momentan online


obwohl ich weiss, dass mindestens drei besucher auf meiner mainseite sein sollten, zeigt mein counter nur momentan online: 1 an. woran könnte das liegen und wie könnte ich den "fehler" beheben?

noch ein paar infos:
ich hab den counter allmyvisitors installiert.
dazu eine andere frage: lässt sich bei einem solchen counter auch eine ip-sperre für eine gewisse dauer einbauen?

für antworten bin euch dankbar.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
oha, sorry :-)


	//| manage user online and print it if set |//

	if($AMV_showcurrentvisitors == '1'){
		$AMV_deleteuser= mysql_query( "delete from $AMV_countercurrentonline where DATE < $AMV_countflag - $AMV_dropuser");
		$AMV_deleteip= mysql_query( "delete from $AMV_countercurrentonline where IP = '$AMV_ipadr'");
		$AMV_deleteuser= mysql_query( "delete from $AMV_countercurrentonline where IP = '' "); // Wenn User 'ohne' IP Browsen z.B. WebWasher etc.. 
		$AMV_insertuser =mysql_query( "INSERT INTO $AMV_countercurrentonline VALUES ('','$AMV_ipadr','$AMV_countflag')");
		$AMV_resultuser = mysql_query( "SELECT Count(*) as total FROM $AMV_countercurrentonline");
		$AMV_numberonline = mysql_fetch_array($AMV_resultuser);
		$AMV_currentvalue = $AMV_numberonline[total];
		if ($AMV_pmaxcurrent < "$AMV_currentvalue"){
	   		$AMV_newmaxcurrentvalue = $AMV_numberonline[total];
	   		$AMV_updatemaxdata=mysql_query("UPDATE $AMV_countermaxdata SET maxcurrent = '$AMV_newmaxcurrentvalue'");
   		if($AMV_invisible == '1'){
			echo "$AMV_showcurrentvisitorstext $AMV_numberonline[total]$AMV_showit";


ok, wegen IP-sperre such ich in dem falle mal was.
hm, ich schmeiss wohl vorsichtshalber mal alles rein:

gesamter code:
//| file : ./countit.php                                                    		 |//
//| project : AllMyVisitors								 |//
//| last modified : 11.04.2002								 |//
//+--  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --+//
//|                                                                                      |//
//| global working counter file. include this script where ever you want ...		 |//
//|											 |//
//| (c) 2002 by Armin Gerhardts					 |//
	echo "Can not open config file for reading";
} else {

	//| read config |//
	@$AMV_getconfig = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $AMV_scriptconfigtbl");
		$AMV_config = mysql_fetch_array($AMV_getconfig);
			$AMV_enablenewcount = $AMV_config[enablenewcount];
			$AMV_howtoshow = $AMV_config[howtoshow];
			$AMV_dropuser = $AMV_config[dropuser];

			$AMV_invisible = $AMV_config[invisible];
			$AMV_showallvisitors = $AMV_config[showallvisitors];
			$AMV_showallvisitorstext = $AMV_config[showallvisitorstext];
			$AMV_showtodayvisitors = $AMV_config[showtodayvisitors];
			$AMV_showtodayvisitorstext = $AMV_config[showtodayvisitorstext];	

			$AMV_showyesterdayvisitors = $AMV_config[showyesterdayvisitors];
			$AMV_showyesterdayvisitorstext = $AMV_config[showyesterdayvisitorstext];
			$AMV_showcurrentvisitors = $AMV_config[showcurrentvisitors];
			$AMV_showcurrentvisitorstext = $AMV_config[showcurrentvisitorstext];
			$AMV_showrecordvisitors = $AMV_config[showdayrecordvisitors];
			$AMV_showrecordvisitorstext = $AMV_config[showrecordvisitorstext];
			$AMV_showcurrentrecordvisitors = $AMV_config[showcurrentrecordvisitors];
			$AMV_showcurrentrecordvisitorstext = $AMV_config[showcurrentrecordvisitorstext];

		if($AMV_howtoshow== '1'){
			$AMV_showit = "&nbsp; | &nbsp;";

		if($AMV_howtoshow== '2'){
			$AMV_showit = "<br>";
	} else {
		echo "Error in your configuration, please check your<br>All processes stopped in order to fix it";

	$AMV_getmaxdata = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $AMV_countermaxdata");
	$AMV_maxdata = mysql_fetch_array($AMV_getmaxdata);
	$AMV_pmaxcurrent = $AMV_maxdata[maxcurrent];
	$AMV_pmaxperday = $AMV_maxdata[maxperday];

	$AMV_stamp    = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d")-2, date("y"));
	$AMV_twodaysago = date("d.m.y", $AMV_stamp);
	$AMV_deleteblockedip=mysql_query("DELETE FROM $AMV_counteripblock WHERE del < $AMV_countflag - $AMV_enablenewcount");
	$AMV_deleteoldcount=mysql_query("DELETE FROM $AMV_counterhits WHERE date = '$AMV_twodaysago' ");
	$AMV_deletebycountflag = mysql_query("DELETE FORM $AMV_counterhits WHERE countflag <= $AMV_countflag - 172800");

	$AMV_checkip=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $AMV_counteripblock where ipadr='$AMV_ipadr' ");

	$AMV_checkclient_host = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $AMV_counteripblock WHERE client = '$AMV_client' AND host = '$AMV_host'");
	$AMV_resultclient_hostcheck = mysql_num_rows($AMV_checkclient_host);
	if($AMV_resultipcheck == "0" && $AMV_resultclient_hostcheck =="0"){
		$AMV_query=mysql_query("INSERT INTO $AMV_counterhits VALUES ('', '$AMV_ipadr','$AMV_client','$AMV_countflag','$AMV_dateonly')" );
		$AMV_query=mysql_query("INSERT INTO $AMV_counteripblock VALUES ('$AMV_dateonly', '$AMV_countflag','$AMV_ipadr','$AMV_client','$AMV_host')" );

	//| print all users, by reading the highest id |//

	if($AMV_showallvisitors == '1'){                                                                  						
		$AMV_hitquery=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $AMV_counterhits order by id DESC"); 						

		if($AMV_invisible == '1'){										
			echo "$AMV_showallvisitorstext $AMV_visits[id]$AMV_showit";

	//| show all "today user" if set and add new record if current counts are higher than the record values |//
	if($AMV_showtodayvisitors == '1'){														
		$AMV_todayuser =mysql_query("SELECT count(*) as total FROM $AMV_counterhits where date='$AMV_dateonly'");		
		$AMV_todayuserarray = mysql_fetch_array($AMV_todayuser);
		$AMV_todayvalue = $AMV_todayuserarray[total];
			if ($AMV_pmaxperday < "$AMV_todayvalue"){
	        		$AMV_newmaxperdayvalue = $AMV_todayuserarray[total];
	        		$AMV_updatemaxdata=mysql_query("UPDATE $AMV_countermaxdata SET maxperday = '$AMV_newmaxperdayvalue'");
   		if($AMV_invisible == '1'){
			echo "$AMV_showtodayvisitorstext $AMV_todayuserarray[total]$AMV_showit";

	//| show all "yesterday users" if set |//

	if($AMV_showyesterdayvisitors == '1'){
		$AMV_stamp    = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d")-1, date("y"));
		$AMV_yesterday = date("d.m.y", $AMV_stamp);
		$AMV_todayuseryesterday =mysql_query("SELECT count(*) as total FROM $AMV_counterhits where date='$AMV_yesterday'");
		$AMV_todayuseryesterdayarray = mysql_fetch_array($AMV_todayuseryesterday);
		if($AMV_invisible == '1'){				
			echo "$AMV_showyesterdayvisitorstext $AMV_todayuseryesterdayarray[total]$AMV_showit";

	//| manage user online and print it if set |//

	if($AMV_showcurrentvisitors == '1'){
		$AMV_deleteuser= mysql_query( "delete from $AMV_countercurrentonline where DATE < $AMV_countflag - $AMV_dropuser");
		$AMV_deleteip= mysql_query( "delete from $AMV_countercurrentonline where IP = '$AMV_ipadr'");
		$AMV_deleteuser= mysql_query( "delete from $AMV_countercurrentonline where IP = '' "); // Wenn User 'ohne' IP Browsen z.B. WebWasher etc.. 
		$AMV_insertuser =mysql_query( "INSERT INTO $AMV_countercurrentonline VALUES ('','$AMV_ipadr','$AMV_countflag')");
		$AMV_resultuser = mysql_query( "SELECT Count(*) as total FROM $AMV_countercurrentonline");
		$AMV_numberonline = mysql_fetch_array($AMV_resultuser);
		$AMV_currentvalue = $AMV_numberonline[total];
		if ($AMV_pmaxcurrent < "$AMV_currentvalue"){
	   		$AMV_newmaxcurrentvalue = $AMV_numberonline[total];
	   		$AMV_updatemaxdata=mysql_query("UPDATE $AMV_countermaxdata SET maxcurrent = '$AMV_newmaxcurrentvalue'");
   		if($AMV_invisible == '1'){
			echo "$AMV_showcurrentvisitorstext $AMV_numberonline[total]$AMV_showit";


	//| print counter records if set |//

	if($AMV_showrecordvisitors == '1'){
		if($AMV_invisible == '1'){
			echo "<br><br>$AMV_showrecordvisitorstext $AMV_pmaxperday$AMV_showit";
	if($AMV_showcurrentrecordvisitors == '1'){
		if($AMV_invisible == '1'){
			echo "$AMV_showcurrentrecordvisitorstext $AMV_pmaxcurrent$AMV_showit";

	//| ...and the copyright, no justification to edit or remove ! |//

if($AMV_invisible == '1'){
<div align="center"><font size="1" face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif"><a href="" target="_blank">&copy; 
ok, wir habens nun nochmals versucht:
als drei leute online waren, zeigte der counter nur zwei leute an. woran könnte es liegen, dass er einen zu wenig anzeigt?
Zuletzt bearbeitet: