Kohana Model-Bereich


Erfahrenes Mitglied
Die Dokumentation zu Kohana ist ja sehr dürftig. Kann jemand mir erklären wie die Sql abfragen im Model bereich zusammengebaut werden.

Hier ein Beispiel aus einen Tutorial für den Model bereich.


class Model_User extends Model_Auth_User implements Acl_Role_Interface {

    public function get_role_id()
        $roles = array();
        // We need to explicitly call find_all() to get the roles. Lazy loading...
        $my_roles = $this->roles->find_all();
        foreach ($my_roles as $role)
            // Now grab the names of the roles. Used on the ACL module
            $roles[] = $role->name;
        return $roles;

} // End User Model

Was ich bis her rausgefunden habe das die Methode find_all() eine Select * ausführt aber auf welche Tabelle ist mir noch ein rätsel wo diese informationen angeben werden.

Villeicht hat ja jemand Zeit der sich besser darin auskennt um mir die Funktions weiße des Model bereiches zu erklären. Wie die Datenbank abfragen zustande kommen.

Mfg Splasch
Kenne das Framework zwar nicht, aber in der Doku steht zumindest das, wenn man die Auth-Komponente untersucht:


Ich bin zwar kein Hellseher, aber vermutlich sind das deine Tabellen (role).

Was ist der Vorteil von Kohana Framework in Bezug z.B. zu Zend Framework? Ich frage deshalb, weil man sich doch aus einem bestimmten Grund für ein Framework entscheidet. Was ist deiner?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Die Tabellen sind vom Tutorial vorgeben und sehen wie unten folgend aus. Die Dokumentation aus http://docs.kohanaphp.com/addons/auth#mysql_schema bezieht sich nur auf die 2 Version. Ich verwende aber die 3 Version.

Mir were es wichtig zu wissen woher ehr weiß das er die Tabelle role oder user abfragen soll.

Der Tabellen aufbau für Rechte System sieht so aus:
          `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
          `name` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
          `description` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
          PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
          UNIQUE KEY `uniq_name` (`name`)
        ) ENGINE=InnoDB  DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
        INSERT INTO `roles` (`id`, `name`, `description`) VALUES(1, 'login', 'Login privileges, granted after account confirmation');
        INSERT INTO `roles` (`id`, `name`, `description`) VALUES(2, 'admin', 'Administrative user, has access to everything.');
        INSERT INTO `roles` (`id`, `name`, `description`) VALUES(3, 'author', 'Can create posts. Delete and edit own posts.');
        CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `roles_users` (
          `user_id` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
          `role_id` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
          PRIMARY KEY  (`user_id`,`role_id`),
          KEY `fk_role_id` (`role_id`)
        CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `users` (
          `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
          `email` varchar(127) NOT NULL,
          `username` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
          `password` char(50) NOT NULL,
          `logins` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
          `last_login` int(10) UNSIGNED,
          PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
          UNIQUE KEY `uniq_username` (`username`),
          UNIQUE KEY `uniq_email` (`email`)
        ) ENGINE=InnoDB  DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
        CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `user_tokens` (
          `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
          `user_id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
          `user_agent` varchar(40) NOT NULL,
          `token` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
          `created` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
          `expires` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
          PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
          UNIQUE KEY `uniq_token` (`token`),
          KEY `fk_user_id` (`user_id`)
        ) ENGINE=InnoDB  DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
        ALTER TABLE `roles_users`
          ADD CONSTRAINT `roles_users_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`user_id`) REFERENCES `users` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE,
          ADD CONSTRAINT `roles_users_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`role_id`) REFERENCES `roles` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE;
        ALTER TABLE `user_tokens`
          ADD CONSTRAINT `user_tokens_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`user_id`) REFERENCES `users` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE;
        CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `blogs` (
          `id` int(12) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
          `user_id` int(12) unsigned NOT NULL,
          `text` text NOT NULL,
          PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
          KEY `user_id` (`user_id`)
        ) ENGINE=InnoDB  DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
        ALTER TABLE `blogs`
          ADD CONSTRAINT `blogs_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`user_id`) REFERENCES `users` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE;

Das Tutorial dazu findet man unter:

Funktioniert auch bei mir nur will ich es auch verstehen. Und für eigene Scripte einsetzen können.

Was ist der Vorteil von Kohana Framework in Bezug z.B. zu Zend Framework? Ich frage deshalb, weil man sich doch aus einem bestimmten Grund für ein Framework entscheidet. Was ist deiner?

Die Performenc und das es reicht klein in der Größe gehalten ist. Da ich meinsten Games schreibe und Zend ist eben performec langsam und auch sehr groß von der Speichermenge.

Mfg Splasch
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Beim Überfliegen des Tutorials ist mir die ORM-Factory-Klasse aufgefallen. Diese hat, wie jede Factory-Klasse eine factory-Methode implementiert:

     * Creates and returns a new model.
     * @chainable
     * @param   string  model name
     * @param   mixed   parameter for find()
     * @return  ORM
    public static function factory($model, $id = NULL)
        // Set class name
        $model = 'Model_'.ucfirst($model);

        return new $model($id);

Ein Aufruf wie z.B.

$roles = ORM::factory("role");

führt also dazu, dass zunächst einmal der Parameter $model (in diesem Beispiel "role") am Anfang einen Großbuchstaben bekommt und das Ergebnis an den String "Model_" angehängt wird. Das wäre dann "Model_Role". Dieser String wird verwendet, um ein neues Objekt der Klasse "Model_Role" zu erzeugen:

return new $model($id);

Das bedeutet, du hast irgendwo eine Klasse "Model_Role" implementiert, die wahrscheinlich auch irgendein Interface implementiert.

Die klasse "Model_Auth_User" welche in kohana\modules\auth\classes\model\auth\user.php liegt, erweitert ORM. Diese Klasse wird deinerseits in "Model_User" ereitert. Folglich hast du alle Methoden von ORM in Model_User implementiert, die public/protected und nicht überschrieben sind.
Achja, in der Kohana_ORM-Klasse gibt es die Methode _build(). Dort wird eine Datenbank-Helper Klasse "DB" (kohana\modules\database\classes\db.php) verwendet, welche Kohana_DB erweitert. In dieser Kohana_DB-Klasse sind die Methoden zum Absetzen von Datenbank-Queries abstrakt implementiert.
Ja der Teil ist mir auch schon aufgefallen.
$roles = ORM::factory("role");

Dabei gibt der Name role den Dateinamen wieder in dem sich die Model Klasse befindet. In dieser Klasse selbt steht dann
<?php defined('SYSPATH') OR die('No direct access allowed.');

class Model_Auth_Role extends ORM {

	protected $_has_many = array('users' => array('through' => 'roles_users'));

	protected $_rules = array
		'name'		=> array
			'not_empty'	=> NULL,
			'min_length'	=> array(4),
			'max_length'	=> array(32),
		'description'	=> array
			'max_length'	=> array(255),

} // End Auth Role Model

Zu finden im Modul bereich unter modules/auth/classes/model/auth/role.php

Das sind eben die fertigen zusatz Module die man nur verwenden braucht.

Die Orm klasse selbst sieht so aus:
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
 * [Object Relational Mapping][ref-orm] (ORM) is a method of abstracting database
 * access to standard PHP calls. All table rows are represented as model objects,
 * with object properties representing row data. ORM in Kohana generally follows
 * the [Active Record][ref-act] pattern.
 * [ref-orm]: http://wikipedia.org/wiki/Object-relational_mapping
 * [ref-act]: http://wikipedia.org/wiki/Active_record
 * $Id: ORM.php 4427 2009-06-19 23:31:36Z jheathco $
 * @package    ORM
 * @author     Kohana Team
 * @copyright  (c) 2007-2009 Kohana Team
 * @license    http://kohanaphp.com/license.html
class Kohana_ORM {

	// Current relationships
	protected $_has_one    = array();
	protected $_belongs_to = array();
	protected $_has_many   = array();

	// Relationships that should always be joined
	protected $_load_with = array();

	// Validation members
	protected $_validate  = NULL;
	protected $_rules     = array();
	protected $_callbacks = array();
	protected $_filters   = array();
	protected $_labels    = array();

	// Current object
	protected $_object  = array();
	protected $_changed = array();
	protected $_related = array();
	protected $_loaded  = FALSE;
	protected $_saved   = FALSE;
	protected $_sorting;

	// Foreign key suffix
	protected $_foreign_key_suffix = '_id';

	// Model table information
	protected $_object_name;
	protected $_object_plural;
	protected $_table_name;
	protected $_table_columns;
	protected $_ignored_columns = array();

	// Auto-update columns for creation and updates
	protected $_updated_column = NULL;
	protected $_created_column = NULL;

	// Table primary key and value
	protected $_primary_key  = 'id';
	protected $_primary_val  = 'name';

	// Array of foreign key name overloads
	protected $_foreign_key = array();

	// Model configuration
	protected $_table_names_plural = TRUE;
	protected $_reload_on_wakeup   = TRUE;

	// Database configuration
	protected $_db         = 'default';
	protected $_db_applied = array();
	protected $_db_pending = array();
	protected $_db_reset   = TRUE;
	protected $_db_builder;

	// With calls already applied
	protected $_with_applied = array();

	// Data to be loaded into the model from a database call cast
	protected $_preload_data = array();

	// Stores column information for ORM models
	protected static $_column_cache = array();

	// Callable database methods
	protected static $_db_methods = array
		'where', 'and_where', 'or_where', 'where_open', 'and_where_open', 'or_where_open', 'where_close',
		'and_where_close', 'or_where_close', 'distinct', 'select', 'from', 'join', 'on', 'group_by',
		'having', 'and_having', 'or_having', 'having_open', 'and_having_open', 'or_having_open',
		'having_close', 'and_having_close', 'or_having_close', 'order_by', 'limit', 'offset', 'cached'

	// Members that have access methods
	protected static $_properties = array
		'object_name', 'object_plural', 'loaded', 'saved', // Object
		'primary_key', 'primary_val', 'table_name', 'table_columns', // Table
		'has_one', 'belongs_to', 'has_many', 'has_many_through', 'load_with', // Relationships
		'validate', 'rules', 'callbacks', 'filters', 'labels' // Validation

	 * Creates and returns a new model.
	 * @chainable
	 * @param   string  model name
	 * @param   mixed   parameter for find()
	 * @return  ORM
	public static function factory($model, $id = NULL)
		// Set class name
		$model = 'Model_'.ucfirst($model);

		return new $model($id);

	 * Prepares the model database connection and loads the object.
	 * @param   mixed  parameter for find or object to load
	 * @return  void
	public function __construct($id = NULL)
		// Set the object name and plural name
		$this->_object_name   = strtolower(substr(get_class($this), 6));
		$this->_object_plural = inflector::plural($this->_object_name);

		if ( ! isset($this->_sorting))
			// Default sorting
			$this->_sorting = array($this->_primary_key => 'ASC');

		if ( ! empty($this->_ignored_columns))
			// Optimize for performance
			$this->_ignored_columns = array_combine($this->_ignored_columns, $this->_ignored_columns);

		// Initialize database

		// Clear the object

		if ($id !== NULL)
			if (is_array($id))
				foreach ($id as $column => $value)
					// Passing an array of column => values
					$this->where($column, '=', $value);

				// Passing the primary key

				// Set the object's primary key, but don't load it until needed
				$this->_object[$this->_primary_key] = $id;

				// Object is considered saved until something is set
				$this->_saved = TRUE;
		elseif ( ! empty($this->_preload_data))
			// Load preloaded data from a database call cast

			$this->_preload_data = array();

	 * Checks if object data is set.
	 * @param   string  column name
	 * @return  boolean
	public function __isset($column)

			isset($this->_object[$column]) OR
			isset($this->_related[$column]) OR
			isset($this->_has_one[$column]) OR
			isset($this->_belongs_to[$column]) OR

	 * Unsets object data.
	 * @param   string  column name
	 * @return  void
	public function __unset($column)

		unset($this->_object[$column], $this->_changed[$column], $this->_related[$column]);

	 * Displays the primary key of a model when it is converted to a string.
	 * @return  string
	public function __toString()
		return (string) $this->pk();

	 * Allows serialization of only the object data and state, to prevent
	 * "stale" objects being unserialized, which also requires less memory.
	 * @return  array
	public function __sleep()
		// Store only information about the object
		return array('_object_name', '_object', '_changed', '_loaded', '_saved', '_sorting');

	 * Prepares the database connection and reloads the object.
	 * @return  void
	public function __wakeup()
		// Initialize database

		if ($this->_reload_on_wakeup === TRUE)
			// Reload the object

	 * Handles pass-through to database methods. Calls to query methods
	 * (query, get, insert, update) are not allowed. Query builder methods
	 * are chainable.
	 * @param   string  method name
	 * @param   array   method arguments
	 * @return  mixed
	public function __call($method, array $args)
		if (in_array($method, self::$_properties))
			if ($method === 'loaded')
				if ( ! isset($this->_object_name))
					// Calling loaded method prior to the object being fully initialized
					return FALSE;

			elseif ($method === 'validate')
				if ( ! isset($this->_validate))
					// Initialize the validation object

			// Return the property
			return $this->{'_'.$method};
		elseif (in_array($method, self::$_db_methods))
			// Add pending database call which is executed after query type is determined
			$this->_db_pending[] = array('name' => $method, 'args' => $args);

			return $this;
			throw new Kohana_Exception('Invalid method :method called in :class',
				array(':method' => $method, ':class' => get_class($this)));

	 * Handles retrieval of all model values, relationships, and metadata.
	 * @param   string  column name
	 * @return  mixed
	public function __get($column)
		if (array_key_exists($column, $this->_object))

			return $this->_object[$column];
		elseif (isset($this->_related[$column]) AND $this->_related[$column]->_loaded)
			// Return related model that has already been loaded
			return $this->_related[$column];
		elseif (isset($this->_belongs_to[$column]))

			$model = $this->_related($column);

			// Use this model's column and foreign model's primary key
			$col = $model->_table_name.'.'.$model->_primary_key;
			$val = $this->_object[$this->_belongs_to[$column]['foreign_key']];

			$model->where($col, '=', $val)->find();

			return $model;
		elseif (isset($this->_has_one[$column]))
			$model = $this->_related($column);

			// Use this model's primary key value and foreign model's column
			$col = $model->_table_name.'.'.$this->_has_one[$column]['foreign_key'];
			$val = $this->pk();

			$model->where($col, '=', $val)->find();

			return $model;
		elseif (isset($this->_has_many[$column]))
			$model = ORM::factory($this->_has_many[$column]['model']);

			if (isset($this->_has_many[$column]['through']))
				// Grab has_many "through" relationship table
				$through = $this->_has_many[$column]['through'];

				// Join on through model's target foreign key (far_key) and target model's primary key
				$join_col1 = $through.'.'.$this->_has_many[$column]['far_key'];
				$join_col2 = $model->_table_name.'.'.$model->_primary_key;

				$model->join($through)->on($join_col1, '=', $join_col2);

				// Through table's source foreign key (foreign_key) should be this model's primary key
				$col = $through.'.'.$this->_has_many[$column]['foreign_key'];
				$val = $this->pk();
				// Simple has_many relationship, search where target model's foreign key is this model's primary key
				$col = $model->_table_name.'.'.$this->_has_many[$column]['foreign_key'];
				$val = $this->pk();

			return $model->where($col, '=', $val);
			throw new Kohana_Exception('The :property property does not exist in the :class class',
				array(':property' => $column, ':class' => get_class($this)));

	 * Handles setting of all model values, and tracks changes between values.
	 * @param   string  column name
	 * @param   mixed   column value
	 * @return  void
	public function __set($column, $value)
		if ( ! isset($this->_object_name))
			// Object not yet constructed, so we're loading data from a database call cast
			$this->_preload_data[$column] = $value;


		if (array_key_exists($column, $this->_ignored_columns))
			// No processing for ignored columns, just store it
			$this->_object[$column] = $value;
		elseif (array_key_exists($column, $this->_object))
			$this->_object[$column] = $this->_load_type($column, $value);

			if (isset($this->_table_columns[$column]))
				// Data has changed
				$this->_changed[$column] = $column;

				// Object is no longer saved
				$this->_saved = FALSE;
		elseif (isset($this->_belongs_to[$column]))
			// Update related object itself
			$this->_related[$column] = $value;

			// Update the foreign key of this model
			$this->_object[$this->_belongs_to[$column]['foreign_key']] = $value->pk();

			$this->_changed[$column] = $this->_belongs_to[$column]['foreign_key'];
			throw new Kohana_Exception('The :property: property does not exist in the :class: class',
				array(':property:' => $column, ':class:' => get_class($this)));

	 * Set values from an array with support for one-one relationships.  This method should be used
	 * for loading in post data, etc.
	 * @param   array  array of key => val
	 * @return  ORM
	public function values($values)
		foreach ($values as $key => $value)
			if (array_key_exists($key, $this->_object) OR array_key_exists($key, $this->_ignored_columns))
				// Property of this model
				$this->__set($key, $value);
			elseif (isset($this->_belongs_to[$key]) OR isset($this->_has_one[$key]))
				// Value is an array of properties for the related model
				$this->_related[$key] = $value;

		return $this;

	 * Prepares the model database connection, determines the table name,
	 * and loads column information.
	 * @return  void
	protected function _initialize()
		if ( ! is_object($this->_db))
			// Get database instance
			$this->_db = Database::instance($this->_db);

		if (empty($this->_table_name))
			// Table name is the same as the object name
			$this->_table_name = $this->_object_name;

			if ($this->_table_names_plural === TRUE)
				// Make the table name plural
				$this->_table_name = inflector::plural($this->_table_name);

		foreach ($this->_belongs_to as $alias => $details)
			$defaults['model']       = $alias;
			$defaults['foreign_key'] = $alias.$this->_foreign_key_suffix;

			$this->_belongs_to[$alias] = array_merge($defaults, $details);

		foreach ($this->_has_one as $alias => $details)
			$defaults['model']       = $alias;
			$defaults['foreign_key'] = $this->_object_name.$this->_foreign_key_suffix;

			$this->_has_one[$alias] = array_merge($defaults, $details);

		foreach ($this->_has_many as $alias => $details)
			$defaults['model']       = inflector::singular($alias);
			$defaults['foreign_key'] = $this->_object_name.$this->_foreign_key_suffix;
			$defaults['through']     = NULL;
			$defaults['far_key']     = inflector::singular($alias).$this->_foreign_key_suffix;

			$this->_has_many[$alias] = array_merge($defaults, $details);

		// Load column information

	 * Initializes validation rules, callbacks, filters, and labels
	 * @return void
	protected function _validate()
		$this->_validate = Validate::factory($this->_object);

		foreach ($this->_rules as $field => $rules)
			$this->_validate->rules($field, $rules);

		foreach ($this->_filters as $field => $filters)
			$this->_validate->filters($field, $filters);

		foreach ($this->_labels as $field => $label)
			$this->_validate->label($field, $label);

		foreach ($this->_callbacks as $field => $callbacks)
			foreach ($callbacks as $callback)
				if (is_string($callback) AND method_exists($this, $callback))
					// Callback method exists in current ORM model
					$this->_validate->callback($field, array($this, $callback));
					// Try global function
					$this->_validate->callback($field, $callback);

	 * Returns the values of this object as an array, including any related one-one
	 * models that have already been loaded using with()
	 * @return  array
	public function as_array()
		$object = array();

		foreach ($this->_object as $key => $val)
			// Call __get for any user processing
			$object[$key] = $this->__get($key);

		foreach ($this->_related as $key => $model)
			// Include any related objects that are already loaded
			$object[$key] = $model->as_array();

		return $object;

	 * Binds another one-to-one object to this model.  One-to-one objects
	 * can be nested using 'object1:object2' syntax
	 * @param   string  target model to bind to
	 * @return  void
	public function with($target_path)
		if (isset($this->_with_applied[$target_path]))
			// Don't join anything already joined
			return $this;

		// Split object parts
		$aliases = explode(':', $target_path);
		$target	 = $this;
		foreach ($aliases as $alias)
			// Go down the line of objects to find the given target
			$parent = $target;
			$target = $parent->_related($alias);

			if ( ! $target)
				// Can't find related object
				return $this;

		// Target alias is at the end
		$target_alias = $alias;

		// Pop-off top alias to get the parent path (user:photo:tag becomes user:photo - the parent table prefix)
		$parent_path = implode(':', $aliases);

		if (empty($parent_path))
			// Use this table name itself for the parent path
			$parent_path = $this->_table_name;
			if( ! isset($this->_with_applied[$parent_path]))
				// If the parent path hasn't been joined yet, do it first (otherwise LEFT JOINs fail)

		// Add to with_applied to prevent duplicate joins
		$this->_with_applied[$target_path] = TRUE;

		// Use the keys of the empty object to determine the columns
		foreach (array_keys($target->_object) as $column)
			$name   = $target_path.'.'.$column;
			$alias  = $target_path.':'.$column;

			// Add the prefix so that load_result can determine the relationship
			$this->select(array($name, $alias));

		if (isset($parent->_belongs_to[$target_alias]))
			// Parent belongs_to target, use target's primary key and parent's foreign key
			$join_col1 = $target_path.'.'.$target->_primary_key;
			$join_col2 = $parent_path.'.'.$parent->_belongs_to[$target_alias]['foreign_key'];
			// Parent has_one target, use parent's primary key as target's foreign key
			$join_col1 = $parent_path.'.'.$parent->_primary_key;
			$join_col2 = $target_path.'.'.$parent->_has_one[$target_alias]['foreign_key'];

		// Join the related object into the result
		$this->join(array($target->_table_name, $target_path), 'LEFT')->on($join_col1, '=', $join_col2);

		return $this;

	 * Initializes the Database Builder to given query type
	 * @param   int  Type of Database query
	 * @return  ORM
	protected function _build($type)
		// Construct new builder object based on query type
		switch ($type)
			case Database::SELECT:
				$this->_db_builder = DB::select();
			case Database::UPDATE:
				$this->_db_builder = DB::update($this->_table_name);
			case Database::DELETE:
				$this->_db_builder = DB::delete($this->_table_name);

		// Process pending database method calls
		foreach ($this->_db_pending as $method)
			$name = $method['name'];
			$args = $method['args'];

			$this->_db_applied[$name] = $name;

			switch (count($args))
				case 0:
				case 1:
				case 2:
					$this->_db_builder->$name($args[0], $args[1]);
				case 3:
					$this->_db_builder->$name($args[0], $args[1], $args[2]);
				case 4:
					$this->_db_builder->$name($args[0], $args[1], $args[2], $args[3]);
					// Here comes the snail...
					call_user_func_array(array($this->_db_builder, $name), $args);

		return $this;

	 * Loads the given model
	 * @return  ORM
	protected function _load()
		if ( ! $this->_loaded AND ! $this->empty_pk() AND ! isset($this->_changed[$this->_primary_key]))
			// Only load if it hasn't been loaded, and a primary key is specified and hasn't been modified
			return $this->find($this->pk());

	 * Finds and loads a single database row into the object.
	 * @chainable
	 * @param   mixed  primary key
	 * @return  ORM
	public function find($id = NULL)
		if ( ! empty($this->_load_with))
			foreach ($this->_load_with as $alias)
				// Bind relationship


		if ($id !== NULL)
			// Search for a specific column
			$this->_db_builder->where($this->_table_name.'.'.$this->_primary_key, '=', $id);

		return $this->_load_result(FALSE);

	 * Finds multiple database rows and returns an iterator of the rows found.
	 * @chainable
	 * @return  Database_Result
	public function find_all()
		if ( ! empty($this->_load_with))
			foreach ($this->_load_with as $alias)
				// Bind relationship


		return $this->_load_result(TRUE);

	 * Validates the current model's data
	 * @return  boolean
	public function check()
		if ( ! isset($this->_validate))
			// Initialize the validation object
			// Validation object has been created, just exchange the data array

		if ($this->_validate->check())
			// Fields may have been modified by filters
			$this->_object = array_merge($this->_object, $this->_validate->getArrayCopy());

			return TRUE;
			return FALSE;

	 * Saves the current object.
	 * @chainable
	 * @return  ORM
	public function save()
		if (empty($this->_changed))
			return $this;

		$data = array();
		foreach ($this->_changed as $column)
			// Compile changed data
			$data[$column] = $this->_object[$column];

		if ( ! $this->empty_pk() AND ! isset($this->_changed[$this->_primary_key]))
			// Primary key isn't empty and hasn't been changed so do an update

			if (is_array($this->_updated_column))
				// Fill the updated column
				$column = $this->_updated_column['column'];
				$format = $this->_updated_column['format'];

				$data[$column] = $this->_object[$column] = ($format === TRUE) ? time() : date($format);

			$query = DB::update($this->_table_name)
				->where($this->_primary_key, '=', $this->pk())

			// Object has been saved
			$this->_saved = TRUE;
			if (is_array($this->_created_column))
				// Fill the created column
				$column = $this->_created_column['column'];
				$format = $this->_created_column['format'];

				$data[$column] = $this->_object[$column] = ($format === TRUE) ? time() : date($format);

			$result = DB::insert($this->_table_name)

			if ($result)
				if ($this->empty_pk())
					// Load the insert id as the primary key
					// $result is array(insert_id, total_rows)
					$this->_object[$this->_primary_key] = $result[0];

				// Object is now loaded and saved
				$this->_loaded = $this->_saved = TRUE;

		if ($this->_saved === TRUE)
			// All changes have been saved
			$this->_changed = array();

		return $this;

	 * Updates all existing records
	 * @chainable
	 * @return  ORM
	public function save_all()

		if (empty($this->_changed))
			return $this;

		$data = array();
		foreach ($this->_changed as $column)
			// Compile changed data omitting ignored columns
			$data[$column] = $this->_object[$column];

		if (is_array($this->_updated_column))
			// Fill the updated column
			$column = $this->_updated_column['column'];
			$format = $this->_updated_column['format'];

			$data[$column] = $this->_object[$column] = ($format === TRUE) ? time() : date($format);


		return $this;

	 * Deletes the current object from the database. This does NOT destroy
	 * relationships that have been created with other objects.
	 * @chainable
	 * @param   mixed  id to delete
	 * @return  ORM
	public function delete($id = NULL)
		if ($id === NULL)
			// Use the the primary key value
			$id = $this->pk();

		if ( ! empty($id) OR $id === '0')
			// Delete the object
				->where($this->_primary_key, '=', $id)

		return $this;

	 * Delete all objects in the associated table. This does NOT destroy
	 * relationships that have been created with other objects.
	 * @chainable
	 * @return  ORM
	public function delete_all()


		return $this->clear();

	 * Unloads the current object and clears the status.
	 * @chainable
	 * @return  ORM
	public function clear()
		// Create an array with all the columns set to NULL
		$values = array_combine(array_keys($this->_table_columns), array_fill(0, count($this->_table_columns), NULL));

		// Replace the object and reset the object status
		$this->_object = $this->_changed = $this->_related = array();

		// Replace the current object with an empty one


		return $this;

	 * Reloads the current object from the database.
	 * @chainable
	 * @return  ORM
	public function reload()
		$primary_key = $this->pk();

		// Replace the object and reset the object status
		$this->_object = $this->_changed = $this->_related = array();

		return $this->find($primary_key);

	 * Reload column definitions.
	 * @chainable
	 * @param   boolean  force reloading
	 * @return  ORM
	public function reload_columns($force = FALSE)
		if ($force === TRUE OR empty($this->_table_columns))
			if (isset(ORM::$_column_cache[$this->_object_name]))
				// Use cached column information
				$this->_table_columns = ORM::$_column_cache[$this->_object_name];
				// Grab column information from database
				$this->_table_columns = $this->list_columns(TRUE);

				// Load column cache
				ORM::$_column_cache[$this->_object_name] = $this->_table_columns;

		return $this;

	 * Tests if this object has a relationship to a different model.
	 * @param   string   alias of the has_many "through" relationship
	 * @param   ORM      related ORM model
	 * @return  boolean
	public function has($alias, $model)
		// Return count of matches as boolean
		return (bool) DB::select(array('COUNT("*")', 'records_found'))
			->where($this->_has_many[$alias]['foreign_key'], '=', $this->pk())
			->where($this->_has_many[$alias]['far_key'], '=', $model->pk())

	 * Adds a new relationship to between this model and another.
	 * @param   string   alias of the has_many "through" relationship
	 * @param   ORM      related ORM model
	 * @param   array    additional data to store in "through"/pivot table
	 * @return  ORM
	public function add($alias, ORM $model, $data = NULL)
		$columns = array($this->_has_many[$alias]['foreign_key'], $this->_has_many[$alias]['far_key']);
		$values  = array($this->pk(), $model->pk());

		if ($data !== NULL)
			// Additional data stored in pivot table
			$columns = array_merge($columns, array_keys($data));
			$values  = array_merge($values, array_values($data));


		return $this;

	 * Removes a relationship between this model and another.
	 * @param   string   alias of the has_many "through" relationship
	 * @param   ORM      related ORM model
	 * @return  ORM
	public function remove($alias, ORM $model)
			->where($this->_has_many[$alias]['foreign_key'], '=', $this->pk())
			->where($this->_has_many[$alias]['far_key'], '=', $model->pk())

		return $this;

	 * Count the number of records in the table.
	 * @return  integer
	public function count_all()

		$records = $this->_db_builder->from($this->_table_name)
			->select(array('COUNT("*")', 'records_found'))


		// Return the total number of records in a table
		return $records;

	 * Proxy method to Database list_columns.
	 * @return  array
	public function list_columns()
		// Proxy to database
		return $this->_db->list_columns($this->_table_name);

	 * Proxy method to Database field_data.
	 * @chainable
	 * @param   string  SQL query to clear
	 * @return  ORM
	public function clear_cache($sql = NULL)
		// Proxy to database

		ORM::$_column_cache = array();

		return $this;

	 * Returns an ORM model for the given one-one related alias
	 * @param   string  alias name
	 * @return  ORM
	protected function _related($alias)
		if (isset($this->_related[$alias]))
			return $this->_related[$alias];
		elseif (isset($this->_has_one[$alias]))
			return $this->_related[$alias] = ORM::factory($this->_has_one[$alias]['model']);
		elseif (isset($this->_belongs_to[$alias]))
			return $this->_related[$alias] = ORM::factory($this->_belongs_to[$alias]['model']);
			return FALSE;

	 * Loads an array of values into into the current object.
	 * @chainable
	 * @param   array  values to load
	 * @return  ORM
	protected function _load_values(array $values)
		if (array_key_exists($this->_primary_key, $values))
			// Set the loaded and saved object status based on the primary key
			$this->_loaded = $this->_saved = ($values[$this->_primary_key] !== NULL);

		// Related objects
		$related = array();

		foreach ($values as $column => $value)
			if (strpos($column, ':') === FALSE)
				if ( ! isset($this->_changed[$column]))
					if (isset($this->_table_columns[$column]))
						// The type of the value can be determined, convert the value
						$value = $this->_load_type($column, $value);

					$this->_object[$column] = $value;
				list ($prefix, $column) = explode(':', $column, 2);

				$related[$prefix][$column] = $value;

		if ( ! empty($related))
			foreach ($related as $object => $values)
				// Load the related objects with the values in the result

		return $this;

	 * Loads a value according to the types defined by the column metadata.
	 * @param   string  column name
	 * @param   mixed   value to load
	 * @return  mixed
	protected function _load_type($column, $value)
		$type = gettype($value);

		if ($type == 'object' OR $type == 'array' OR ! isset($this->_table_columns[$column]))
			// Return raw value if it's an object/array or not defined in column list
			return $value;

		$column = $this->_table_columns[$column];

		if ($value === NULL AND $column['is_nullable'])
			// Return NULL value
			return NULL;

		switch ($column['type'])
			case 'int':
				if ((float) $value > PHP_INT_MAX)
					// This number cannot be represented by a PHP integer, so we convert it to a string
					$value = (string) $value;
					$value = (int) $value;
			case 'float':
				$value = (float) $value;
			case 'bool':
				$value = (bool) $value;
			case 'string':
				$value = (string) $value;

		return $value;

	 * Loads a database result, either as a new object for this model, or as
	 * an iterator for multiple rows.
	 * @chainable
	 * @param   boolean       return an iterator or load a single row
	 * @return  ORM           for single rows
	 * @return  ORM_Iterator  for multiple rows
	protected function _load_result($multiple = FALSE)

		if ($multiple === FALSE)
			// Only fetch 1 record

		// Select all columns by default

		if ( ! isset($this->_db_applied['order_by']) AND ! empty($this->_sorting))
			foreach ($this->_sorting as $column => $direction)
				if (strpos($column, '.') === FALSE)
					// Sorting column for use in JOINs
					$column = $this->_table_name.'.'.$column;

				$this->_db_builder->order_by($column, $direction);

		if ($multiple === TRUE)
			// Return database iterator casting to this object type
			$result = $this->_db_builder->as_object(get_class($this))->execute($this->_db);


			return $result;
			// Load the result as an associative array
			$result = $this->_db_builder->as_assoc()->execute($this->_db);


			if ($result->count() === 1)
				// Load object values
				// Clear the object, nothing was found

			return $this;

	 * Returns the value of the primary key
	 * @return  mixed  primary key
	public function pk()
		return $this->_object[$this->_primary_key];

	 * Returns whether or not primary key is empty
	 * @return  bool
	protected function empty_pk()
		return (empty($this->_object[$this->_primary_key]) AND $this->_object[$this->_primary_key] !== '0');

	 * Returns last executed query
	 * @return  string
	public function last_query()
		return $this->_db->last_query;

	 * Clears query builder.  Passing FALSE is useful to keep the existing
	 * query conditions for another query.
	 * @param  bool  Pass FALSE to avoid resetting on the next call
	protected function _reset($next = TRUE)
		if ($next AND $this->_db_reset)
			$this->_db_pending = array();
			$this->_db_applied = array();
			$this->_db_builder = NULL;

		// Reset on the next call?
		$this->_db_reset = $next;

		return $this;

} // End ORM

Wenns weiterhilft hier findet man auch nee Kurze Beschreibung der Klassen aus der 3 Version:


Mfg Splasch
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
$roles = ORM::factory("role");
Dabei gibt der Name role den Dateinamen wieder in dem sich die Model Klasse befindet.

Das ist nicht korrekt. Der Parameter "role" ist wie bereits oben geschrieben, der Name der Klasse, die geladen werden soll. In welcher Datei diese Klasse notiert ist, ist nicht vorgegeben. Die kann auch foobar.php heißen. Praktischerweise benennt man die Datei nach der Klasse. Das ist aber nicht Voraussetzung. Es vereinfacht die Sache nur ungemein, wenn man autoloading verwenden will.
Soweit ich weiß wird autoloading bei Kohana verwendet und wenn du den Dateinamen nun anderes bennen würdest würde er die Klasse role nicht finden weil er auch nach der Datei role sucht. Anderes were ein autoloading kaum realisierbar ohne richtlinen.

Mfg Splasch
Richtig, aber man kann die Dateien natürlich auch mittels ordinärem include() einbinden. Das hat den gleichen Effekt. Was anderes macht Autoloading nicht.