How can I here resize the picture to maximum 430 of width? And the quality shoult be good.
I know, that I must use the imageCopyResampled() function, but I don't know how to insert it into my code to resize the pictuse
Some examples would be useful.
I know, that I must use the imageCopyResampled() function, but I don't know how to insert it into my code to resize the pictuse
Some examples would be useful.
if(stristr($string,'[ IMG]')&&stristr($string,'[ /IMG]'))
$string=preg_replace("'\[ img\](\S+?[\w\d]{1}\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|png))\[ /IMG\]'iUs",'<a href="\\1" target="_blank"><img src="\\1" border="0"></a>',$string);
$string=preg_replace("'\[ [/]{0,1}img\]'iUs",'',$string);