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Anmerkung: Diese Funktion ist in einigen Browsern möglicherweise nicht verfügbar.
00100111 = 39 = '
00000101 = 5 = chr(5) <- Im Board nicht anzeigbar
01110011 = 115 = s
01010010 = 82 = R
11100010 = 226 = Ô
01010110 = 86 = V
00111110 = 62 = >
01000111 = 71 = G
Inside Dead Let Mighty Blood
Do Firepower See Mark Of
The Sacrifice old
Center Yourself Ground First For
Triangle Cube Last Not Flee
(4 bits for index) <- OOOPS I meant FIVE!
(4 bits for index)
--- 5 bits index ---
1. 00010 = 2
2. 01110 = 14
3. 00001 = 1
4. 01011 = 11
5. 10011 = 19
6. 01010 = 10
7. 01011 = 11
8. 10001 = 17
9. 00101 = 5
10. 01100 = 12
11. 01111 = 15
12. 10010 = 18
13. 00111 = 7
this is actually quite simple to decode, just use the 5 bit index and use it to pick out words from the first bit, you get "dead center inside the triangle of the first blood sacrifice yourself for firepower"