wie mir gestern Nachmittag aufgefallen ist, läuft das mit dem ablegen von Mails und der dynamischen Erzeugung von Ordnern doch noch nicht so ganz rund.
Jedes Mail einzeln auswählen und per Knopfdruck ablegen funktioniert ganz wie ich es mir vorgestellt habe.
Beim Ablegen von mehreren selektierten Mails scheint es ein Problem mit dem Pfad zu geben.
Dieses drückt sich dann so aus, daß für die erste Mail die Verzeichnisse korrekt angelegt werden, für alle weiteren werden die anzulegenden Ordner als Unterordner vom ersten abgelegten Mail angesehen, was zu einer ziemlich heftigen Tiefe führen kann.
Die Ordner für diese Mails sind korrekt, jedoch an der falschen Stelle.
Beispiel für 3 Mails, alle vom gleichen Tag, von 2 Personen
Richtig wäre (= Ergebnuis beim einzeln ablegen)
Aus dem Buch heraus würde ich sagen, irgendwo müßte eine For Each Schleife drum!?
Im übrigen ist im ursprünglichen Code ein Multiselect von bis zu 20 Items vorgesehen.
wie mir gestern Nachmittag aufgefallen ist, läuft das mit dem ablegen von Mails und der dynamischen Erzeugung von Ordnern doch noch nicht so ganz rund.
Jedes Mail einzeln auswählen und per Knopfdruck ablegen funktioniert ganz wie ich es mir vorgestellt habe.
Beim Ablegen von mehreren selektierten Mails scheint es ein Problem mit dem Pfad zu geben.
Dieses drückt sich dann so aus, daß für die erste Mail die Verzeichnisse korrekt angelegt werden, für alle weiteren werden die anzulegenden Ordner als Unterordner vom ersten abgelegten Mail angesehen, was zu einer ziemlich heftigen Tiefe führen kann.
Die Ordner für diese Mails sind korrekt, jedoch an der falschen Stelle.
Beispiel für 3 Mails, alle vom gleichen Tag, von 2 Personen
Visual Basic:
Becker, Heinz
Becker, Heinz
Becker, Hilde
Visual Basic:
Becker, Heinz <-- hier liegen 2 Mails drin
Becker, Hilde <-- und hier ein Mail
Aus dem Buch heraus würde ich sagen, irgendwo müßte eine For Each Schleife drum!?
Im übrigen ist im ursprünglichen Code ein Multiselect von bis zu 20 Items vorgesehen.
Visual Basic:
Public Sub ExportEmailToDrive()
Const PROCNAME As String = "Mail2Drive"
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim myExplorer As Outlook.Explorer
Dim myfolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim myItem As Object
Dim olSelection As Selection
Dim strBackupPath As String
Dim intCountAll As Integer
Dim intCountFailures As Integer
Dim strStatusMsg As String
Dim vSuccess As Variant
Dim strTemp1 As String
Dim strTemp2 As String
Dim strErrorMsg As String
'Get target drive
strBackupPath = GetFileDir
If Left(strBackupPath, 15) = "ERROR_OCCURRED:" Then
strErrorMsg = Mid(strBackupPath, 16, 9999)
Error 5004
End If
End If
If strBackupPath = "" Then GoTo ExitScript
If (Not Right(strBackupPath, 1) = "\") Then strBackupPath = strBackupPath & "\"
'Process according to what is in the focus: an opened e-mail or a folder with selected e-mails.
'Case 2 would also work for opened e-mail, however it does not always work (for instance if
' an e-mail is saved on the file system and being opened from there).
Set myExplorer = Application.ActiveExplorer
Set myfolder = myExplorer.CurrentFolder
If myfolder Is Nothing Then Error 5001
If Not myfolder.DefaultItemType = olMailItem Then GoTo ExitScript
'Stop if more than x emails selected
If myExplorer.Selection.Count > EXM_OPT_MAX_NO Then Error 5002
'No email selected at all?
If myExplorer.Selection.Count = 0 Then Error 5003
Set olSelection = myExplorer.Selection
intCountAll = 0
intCountFailures = 0
For Each myItem In olSelection
intCountAll = intCountAll + 1
vSuccess = ProcessEmail(myItem, strBackupPath)
If (Not vSuccess = True) Then
Select Case intCountFailures
Case 0: strStatusMsg = vSuccess
Case 1: strStatusMsg = "1x " & strStatusMsg & Chr(10) & "1x " & vSuccess
Case Else: strStatusMsg = strStatusMsg & Chr(10) & "1x " & vSuccess
End Select
intCountFailures = intCountFailures + 1
End If
If intCountFailures = 0 Then
strStatusMsg = intCountAll & " " & EXM_004
End If
'Final Message
If (intCountFailures = 0) Then 'No failure occurred
MsgBox strStatusMsg & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & EXM_003 & " " & strBackupPath, 64, EXM_018
ElseIf (intCountAll = 1) Then 'Only one email was selected and a failure occurred
MsgBox EXM_002 & Chr(10) & vSuccess & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & EXM_003 & " " & strBackupPath, 48, EXM_017
Else 'More than one email was selected and at least one failure occurred
strTemp1 = Replace(EXM_020, "[NO_OF_SELECTED_ITEMS]", intCountAll)
strTemp1 = Replace(strTemp1, "[NO_OF_SUCCESS_ITEMS]", intCountAll - intCountFailures)
strTemp2 = Replace(EXM_019, "[NO_OF_FAILURES]", intCountFailures)
MsgBox strTemp1 & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & strTemp2 & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & strStatusMsg _
& Chr(10) & Chr(10) & EXM_003 & " " & strBackupPath, 48, EXM_017
End If
Exit Sub
Select Case Err.Number
Case 5001: 'Not an email
MsgBox EXM_010, 64, EXM_007
Case 5002:
MsgBox Replace(EXM_008, "[LIMIT_SELECTED_ITEMS]", EXM_OPT_MAX_NO), 64, EXM_007
Case 5003:
MsgBox EXM_009, 64, EXM_007
Case 5004:
MsgBox EXM_011 & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & strErrorMsg, 48, EXM_007
Case Else:
MsgBox EXM_011 & Chr(10) & Chr(10) _
& Err & " - " & Error$ & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & EXM_012, 48, EXM_007
End Select
Resume ExitScript
End Sub
Private Function ProcessEmail(myItem As Object, strBackupPath As String) As Variant
'Saves the e-mail on the drive by using the provided path.
'Returns TRUE if successful, and FALSE otherwise.
Const PROCNAME As String = "ProcessEmail"
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim fso As Object: Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim obj As Object: Set obj = Application.ActiveWindow
Dim F As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim myMailItem As MailItem
Dim strFolder As String
Dim strFolderDate As String
Dim strFileDate As String
Dim strSender As String
Dim strReceiver As String
Dim strSubject As String
Dim strFinalFileName As String
Dim strFullPath As String
Dim vExtConst As Variant
Dim vTemp As String
Dim strErrorMsg As String
If TypeOf myItem Is MailItem Then
Set myMailItem = myItem
Error 1001
End If
If TypeOf obj Is Outlook.Inspector Then
Set obj = obj.CurrentItem
Set obj = obj.Selection(1)
End If
Set F = obj.Parent
If InStr(1, F.folderPath, "Posteingang") Then
strFolder = "InMails"
ElseIf InStr(1, F.folderPath, "Gesendete Elemente") Then
strFolder = "OutMails"
End If
'Set filename
strFolderDate = Format(myMailItem.ReceivedTime, EXM_OPT_FOLDERNAME_DATEFORMAT)
strFileDate = Format(myMailItem.ReceivedTime, EXM_OPT_FILENAME_DATEFORMAT)
strSender = myMailItem.SenderName
strReceiver = myMailItem.To 'All receiver, semikolon separated string
If InStr(strReceiver, ";") > 0 Then strReceiver = Left(strReceiver, InStr(strReceiver, ";") - 1)
strSubject = myMailItem.Subject
strFinalFileName = Replace(strFinalFileName, "<DATE>", strFileDate)
strFinalFileName = Replace(strFinalFileName, "<SENDER>", strSender)
strFinalFileName = Replace(strFinalFileName, "<RECEIVER>", strReceiver)
strFinalFileName = Replace(strFinalFileName, "<SUBJECT>", strSubject)
strFinalFileName = CleanString(strFinalFileName)
If Left(strFinalFileName, 15) = "ERROR_OCCURRED:" Then
strErrorMsg = Mid(strFinalFileName, 16, 9999)
Error 1003
End If
strFinalFileName = IIf(Len(strFinalFileName) > 251, Left(strFinalFileName, 251), strFinalFileName)
strBackupPath = fso.BuildPath(strBackupPath, strFolder)
If Not fso.FolderExists(strBackupPath) Then
fso.CreateFolder (strBackupPath)
End If
strBackupPath = fso.BuildPath(strBackupPath, strFolderDate)
If Not fso.FolderExists(strBackupPath) Then
fso.CreateFolder (strBackupPath)
End If
If strFolder = "InMails" Then
strBackupPath = fso.BuildPath(strBackupPath, strSender)
strBackupPath = fso.BuildPath(strBackupPath, strReceiver)
End If
If Not fso.FolderExists(strBackupPath) Then
fso.CreateFolder (strBackupPath)
End If
strFullPath = fso.BuildPath(strBackupPath, strFinalFileName)
'Save as msg or txt?
Case "MSG":
strFullPath = strFullPath & ".msg"
vExtConst = olMSG
Case Else:
strFullPath = strFullPath & ".txt"
vExtConst = olTXT
End Select
'File already exists?
If fso.FileExists(strFullPath) = True Then
Error 1002
End If
'Save file
myMailItem.SaveAs strFullPath, vExtConst
'Return true as everything was successful
ProcessEmail = True
Exit Function
Select Case Err.Number
Case 1001: 'Not an email
ProcessEmail = EXM_013
Case 1002:
ProcessEmail = EXM_014
Case 1003:
ProcessEmail = strErrorMsg
Case Else:
ProcessEmail = "Error #" & Err & ": " & Error$ & " (Procedure: " & PROCNAME & ")"
End Select
Resume ExitScript
End Function