PHP-Links als _blank öffnen


Erfahrenes Mitglied
Erstmals Hallo Zäme.
Ich habe einen Blog eröffnet und dort gibt es im Footer sogenannte Credits.
Nun möchte ich den folgenden Code ändern damit die Links als
aufgerufen werden.
Leider kenne ich diese Art von php-Code nicht und weiss nicht wie ich in Ändern muss damit sie eben als _blank geöffnet werden. :confused:
$credit_links = array(
	array( '', 'blog software' ),
	array( '', 'web hosting' ),
	array( '', 'monetize' ),
Bin für jegliche Hilfe dankbar. :)
das ist ein mehrdimensionales Array. ;)
Zeig mal bitte den Abschnitt, wo $credit_links verarbeitet wird.

könntest du vielleicht auch noch die display_list() - Function posten?

 * This is the main template. It displays the blog.
 * However this file is not meant to be called directly.
 * It is meant to be called automagically by b2evolution.
 * To display a blog, you should call a stub file instead, for example:
 * /blogs/index.php or /blogs/blog_b.php
 * b2evolution - {@link}
 * Released under GNU GPL License - {@link}
 * @copyright (c)2003-2006 by Francois PLANQUE - {@link}
 * @package evoskins
 * @subpackage nifty_green
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

skin_content_header(); // Sets charset!
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="<?php locale_lang() ?>" lang="<?php locale_lang() ?>">
<?php skin_content_meta(); /* Charset for static pages */ ?>
$Blog->disp('name', 'htmlhead');
request_title( ' - ', '', ' - ', 'htmlhead' );
<?php skin_base_tag(); /* Base URL for this skin. You need this to fix relative links! */ ?>
<meta name="description" content="<?php $Blog->disp( 'shortdesc', 'htmlattr' ); ?>" />
<meta name="keywords" content="<?php $Blog->disp( 'keywords', 'htmlattr' ); ?>" />
<meta name="generator" content="b2evolution <?php echo $app_version ?>" /> <!-- Please leave this for stats -->
<link rel="alternate" type="text/xml" title="RSS 2.0" href="<?php $Blog->disp( 'rss2_url', 'raw' ) ?>" />
<link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="Atom" href="<?php $Blog->disp( 'atom_url', 'raw' ) ?>" />
<?php $Plugins->trigger_event( 'SkinBeginHtmlHead' ); ?>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="print" href="rsc/nifty_print.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="rsc/stylesheet.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="rsc/nifty_corners.css" />
$Blog->disp( 'blog_css', 'raw');
$Blog->disp( 'user_css', 'raw');
// comments_popup_script(); // Uncomment to include javascript to open pop up windows

<script type="text/javascript" src="rsc/nifty_corners.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">



<div class="wrapper">

<div class="outerwrap">

<div class="innerwrap">

/* -------------------------- BLOG LIST INCLUDED HERE --------------------------
 * customize this with settings in skins/skinname/_bloglist.php or 
 * copy skins/_bloglist.php to skins/skinname and really customize it
require( dirname(__FILE__).'/_bloglist.php' );
// ----------------------------- END OF BLOG LIST --------------------------- ?>

<div class="pageHeader">
<h1 id="pageTitle"><?php $Blog->disp( 'name', 'htmlbody' ) ?></h1>
<div class="pageSubtitle"><?php $Blog->disp( 'tagline', 'htmlbody' ) ?></div>



<?php // ------------------------ START OF MAIN AREA ------------------------ ?>

<div class="posts">

<div class="innerwrap">

<?php // ------------------- MESSAGES GENERATED FROM ACTIONS -------------------
if( empty( $preview ) ) $Messages->disp();
// ------------------------------- END OF MESSAGES -------------------------- ?>

<?php // -------------------- TITLE FOR THE CURRENT REQUEST --------------------
if( $disp != 'single' ) {
	request_title( '<h2>', '</h2>' );
// ----------------------------- END OF REQUEST TITLE ----------------------- ?>

<?php // ------------------------ START OF POSTS LOOP --------------------------
if( isset($MainList) ) $MainList->display_if_empty(); // Display message if no post
if( isset($MainList) ) while( $Item = & $MainList->get_item() ) {
	$MainList->date_if_changed(); // display post date if it changed
	locale_temp_switch( $Item->locale ); // Temporarily switch to post locale
	$Item->anchor(); // Anchor for permalinks to refer to

<div class="bTitle"><h3 class="bTitle"><?php $Item->title(); ?></h3></div>

<div class="bPost" lang="<?php $Item->lang() ?>">

<div class="bSmallHead">
	echo ', ', T_('Categories'), ': ';
	echo ' &nbsp; ';

<div class="bText">

<div class="bSmallPrint">
	<?php $Item->permanent_link( '#icon#' ); ?>
	<?php $Item->edit_link( ' &bull; ' ) // Link to backoffice for editing ?>
	<?php $Item->wordcount();
	echo ' '.T_('words');
	echo ' '.T_('by').' ';
	$Item->author( '<strong>', '</strong>' );
	$Item->msgform_link( $Blog->get('msgformurl') );
	echo ', ';
	$Item->views(); ?>
	<?php $Item->feedback_link( 'feedbacks', ' &bull; ' ) // Link to comments & trackbacks & pingbacks ?>

$disp_comments = 1;      // Display the comments if requested
$disp_comment_form = 1;  // Display the comments form if comments requested
$disp_trackbacks = 1;    // Display the trackbacks if requested
$disp_trackback_url = 1; // Display the trackbal URL if trackbacks requested
$disp_pingbacks = 1;     // Display the pingbacks if requested * pingbacks are going away!
// now get the feedbacks
require( dirname(__FILE__).'/_feedback.php' );

locale_restore_previous();	// Restore previous locale (Blog locale) ?>


<?php } // --------------------- END OF POSTS LOOP -------------------------- ?> 

<p class="center"><strong>
// navigation links for multi-post pages
// navigation links for single-post pages
previous_post( '%' ); // uses post title for %
next_post( '%' ); // uses post title for %



<?php // --------------------- START OF SIDEBAR (LEFT)  --------------------- ?>

<div class="bSideBar">

<div class="innerwrap">

<div class="bSideItem">
<h3><?php echo T_('Misc') ?></h3>
user_login_link( '<li>', '</li>' );
user_register_link( '<li>', '</li>' );
user_admin_link( '<li>', '</li>' );
user_profile_link( '<li>', '</li>' );
user_subs_link( '<li>', '</li>' );
user_logout_link( '<li>', '</li>' );

/* ------------------------- CALL THE CALENDAR PLUGIN --------------------------
 * customize your calendar by adding parameters to the plugin's array. see 
 * or plugins/_calendar.plugin.php for details
$Plugins->call_by_code( 'evo_Calr', array( // Add parameters below:
	'title'=>'', // No title.
	) );
// ---------------------------- END OF CALENDAR ----------------------------- ?>

$current_skin_includes_path = dirname(__FILE__).'/';
// Call the dispatcher:
require $skins_path.'';
// -------------- END OF INCLUDES FOR LAST COMMENTS, MY PROFILE, ETC. ------- ?>

/* ------------------------ CALL THE CATEGORIES PLUGIN -------------------------
 * customize your categories by adding parameters to the plugin's array. see 
 * or plugins/_categories.plugin.php for details
$Plugins->call_by_code( 'evo_Cats', array( // Add parameters below:
	) );
// --------------------------- END OF CATEGORIES ---------------------------- ?>

	<div class="bSideItem">
		<h3><?php $Blog->disp( 'name', 'htmlbody' ) ?></h3>
		<p><?php $Blog->disp( 'longdesc', 'htmlbody' ); ?></p>
			<li><a href="<?php $Blog->disp( 'dynurl', 'raw' ) ?>"><strong><?php echo T_('Recently') ?></strong></a></li>
			<li><a href="<?php $Blog->disp( 'arcdirurl', 'raw' ) ?>"><strong><?php echo T_('Archives') ?></strong></a></li>
			<li><a href="<?php $Blog->disp( 'lastcommentsurl', 'raw' ) ?>"><strong><?php echo T_('Last comments') ?></strong></a></li>

<?php // --------------------- SEARCH BOX INCLUDED HERE --------------------- ?>
<div class="bSideItem">
<h3 class="sideItemTitle"><?php echo T_('Search') ?></h3>
<?php form_formstart( $Blog->dget( 'blogurl', 'raw' ), 'search', 'SearchForm' ) ?>
<p><input type="text" name="s" size="30" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($s) ?>" class="SearchField" /><br />
<input type="radio" name="sentence" value="AND" id="sentAND" <?php if( $sentence=='AND' ) echo 'checked="checked" ' ?>/><label for="sentAND"><?php echo T_('All Words') ?></label><br />
<input type="radio" name="sentence" value="OR" id="sentOR" <?php if( $sentence=='OR' ) echo 'checked="checked" ' ?>/><label for="sentOR"><?php echo T_('Some Word') ?></label><br />
<input type="radio" name="sentence" value="sentence" id="sentence" <?php if( $sentence=='sentence' ) echo 'checked="checked" ' ?>/><label for="sentence"><?php echo T_('Entire phrase') ?></label></p>
<input type="submit" name="submit" class="submit" value="<?php echo T_('Search') ?>" />
<?php // ------------------------ END OF SEARCH BOX ------------------------- ?>

/* ------------------------- CALL THE ARCHIVES PLUGIN --------------------------
 * customize your archives by adding parameters to the plugin's array. see 
 * or plugins/_archives.plugin.php for details
$Plugins->call_by_code( 'evo_Arch', array( // Add parameters below:
	) );
// ---------------------------- END OF ARCHIVES ----------------------------- ?>

/* ------------------------- SKINS LIST INCLUDED HERE --------------------------
 * customize this with settings in skins/skinname/_skinslist.php 
 * this is a hack - it is NOT an official part of b2evolution!
if( ! $Blog->get('force_skin') ) {
	require( dirname(__FILE__).'/_skinslist.php');
	} // -------------------------- END OF SKINS LIST ------------------------- ?>

/* -------------------------- LINKBLOG INCLUDED HERE ---------------------------
 * customize this with settings in skins/skinname/_linkblog.php or 
 * copy skins/_linkblog.php to skins/skinname and really customize it
#require( dirname(__FILE__).'/_linkblog.php' );
// ---------------------------- END OF LINKBLOG ----------------------------- ?>

<?php // --------------------- WHO'S ONLINE INCLUDED HERE ----------------------
if( empty($generating_static) && ! $Plugins->trigger_event_first_true('CacheIsCollectingContent') ) { ?>
	<div class="bSideItem">
	<h3 class="sideItemTitle"><?php echo T_('Who\'s Online?') ?></h3>
	<?php $Sessions->display_onliners(); ?>
	} // ------------------------- END OF WHO'S ONLINE ------------------------ ?>

<div class="bSideItem">
<h3><img src="<?php echo $rsc_url ?>icons/feed-icon-16x16.gif" width="16" height="16" class="top" alt="<?php echo T_('Syndicate this blog') ?>" /> <?php echo T_('XML Feeds') ?></h3>
<li>RSS 0.92: <a href="<?php $Blog->disp( 'rss_url', 'raw' ) ?>"><?php echo T_('Posts') ?></a>, <a href="<?php $Blog->disp( 'comments_rss_url', 'raw' ) ?>"><?php echo T_('Comments') ?></a></li>
<li>RSS 1.0: <a href="<?php $Blog->disp( 'rdf_url', 'raw' ) ?>"><?php echo T_('Posts') ?></a>, <a href="<?php $Blog->disp( 'comments_rdf_url', 'raw' ) ?>"><?php echo T_('Comments') ?></a></li>
<li>RSS 2.0: <a href="<?php $Blog->disp( 'rss2_url', 'raw' ) ?>"><?php echo T_('Posts') ?></a>, <a href="<?php $Blog->disp( 'comments_rss2_url', 'raw' ) ?>"><?php echo T_('Comments') ?></a></li>
<li>ATOM 1.0: <a href="<?php $Blog->disp( 'atom_url', 'raw' ) ?>"><?php echo T_('Posts') ?></a>, <a href="<?php $Blog->disp( 'comments_atom_url', 'raw' ) ?>"><?php echo T_('Comments') ?></a></li>
<a href="" title="External - English"><?php echo T_('What is this?') ?></a>

<p class="center">Powered by<br />
<a href="" title="b2evolution home" target="_blank"><img src="<?php echo $rsc_url; ?>img/b2evolution_logo_80.gif" alt="b2evolution" width="80" height="17" border="0" class="middle" /></a></p>


<div class="clear"><img src="<?php echo $rsc_url; ?>img/blank.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" /></div>

<?php // ----------------------- START OF PAGE FOOTER ----------------------- ?>

<div id="pageFooter">
<p class="baseline">
Template design by <a href="" target="_blank">Dave Thuet</a> &amp; <a href="" target="_blank">S&eacute;verine Landrieu</a> &amp; <a href="" target="_blank">Fran&ccedil;ois Planque</a>.
<p class="baseline">
// Display additional credits (see /conf/_advanced.php)
display_list( $credit_links, T_('Credits').': ', ' ', '|', ' ', ' ' );


$Hit->log(); // log the hit on this page
debug_info(); // output debug info if requested



Ich hoffe das ist was Du haben willst... :confused:

Hier die richtige Datei... :)
 * This file includes advanced settings for the evoCore framework.
 * Please NOTE: You should not comment variables out to prevent
 * URL overrides.
 * @package conf
 * @version $Id: _advanced.php,v 2007/03/10 18:37:31 fplanque Exp $
if( !defined('EVO_CONFIG_LOADED') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

 * No Translation. Does nothing.
 * Nevertheless, the string will be extracted by the gettext tools
function NT_( $string )
	return $string;

 * Display debugging informations?
 * 0 = no
 * 1 = yes
 * 2 = yes and potentially die() to display debug info (needed before redirects, e-g message_send.php)
 * @global integer
$debug = 0;

// Most of the time you'll want to see all errors, including notices:
// b2evo should run notice free! (plugins too!)
error_reporting( E_ALL );

// To help debugging severe errors, you'll probably want PHP to display the errors on screen.
// In this case, uncomment the following line:
// ini_set( 'display_errors', 'on' );

// If you get blank pages, PHP may be crashing because it doesn't have enough memory.
// The default is 8 MB (set in php.ini)
// Try uncommmenting the following line:
// ini_set( 'memory_limit', '16M' );

 * Log application errors through {@link error_log() PHP's logging facilities}?
 * This means that they will get logged according to PHP's error_log configuration directive.
 * Experimental! This may be changed to use regular files instead/optionally.
 * @global boolean Default: true
$log_app_errors = 1;

 * Demo mode: don't allow changes to the 'demouser' and 'admin' account.
 * @global boolean Default: false
$demo_mode = false;

 * Comments: Set this to 1 to require e-mail and name, or 0 to allow comments
 * without e-mail/name.
 * @global boolean $require_name_email
$require_name_email = 1;

 * Minimum interval (in seconds) between consecutive comments from same IP.
 * @global int $minimum_comment_interval
$minimum_comment_interval = 30;

if( !isset($default_to_blog) )
{ /**
	 * Set the blog number to be used when not otherwise specified.
	 * 2 is the default setting, since it is the first user blog created by b2evo.
	 * 1 is also a popular choice, since it is a special blog aggregating all the others.
	 * @global int $default_to_blog
	 * @todo move to {@link $Settings}
	$default_to_blog = 2;

 * Set the length of the online session time out (in seconds).
 * This is for the Who's Online block. Default: 5 minutes (300s).
 * @global integer
$timeout_online_user = 300; // Default: 5 minutes (300s).

// Get hostname out of baseurl
// YOU SHOULD NOT EDIT THIS unless you know what you're doing
if( preg_match( '#^(https?://(.+?)(:.+?)?)/#', $baseurl, $matches ) )
	$baseurlroot = $matches[1]; // no ending slash!
	// echo "baseurlroot=$baseurlroot <br />";
	$basehost = $matches[2];
	// echo "basehost=$basehost <br />";
	die( 'Your baseurl ('.$baseurl.') set in _basic_config.php seems invalid. You probably missed the "http://" prefix or the trailing slash. Please correct that.' );

 * Short name of this system (will be used for cookies and notification emails).
 * Change this only if you install mutliple b2evolutions on the same website.
 * WARNING: don't play with this or you'll have tons of cookies sent away and your
 * readers surely will complain about it!
 * You can change the notification email address alone a few lines below.
 * @global string Default: 'b2evo'
$instance_name = 'b2evo'; // MUST BE A SINGLE WORD! NO SPACES!!

 * Default email address for sending notifications (comments, trackbacks,
 * user registrations...).
 * Set a custom address like this:
 * <code>$notify_from = '';</code>
 * Alternatively you can use this automated address generation (which removes "www." from
 * the beginning of $basehost):
 * <code>$notify_from = $instance_name.'@'.preg_replace( '/^www\./i', '', $basehost );</code>
 * @global string Default: $instance_name.'@'.$basehost;
$notify_from = $instance_name.'@'.preg_replace( '/^www\./i', '', $basehost );

 * If a particular post is requested (by id or title) but on the wrong blog,
 * do you want to automatically redirect to the right blog?
 * This is overly useful if you move posts or categories from one blog to another
 * If this is disabled, there are 2 possible situations:
 * - Either the post is no longer part of the requested blog, and you get a "Sorry, nothing to display"
 * - Or the post is still cross categorized into the requested blog and it will be displayed in that (somewhat wrong) blog template.
 * @var boolean Default: false
$redirect_to_postblog = false;

// ** DB options **

 * Show MySQL errors? (default: true)
 * This is recommended on production environments.
$db_config['show_errors'] = true;

 * Halt on MySQL errors? (default: true)
 * Setting this to false is not recommended,
$db_config['halt_on_error'] = true;

 * Aliases for table names:
 * (You should not need to change them.
 *  If you want to have multiple b2evo installations in a single database you should
 *  change {@link $tableprefix} in _basic_config.php)
$db_config['aliases'] = array(
		'T_antispam'           => $tableprefix.'antispam',
		'T_basedomains'        => $tableprefix.'basedomains',
		'T_blogs'              => $tableprefix.'blogs',
		'T_categories'         => $tableprefix.'categories',
		'T_coll_group_perms'   => $tableprefix.'bloggroups',
		'T_coll_user_perms'    => $tableprefix.'blogusers',
		'T_coll_settings'      => $tableprefix.'coll_settings',
		'T_comments'           => $tableprefix.'comments',
		'T_cron__log'          => $tableprefix.'cron__log',
		'T_cron__task'         => $tableprefix.'cron__task',
		'T_files'              => $tableprefix.'files',
		'T_filetypes'          => $tableprefix.'filetypes',
		'T_groups'             => $tableprefix.'groups',
		'T_hitlog'             => $tableprefix.'hitlog',
		'T_itemstatuses'       => $tableprefix.'poststatuses',
		'T_itemtypes'          => $tableprefix.'posttypes',
		'T_item__prerendering' => $tableprefix.'item__prerendering',
		'T_links'              => $tableprefix.'links',
		'T_locales'            => $tableprefix.'locales',
		'T_plugins'            => $tableprefix.'plugins',
		'T_pluginevents'       => $tableprefix.'pluginevents',
		'T_pluginsettings'     => $tableprefix.'pluginsettings',
		'T_pluginusersettings' => $tableprefix.'pluginusersettings',
		'T_postcats'           => $tableprefix.'postcats',
		'T_posts'              => $tableprefix.'posts',
		'T_sessions'           => $tableprefix.'sessions',
		'T_settings'           => $tableprefix.'settings',
		'T_subscriptions'      => $tableprefix.'subscriptions',
		'T_users'              => $tableprefix.'users',
		'T_useragents'         => $tableprefix.'useragents',
		'T_usersettings'       => $tableprefix.'usersettings',

 * CREATE TABLE options.
 * Edit those if you have control over you MySQL server and want a more professional
 * database than what is commonly offered by popular hosting providers.
$db_config['table_options'] = ''; 	// Low ranking MySQL hosting compatibility Default
// Recommended settings:
# $db_config['table_options'] = ' ENGINE=InnoDB ';
// Development settings:
# $db_config['table_options'] = ' ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ';

 * Use transactions in DB?
 * You need to use InnoDB in order to enable this. See the {@link $db_config "table_options" key}.
$db_config['use_transactions'] = false;
// Recommended settings:
# $db_config['use_transactions'] = true;

 * Foreign key options.
 * Set this to true if your MySQL supports Foreign keys.
 * Recommended for professional use and DEVELOPMENT only.
 * As of today, upgrading is not guaranteed when foreign keys are enabled.
 * Typically requires InnoDB to be set in $db_config['table_options'].
 * This is used during table CREATION only.
 * @todo provide an advanced install menu allowing to install/remove the foreign keys on an already installed db.
 * @global boolean $db_use_fkeys
$db_use_fkeys = false;

 * Display elements that are different on each request (Page processing time, ..)
 * Set this to true to prevent displaying minor changing elements (like time) in order not to have artificial content changes
 * @global boolean Default: false
$obhandler_debug = false;

// ** Cookies **

- Cookie needs hash of domain name in its name, eg:
	$cookie_session = 'cookie'.small_hash($Cookies->domain).$instancename.'user'
	(Because: cookies for .domain.tld have higher priority over .sub.domain.tld, with the same cookie name,
		the hash would put that into the name)
	[ Related to PHP bug #32802 ( - fixed in 5.0.5 (also backported)), but which only affects paths.
		Also see
		"If multiple cookies satisfy the criteria above, they are ordered in
		the Cookie header such that those with more specific Path attributes
		precede those with less specific.  Ordering with respect to other
		attributes (e.g., Domain) is unspecified."
	- Transform: catch existing cookies, transform to new format

fplanque>>What's a real world scenario where this is a problem?
blueyed>> e.g. and; or and (both running (different) b2evo instances (but with same $instancename)
fplanque>>that's what I thought. This is exactly why we have instance names in the first place. So we won't add a second mecanism. We can however use one of these two enhancements: 1) have the default conf use a $baseurl hash for instance name instead of 'b2evo' or 2) generate a random instance name at install and have it saved in the global params in the DB. NOTE: we also need to check if this can be broken when using b2evo in multiple domain mode.
- Use object to handle cookies
	- We need to know for example if a cookie is about to be sent (because then we don't want to send a 304 response).

fplanque>>What's a real world scenario where this is a problem?
blueyed>>When we detect that the content hasn't changed and are about to send a 304 response code we won't do it if we now that (login) cookies should be sent.
fplanque>>ok. If you do it, please do it in a generic $Response object which will not only handle cookies but also stuff like charset translations, format_to_output(), etc.

 * This is the path that will be associated to cookies.
 * That means cookies set by this b2evo install won't be seen outside of this path on the domain below.
 * @global string Default: preg_replace( '#https?://[^/]+#', '', $baseurl )
$cookie_path = preg_replace( '#https?://[^/]+#', '', $baseurl );

 * Cookie domain.
 * That means cookies set by this b2evo install won't be seen outside of this domain.
 * We'll take {@link $basehost} by default (the leading dot includes subdomains), but
 * when there's no dot in it, at least Firefox will not set the cookie. The best
 * example for having no dot in the host name is 'localhost', but it's the case for
 * host names in an intranet also.
 * @global string Default: ( strpos($basehost, '.') ) ? '.'. $basehost : '';
$cookie_domain = ( strpos($basehost, '.') ? '.'. $basehost : '' );
//echo 'cookie_domain='. $cookie_domain. ' cookie_path='. $cookie_path;

 * Names for cookies.
// This is mainly used for storing the prefered skin:
// Note: This is not a SESSION variable. It is a user pref that works even for non registered users.
$cookie_state   = 'cookie'.$instance_name.'state';
// The following remember the comment meta data for non registered users:
$cookie_name    = 'cookie'.$instance_name.'name';
$cookie_email   = 'cookie'.$instance_name.'email';
$cookie_url     = 'cookie'.$instance_name.'url';
// The following handles the session:
$cookie_session = 'cookie'.$instance_name.'session';

 * Expiration for cookies.
 * Value in seconds, set this to 0 if you wish to use non permanent cookies (erased when browser is closed).
 * @global int Default: time() + 31536000; // One year from now
$cookie_expires = time() + 31536000;

 * Expired-time used to erase cookies.
 * @global int time() - 86400;    // 24 hours ago
$cookie_expired = time() - 86400;

// ** Location of the b2evolution subdirectories **

	- You should only move these around if you really need to.
	- You should keep everything as subdirectories of the base folder
		($baseurl which is set in _basic_config.php, default is the /blogs/ folder)
	- Remember you can set the baseurl to your website root (-> _basic_config.php).

	NOTE: All paths must have a trailing slash!

	Example of a possible setting:
		$conf_subdir = 'settings/b2evo/';   // Subdirectory relative to base
		$conf_subdir = '../../';            // Relative path to go back to base
 * Location of the configuration files.
 * Note: This folder NEEDS to by accessible by PHP only.
 * @global string $conf_subdir
$conf_subdir = 'conf/';                  // Subdirectory relative to base
$conf_path = str_replace( '\\', '/', dirname(__FILE__) ).'/';
// echo ' conf_path='.$conf_path;

$basepath = preg_replace( '#/'.$conf_subdir.'$#i', '', $conf_path ).'/'; // Remove this file's subpath (fp>made [i]nsensitive to case because of Windows URL oddities)
// echo '<br/>basepath='.$basepath;

 * Location of the include folder.
 * Note: This folder NEEDS to by accessible by PHP only.
 * @global string $inc_subdir
$inc_subdir = 'inc/';   		             	// Subdirectory relative to base
$inc_path = $basepath.$inc_subdir; 		   	// You should not need to change this
$misc_inc_path = $inc_path.'_misc/';	   	// You should not need to change this
$model_path = $inc_path.'MODEL/';	  		 	// You should not need to change this
$view_path = $inc_path.'VIEW/';						// You should not need to change this
$control_path = $inc_path.'CONTROL/';			// You should not need to change this

 * Location of the HTml SeRVices folder.
 * Note: This folder NEEDS to by accessible through HTTP.
 * @global string $htsrv_subdir
$htsrv_subdir = 'htsrv/';                // Subdirectory relative to base
$htsrv_path = $basepath.$htsrv_subdir;   // You should not need to change this
$htsrv_url = $baseurl.$htsrv_subdir;     // You should not need to change this

 * Sensitivee URL to the htsrv folder.
 * Set this separately (based on {@link $htsrv_url}), if you want to use
 * SSL for login, registration and profile updates (where passwords are
 * involved), but not for the whole htsrv scripts.
 * @global string
$htsrv_url_sensitive = $htsrv_url;

 * Location of the XML SeRVices folder.
 * @global string $xmlsrv_subdir
$xmlsrv_subdir = 'xmlsrv/';              // Subdirectory relative to base
$xmlsrv_url = $baseurl.$xmlsrv_subdir;   // You should not need to change this

 * Location of the RSC folder.
 * Note: This folder NEEDS to by accessible through HTTP.
 * @global string $rsc_subdir
$rsc_subdir = 'rsc/';                    // Subdirectory relative to base
$rsc_path = $basepath.$rsc_subdir;       // You should not need to change this
$rsc_url = $baseurl.$rsc_subdir;         // You should not need to change this

 * Location of the skins folder.
 * @global string $skins_subdir
$skins_subdir = 'skins/';                // Subdirectory relative to base
$skins_path = $basepath.$skins_subdir;   // You should not need to change this
$skins_url = $baseurl.$skins_subdir;     // You should not need to change this

 * Location of the admin interface dispatcher
$dispatcher = 'admin.php';
$admin_url = $baseurl.$dispatcher;

 * Location of the admin skins folder.
 * Note: This folder NEEDS to by accessible by both PHP AND through HTTP.
 * @global string $adminskins_subdir
$adminskins_subdir = 'skins_adm/';         // Subdirectory relative to ADMIN
$adminskins_path = $basepath.$adminskins_subdir; // You should not need to change this
$adminskins_url = $baseurl.$adminskins_subdir;   // You should not need to change this

 * Location of the locales folder.
 * Note: This folder NEEDS to by accessible by PHP AND MAY NEED to be accessible through HTTP.
 * Exact requirements depend on future uses like localized icons.
 * @global string $locales_subdir
$locales_subdir = 'locales/';            // Subdirectory relative to base
$locales_path = $basepath.$locales_subdir;  // You should not need to change this

 * Location of the plugins.
 * Note: This folder NEEDS to by accessible by PHP AND MAY NEED to be accessible through HTTP.
 * Exact requirements depend on installed plugins.
 * @global string $plugins_subdir
$plugins_subdir = 'plugins/';            // Subdirectory relative to base
$plugins_path = $basepath.$plugins_subdir;  // You should not need to change this
$plugins_url = $baseurl.$plugins_subdir;    // You should not need to change this

 * Location of the cron folder.
 * Note: Depebding on how you will set up cron execution, this folder may or may not NEED to be accessible by PHP through HTTP.
 * @global string $cron_subdir
$cron_subdir = 'cron/';   		             	// Subdirectory relative to base
$cron_url = $baseurl.$cron_subdir;    // You should not need to change this

 * Location of the install folder.
 * @global string $install_subdir
$install_subdir = 'install/';            // Subdirectory relative to base

 * Location of the root media folder.
 * Note: This folder MAY or MAY NOT NEED to be accessible by PHP AND/OR through HTTP.
 * Exact requirements depend on $public_access_to_media .
 * @global string $media_subdir
$media_subdir = 'media/';                // Subdirectory relative to base
$media_url = $baseurl.$media_subdir;     // You should not need to change this

 * Do you want to allow public access to the media dir?
 * WARNING: If you set this to false, evocore will use /htsrv/getfile.php as a stub
 * to access files and getfile.php will check the User permisssion to view files.
 * HOWEVER this will not prevent users from hitting directly into the media folder
 * with their web browser. You still need to restrict access to the media folder
 * from your webserver.
 * @global boolean
$public_access_to_media = true;

 * File extensions that the admin will not be able to enable in the Settings
$force_upload_forbiddenext = array( 'cgi', 'exe', 'htaccess', 'htpasswd', 'php', 'php3', 'php4', 'php5', 'php6', 'phtml', 'pl', 'vbs' );

 * Admin can configure max file upload size, but he won't be able to set it higher than this "max max" value.
$upload_maxmaxkb = 2048;

 * The admin can configure the regexp for valid file names in the Settings interface
 * However if the following values are set to non empty, the admin will not be able to customize these values.
$force_regexp_filename = '';
$force_regexp_dirname = '';

 * Here you can give credit where credit is due ;)
 * These will appear in the footer of all skins (if the skins are compatible)
 * You can also add site sponsors here.
 * If you can add your own credits without removing the samples below, you'll be very cool :))
 * Please leave the credits at the bottom of your pages to make sure your blog gets listed on
 * Note: some plugins may add their own credit at the end of this array.
 * (Not recommended for plugins with potential security weaknesses)
$credit_links = array(
	array( '', 'blog software' ),
	array( '', 'web hosting' ),
	array( '', 'monetize' ),

 * Set this to 1 to disable using PHP's {@link register_shutdown_function()},
 * but not everywhere.
 * This is NOT recommened, because it affects things that should be done after delivering the page.
 * Currently, it disables using register_shutdown_function() for double checking referers
 * ({@link basic_antispam_plugin::AppendHitLog()}), but not for {@link Session::dbsave()}.
 * It's probably only useful for debugging to disable this feature.
 * @global int $debug_no_register_shutdown
$debug_no_register_shutdown = 0;

 * XMLRPC logging. Set this to 1 to log XMLRPC calls/responses (into /xmlsrv/xmlrpc.log).
 * @global int $debug_xmlrpc_logging Default: 0
$debug_xmlrpc_logging = 0;

 * Seconds after which a scheduled task is considered to be timed out.
$cron_timeout_delay = 1800; // 30 minutes

$evonetsrv_host = '';
$evonetsrv_port = 80;
$evonetsrv_uri = '/evonetsrv/xmlrpc.php';

$antispamsrv_host = '';
$antispamsrv_port = 80;
$antispamsrv_uri = '/evonetsrv/xmlrpc.php';
leider befindet sich in der Datei nicht die gesuchte display_list() - Funktion.
Ohne diese Funktion, kann ich dir aber leider nicht helfen, da ich ja nicht weiß, wie die Links verarbeitet werden.
