<style type="text/css">
html, body{ height: 100%;}
#menu{ position: absolute;
left: 50%;}
<script type="text/javascript">
//coded by con-f-use@gmx.net - be fair and do not remove this
var objBody = null; // Bodyobjekt
var intOffsetY = 10; // y-Offset
window.onload = initialize;
/* Bodyobjekt ermitteln */
function getBody(){
if((navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('netscape')!=-1) ||
// Korrektur des Offsets für Netscape
intOffsetY = 50;
// Bodyobjekt zurückgeben
return window.document.body;
// Entsprechendes Bodyobjekt zurückgeben (CSS1Compat = Standardmode)
return (window.document.compatMode == "CSS1Compat") ?
window.document.documentElement : window.document.body || window.document.documentElement;
function initialize() {
// Passendes Bodyobjekt ermitteln
if (document.getElementById && !window.opera)
objBody = getBody();
function movemenu() {
arg = movemenu.arguments;
if(!arg[1]) arg[1]=0;
if (document.getElementById && !window.opera) {
obj = document.getElementById(arg[0]);
style = obj.style;
pos = objBody.scrollTop + objBody.clientHeight - obj.clientHeight - intOffsetY;
} else if (document.all) {
obj = document.all[arg[0]];
style = obj.style;
pos = document.body.scrollTop + document.body.clientHeight - obj.clientHeight - 10;
} else if (document.layers) {
obj = style = document.layers[arg[0]];
pos = window.pageYOffset + window.innerHeight - eval('document.'+ arg[0] + '.document.height') - 10;
if (pos!=arg[1]) {
smooth = .08 * (pos - arg[1]);
if (smooth > 0) smooth = Math.ceil(smooth);
else smooth = Math.floor(smooth);
style.top = (parseInt(style.top) + smooth) + (document.layers ? '' : 'px');
arg[1] += smooth;
setTimeout('movemenu("'+ arg[0] +'",'+ arg[1] +')', 5);