phptriad with new php?

stupid question, but if I run this foxserv, could someone connect with my computer outside? or is this only for local working?
k, first: foxserv is a local server... just apache running...
try i with ... this should work, and then maybe you'll need to configure apache in the httpd.conf file.

sorry, i ain't got no more time for this right now, i really need to go home ;)
online again tomorrow...


PS: and allways remember, questions can't be stupid, like my old teacher allways said... ;)
foxserv uses the "normal" Apache-Server! It can also be accessed from outside, when someone knows your IP-adress! ;)

http://localhost should work also, when Apache is running.

The problems you have could be Bugs in the new PHP and/or Apache. I also had problems with Cookies, but only on W2000 or WXP-machines!!!

ok, thank you dunsti... seems you're right ;)

but i thought, that it's possible to install the apache as a server, only accessible from your machine?

no, you can NOT ! ;)

you can only prevent access from someone from outside by a firewall.
