EOL;

 * SMTP class
 * @author j0inty
class SMTP
	 * E-Mail Priotities
	 * @var const integer
	const MESSAGE_PRIO_LOW = 5;
	 * @var const string XMAILER
	const XMAILER = "smtp.class.php 0.7.1-final -- Steffen 'j0inty' Stollfuss";
	 * @var const integer No errors occured
	 * @access public
	const ERR_NONE = 0;
	 * @var const integer parameter error
	const ERR_PARAMETER = 1;
	 * @var const integer logging error
	const ERR_LOG = 2;
	 * @var const integer sockets extension error
	const ERR_SOCKETS = 3;
	 * @var const integer sockets extension error
	const ERR_STREAM = 4;
	 * @var const integer invalid response code came from the server
	 * @var const integer comes when a function isn't implemented yet
	 * Authorization method constant
	const AUTH_PLAIN = 100;
	 * Regular Expression for a valid email adress
	 * I know that this regex isn't the best
	const REGEX_EMAIL = "((<)|([A-Za-z0-9._-](\+[A-Za-z0-9])*)+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,6}|(>))";
	 * default buffer size for socket reads
	 * @var const integer
	const DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 4096;
	 * @var string SMTP Server Hostname
	 * @access private
	private $strHostname = null;
	 * @var string $strIPAdress
	 * @access private
	private $strIPAdress = null;
	 * @var integer SMTP Server Port
	 * @access private
	private $intPort = 25;
	 * @var resource Socket
	 * @access private
	private $resSocket = false;
	 * @var boolean $bSocketConnected
	private $bSocketConnected = false;
	 * @var array Connection Timeout
	 * @access private
	private $arrConnectionTimeout = array("sec" => "10", "msec" => "0");
	 * @var boolean Using sockets extension
	 * @access private
	private $bUseSockets = true;
	 * @var boolean  Hide the username at the log file (sha256)
	 * @access private
	private $bHideUsernameAtLog = true;
	 * @var string log path to file
	 * @access private
	private $strLogFile = null;
	 * @var boolean log filedescriptor opened
	 * @access private
	private $bLogOpened = false;
	 * @var resource log file descriptor
	 * @access private 
	private $resLogFp = false;
	 * @var string  Use it as prefix for every log line
	 * @access private
	private $strLogDatetimeFormat = "Y-m-d H:i:s";
	 * constructor
	 * @param string $strLogFile filename where the class will log
	 * @param boolean $bHideUsernameAtLog should the username hide in the logfile
	 * @param boolean $bUseSockets should the class use the sockets extension ?
	 * @return SMTP SMTP class object
	 * @throw SMTP_Exception
	 * @access public
	function __construct( $strLogFile = null, $bHideUsernameAtLog = true, $bUseSockets = true)
		// Check input
		if( !is_bool($bHideUsernameAtLog) )
			throw new SMTP_Exception(self::ERR_PARAMETER,"Invalid hide username at logfile parameter given");
		if( !is_bool($bUseSockets) )
			throw new SMTP_Exception(self::ERR_PARAMETER,"Invalid UseSockets parameter given");
		elseif( $bUseSockets && !extension_loaded("sockets") )
			throw new SMTP_Exception(self::ERR_PARAMETER,"You choose the socket extension support, but this isn't available");
		if( is_string($strLogFile) )
			$this->strLogFile = $strLogFile;
		$this->bHideUsernameAtLog = $bHideUsernameAtLog;
		$this->bUseSockets = $bUseSockets;
	 * destructor
	 * @access public
	 * @throw SMTP_Exception
	function __destruct()
	 * connect to the smtp server
	 * @param string $strHostname  IP or hostname of the smtp server
	 * @param integer $intPort  Port where the smtp server is listen to
	 * @param array $arrConnectionTimeout
	 * @param boolean $bIPv6
	 * @access public
	 * @throw SMTP_Exception
	public function connect( $strHostname, $intPort = 25, $arrConnectionTimeout = null, $bIPv6 = false)
		if( !is_string($strHostname) )
			throw new SMTP_Exception(self::ERR_PARAMETER,"Invalid hostname string given");
		if( !is_int($intPort) && $intPort > 0 && $intPort < 65535 )
			throw new SMTP_Exception(self::ERR_PARAMETER,"Invalid port given");
		if( !is_bool($bIPv6) )
			throw new SMTP_Exception(self::ERR_PARAMETER,"Invalid ipv6 given");
		if( $this->bUseSockets )
			if( !$this->resSocket = @socket_create( (($bIPv6) ? AF_INET6 : AF_INET), SOL_SOCKET, SOL_TCP ) )
				throw new SMTP_Exception(self::ERR_SOCKETS);
			$this->log((($bIPv6) ? "AF_INET6" : "AF_INET") ."-TCP-Socket created.");
			if(!is_null($arrConnectionTimeout) )
			if( !@socket_connect($this->resSocket,$strHostname,$intPort)
				|| !@socket_getpeername($this->resSocket,$this->strIPAdress) )
				throw new SMTP_Exception(self::ERR_SOCKETS);
			$dTimeout = (double) implode(".",$arrConnectionTimeout);
			if( !@fsockopen("tcp://". $strHostname .":". $intPort, &$intErrno, &$strError, $dTimeout) )
				throw new SMTP_Exception(self::ERR_STREAM,"fopen: [". $intErrno ."] -- ". $strError);
			if(!is_null($arrConnectionTimeout) ) $this->setSocketTimeout($arrConnectionTimeout);
			$this->strIPAdress = @gethostbyname($strHostname);
		$this->strHostname = $strHostname;
		$this->intPort = $intPort;
		$this->bSocketConnected = true;
		$this->log("socket: Connected to ". $this->strIPAdress .":". $intPort ." [". $strHostname ."]");
		// Welcome message from the server
		// EHLO Stuff
		$this->sendCommand("EHLO ". $strHostname,250);
	 * disconnect from the smtp server
	 * @access public
	 * @throw SMTP_Exception
	public function disconnect()
		if( $this->bSocketConnected )
			$this->sendCommand("QUIT", 221);
			if( $this->bUseSockets )
				if( @socket_close($this->resSocket) === false)
					throw new SMTP_Exception(self::ERR_SOCKETS);
				if( !@fclose($this->resSocket) )
					throw new SMTP_Exception(self::ERR_STREAM,"fclose: Faild to close the socket" );
			$this->bSocketConnected = false;
			$this->log("socket: Disconnected from ". $this->strIPAdress .":". $this->intPort ." [". $this->strHostname ."]");
	 * login into the server
	 * ****** Cauition ******
	 * This is only need for smtp server with authorization, else you don't need to call this function
	 * @param string $strUsername Username of your account on the smtp server
	 * @param string $strPassword The password for your account
	 * @throw SMTP_Exception
	 * @access public
	public function login( $strUsername = "", $strPassword = "" , $intAuthMethod = self::AUTH_PLAIN )
		if( empty($strUsername) || empty($strPassword) )
			throw new SMTP_Exception(self::ERR_PARAMETER,"Invalid username or password given. If is no login needed don't use this function here.");
		if( $intAuthMethod == self::AUTH_PLAIN )
			$this->sendCommand("AUTH LOGIN", 334);
			$this->sendCommand(base64_encode($strUsername),334,"Username: ". $strUsername);
			$this->sendCommand(base64_encode($strPassword),235,"Password: ". sha1($strPassword));
			throw new Exception(self::ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
	 * Send an email
	 * @param string $strFrom  From/Sender Adress
	 * @param 
	public function sendMessage($strFrom, $mixedTo, $strSubject, $strMessage, $mixedOptionalHeader = null, $mixedCC = null, $mixedBCC = null, $intPriority = self::MESSAGE_PRIO_MEDIUM)
		$arrMailHeader = array();
		if( !is_string($strFrom) || !preg_match(self::REGEX_EMAIL,$strFrom) )
			throw new SMTP_Exception(self::ERR_PARAMETER, "Invalid \"from\" parameter given or invalid adress [". $strFrom ."]");
		if( !is_array($mixedTo) )
			if( !is_string($mixedTo) ) 
				throw new SMTP_Exception(self::ERR_PARAMETER, "Invalid \"to\" parameter given");
		if( !is_string($strSubject) )
			throw new SMTP_Exception(self::ERR_PARAMETER, "Invalid subject parameter given");
		if( !is_string($strMessage) )
			throw new SMTP_Exception(self::ERR_PARAMETER, "Invalid message parameter given");
		if( !is_null($mixedOptionalHeader) && !is_array($mixedOptionalHeader) )
			if( !is_string($mixedOptionalHeader) )
				throw new SMTP_Exception(self::ERR_PARAMETER, "Invalid optional header parameter given");
		if( !is_null($mixedCC) && !is_array($mixedCC) )
				throw new SMTP_Exception(self::ERR_PARAMETER, "Invalid \"cc\" parameter given");
		if( !is_null($mixedBCC) && !is_array($mixedBCC) )
			if( !is_string($mixedBCC) )
				throw new SMTP_Exception(self::ERR_PARAMETER, "Invalid \"bcc\" parameter given");
		if( !is_int($intPriority) || ($intPriority < 1 || $intPriority > 5) )
			throw new SMTP_Exception(self::ERR_PARAMETER, "Invalid priority parameter given. Allowed is a value between [1-5]");
		// Prepare the Header
		// From
		$this->sendCommand("MAIL FROM: <". $strFrom .">",250);
		$arrMailHeader["from"] = $strFrom;
		// TO
		if( !is_array($mixedTo) )
			$arrMailHeader["to"] = "<". $mixedTo .">";
			$bFirst = true;
			$arrMailHeader["to"] = "";
			foreach( $mixedTo AS $email )
				if( $bFirst )
					$arrMailHeader["to"] .= "<". $email .">";
					$bFirst = false;
					$arrMailHeader["to"] .= ", <". $email .">";
		// CC
		if( !is_null($mixedCC) )
			if( !is_array($mixedCC) )
				$arrMailHeader["cc"] = "<". $mixedCC .">";
				$bFirst = true;
				$arrMailHeader["cc"] = "";
				foreach( $mixedCC AS $email )
					if( $bFirst )
						$arrMailHeader["cc"] .= "<". $email .">";
						$bFirst = false;
						$arrMailHeader["cc"] .= ", <". $email .">";
		// BCC
		if( !is_null($mixedBCC) )
			if( !is_array($mixedBCC) )
				$arrMailHeader["bcc"] = "<". $mixedBCC .">";
				$bFirst = true;
				$arrMailHeader["bcc"] = "";
				foreach( $mixedBCC AS $email )
					if( $bFirst )
						$arrMailHeader["bcc"] .= "<". $email .">";
						$bFirst = false;
						$arrMailHeader["bcc"] .= ", <". $email .">";
		 *  Send the message
		$this->sendCommand("DATA", 354);
		// Header first
		while( ($key = key($arrMailHeader)) != null )
			$this->send(ucfirst($key) .": ". $arrMailHeader[$key]);
		$this->send("Subject: ". $strSubject);
		$this->send("Date: ". date("r"));
		$this->send("X-Mailer: ". self::XMAILER);
		// default priority for a mail is 3 so we don't need to add a line for that
		if( $intPriority != 3 )
			$this->send("X-Priority: ". $intPriority);
			if( $intPriority == 1 || $intPriority == 2 )
				$this->send("X-MSMail-Priority: High");
				$this->send("X-MSMail-Priority: Low");
		// Optional header
		if( !is_null($mixedOptionalHeader) )
			if( !is_array($mixedOptionalHeader) )
				foreach( $mixedOptionalHeader as &$strHeader )
		// Close the Header part
		// Message body
		// Close the message
	 * Set the socket send and recv timeouts
	 * @param array $arrTimeout
	 * @throw SMTP_Exception
	 * @return void
	 * @access private
	private function setSocketTimeout( $arrTimeout )
		if( !is_array($arrTimeout) || !is_int($arrTimeout["sec"]) || !is_int($arrTimeout["usec"]) )
			throw new SMTP_Exception(self::ERR_PARAMETER,"Invalid connection timeout given");
		if( $this->bUseSockets )
			if( !@socket_set_option($this->resSocket,SOL_SOCKET,SO_RCVTIMEO,$arrTimeout)
				|| !@socket_set_option($this->resSocket,SOL_SOCKET,SO_SNDTIMEO,$arrTimeout) )
				throw new SMTP_Exception(self::ERR_SOCKETS);
			if( !@stream_set_timeout($this->resSocket,$arrTimeout["sec"],$arrTimeout["usec"]) )
				throw new SMTP_Exception(self::ERR_STREAM,"stream_set_timeout: Failed to set stream connection timeout");
		$this->log("socket timeout: ". implode(".",$arrTimeout) ." seconds");
	 * Send a string to the server
	 * @param string $str
	 * @param integer $intFlags  socket_send() flags (only need for socket_extension)
	 * @throw SMTP_Exception
	 * @access private
	private function send( $str, $intFlags = 0 )
		$str = $str ."\r\n";
		if( $this->bUseSockets )
			if( !@socket_send($this->resSocket,$str,strlen($str),$intFlags) )
				throw new SMTP_Exception(self::ERR_SOCKETS);
			if( !@fwrite($this->resSocket,$str,strlen($str)) )
				throw new SMTP_Exception(self::ERR_STREAM,"fwrite: Failed to write to socket");
	 * Recieve a string from the server
	 * @param integer $intBufferSize
	 * @throw SMTP_Exception
	 * @access private
	private function recvString( $intBufferSize = self::DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE )
		$strBuffer = "";
		if( $this->bUseSockets )
			if( ($strBuffer = @socket_read($this->resSocket, $intBufferSize, PHP_NORMAL_READ)) === false )
				throw new SMTP_Exception(self::ERR_SOCKETS);
			 * Workaround: PHP_NORMAL_READ stops at "\r" but the network string is terminated by "\r\n",
			 * 			   so we need to call socket_read again for this 1 char "\n"
			if( ($strBuffer2 = @socket_read($this->resSocket, 1, PHP_NORMAL_READ)) === false )
				throw new SMTP_Exception(self::ERR_SOCKETS);
			$strBuffer .= $strBuffer2;
			if( !$strBuffer = @fgets($this->resSocket,$intBufferSize) )
				throw new SMTP_Exception(self::ERR_STREAM,"fgets: Couldn't read string from socket");
		return $strBuffer;
	 * Recieve a string from the socket and check was the need response code given.
	 * Else not it will throw an exception with the message from the server
	 * @param integer $intNeededCode needed Responsecode from the server
	 * @param integer $intBufferSize  @see recvString()
	 * @throw SMTP_Exception
	 * @access private
	private function parseResponse( $intNeededCode, $intBufferSize = self::DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE )
			$strBuffer = $this->recvString($intBufferSize);
			if(preg_match("/^[0-9]{3}( )/", $strBuffer))
		if( !preg_match("/^(". $intNeededCode .")/",$strBuffer) )
			throw new SMTP_Exception(self::ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE,$strBuffer);
	 * Send the command to the server and check for the needed response code
	 * @param string $cmd  command for the server
	 * @param integer $neededCode @see parseResponse()
	 * @param string $strLog  String that should log, else we use the command string
	 * @param integer $intFlags  @see send()
	 * @throw SMTP_Exception
	 * @access private
	private function sendCommand( $strCommand, $intNeededCode, $strLog = null, $intFlags = 0 )
		( !is_null($strLog) ) ? $this->log($strLog) : $this->log($strCommand);
	 * reciept to
	 * @param string $email  E-Mail-Adress
	private function rcptTo($email)
		if( !is_null($email) )
			if( !preg_match(self::REGEX_EMAIL,$email) )
				throw new SMTP_Exception(self::ERR_PARAMETER,"Invalid email address given [". $email ."]");
			$this->sendCommand("RCPT TO: ". $email, 250);
	 * open the log filedescriptor
	 * @throw SMTP_Exception
	 * @access private
	private function openLog()
		// Note: Constructor checks is it a string or not so we don't need to check for null again
		// Think about, test it.
		if( !$this->bLogOpened /*&& !is_null($this->strLogFile)*/ )
			if( !$this->resLogFp = @fopen($this->strLogFile,"a+") )
				throw new SMTP_Exception(self::ERR_LOG,"fopen: Couldn't open log file: ". $this->strLogFile);
			$this->bLogOpened = true;
	 * close the log filedescriptor
	 * @access private
	private function closeLog()
		if( $this->bLogOpened )
			$this->bLogOpened = false;
	 * open the log filedescriptor
	 * @param string $str  String to log
	 * @throw SMTP_Exception
	 * @access private
	private function log( $str )
		if( $this->bLogOpened )
			$str = date($this->strLogDatetimeFormat). ": ". trim($str) .PHP_EOL;
			if( !@fwrite($this->resLogFp, $str, strlen($str)) )
				throw new SMTP_Exception(self::ERR_LOG,"fwrite: Failed to wrote to logfile. (". trim($str) .")");

 * @package:
 * @author: Steffen 'j0inty' Stollfuß
 * @created 12.06.2008
 * @copyright: Steffen 'j0inty' Stollfuß
 * @version: 0.2-dev
$rootPath = "./";
function __autoload($class)
	global $rootPath;
	require_once($rootPath. strtolower($class)."");

$strLogFile = $rootPath ."smtp.log";

$smtpServer = "";
$smtpPort = 25;
$smtpUser = "";
$smtpPass = "";
$IPv6 = false;
$arrConnectionTimeout = array("sec" => 5, "usec" => 0);

$from = "";
$to = array("","");
$cc = "";
$bcc = null;

$optinalHeaders = array( "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"utf-8\"",
						 "Reply-To: ". $from

$subject = "Hello World";
$message = "äöüÄÖÜß\r\nHello World,\r\nNice to meet you ;)\r\nregards\r\nj0inty";

	$smtp = new SMTP($strLogFile);
	if( $smtpUser != "" )
	for( $i=0;$i<1;$i++ )
catch( SMTP_Exception $e )
	$e->saveToFile($rootPath. "smtp_expections.log");
	echo $e;


aber meine Email Adressen stimmen,...
an was könnte das liegen? hat jemand eine Idee oder eine Änderung die mir weiterhelfen kann?

bedeutet das was mit meinem SMTP Server nicht stimmt? eine andere Klasse mit dem selben Server funktioniert, aber hat leider die Funktion für mehrer Empfänger nicht :(

zeile 662:
			throw new SMTP_Exception(self::ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE,$strBuffer);

was bedeutet das?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
evtl. hilft ja das jemanden weiter:

2011-01-27 06:49:38: AF_INET-TCP-Socket created.
2011-01-27 06:49:38: socket timeout: 5.0 seconds
2011-01-27 06:49:38: socket: Connected to tcp:// []
2011-01-27 06:49:39: 220 IPVANS ESMTP receiver fmsad1825 ready.
2011-01-27 06:49:39: EHLO
2011-01-27 06:49:39: ready.
2011-01-27 06:49:39: 250-SIZE 52428800
2011-01-27 06:49:39: 250-8BITMIME
2011-01-27 06:49:39: 250-AUTH=LOGIN PLAIN
2011-01-27 06:49:39: 250-AUTH LOGIN PLAIN
2011-01-27 06:49:39: 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
2011-01-27 06:49:39: 250 HELP
2011-01-27 06:49:39: AUTH LOGIN
2011-01-27 06:49:39: 334 VXNIcm5hbSU6
2011-01-27 06:49:39: Username: 88ad62745f3e3abc6cbc0b3cw44cf58125e92dc0
2011-01-27 06:49:39: 334 UDFzc3evcmM6
2011-01-27 06:49:39: Password: b0S81c902ea4ae4f151d7ba9a9doa40ee6s4f839
2011-01-27 06:49:39: 235 2.5.0 Authentication successful.
2011-01-27 06:49:39: RCPT TO:
2011-01-27 06:49:39: 501 5.5.4 Illegal argument.
2011-01-27 06:49:39: QUIT
2011-01-27 06:49:39: 221 2.0.0 closing.
2011-01-27 06:49:39: socket: Disconnected from []
Persönliche Daten wurden von mir verfälscht,...

2011-01-27 06:49:39: 501 5.5.4 Illegal argument.
ich weiß nicht was für ein wert, Argument oder was auch immer falsch sein sollte,...
