Html Codes Im PHP Fusion Panel


Hallo liebe Community,

Ich hoffe doch mal das mir einer von euch helfen kann , da ich nicht mehr weiter weiß.
ich habe ein PHP Fusion Panel für eine Neues News System bekommen .

Nun werden mir in diesen Panel nach der Aktivierung die Sonderzeichen ( ö,ä,ü,ß ) als
html code angezeigt ,Nun finde ich aber denn Fehler nicht kann mir da vielleicht einer Helfen.
Ich hoffe doch das ich das jetzt so gut erklärt habe.

Ich bedanke mich schon mal im vorraus für eure Hilfe.

| PHP-Fusion Content Management System
| Copyright (C) 2002 - 2008 Nick Jones
| This program is released as free software under the
| Affero GPL license. You can redistribute it and/or
| modify it under the terms of this license which you
| can read by viewing the included agpl.txt or online
| at Removal of this
| copyright header is strictly prohibited without
| written permission from the original author(s).
if (!defined("IN_FUSION")) { die("Access Denied"); }

if (file_exists(INFUSIONS."last_news_panel/locale/".$settings['locale'].".php")) {
	include INFUSIONS."last_news_panel/locale/".$settings['locale'].".php";
} else {
	include INFUSIONS."last_news_panel/locale/English.php";

	<link type='text/css' href='".INFUSIONS."last_news_panel/lnp_style.css' rel='stylesheet' />

	echo "<div id='newspanel'>\n";
	echo "<ul>\n";	                                                                                                    
	echo "<li>\n";
	echo "<ul>\n";
		$i = 0;
$result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".DB_PREFIX."news WHERE ".groupaccess('news_visibility')." AND (news_start='0'||news_start<=".time().") AND (news_end='0'||news_end>=".time().") ORDER BY news_datestamp DESC LIMIT 0,1");
echo "<table border='0' width='100%' id='table1' cellpadding='2'><tr>";
while ($data = dbarray($result)) {
$title = $data['news_subject'];
$text = stripslashes($data['news_extended']);
$n_id = $data['news_id'];
$date = $data['news_datestamp'];
$s_date = showdate($settings['shortdate'], $date);

$n_comments = dbcount("(comment_id)", "".DB_PREFIX."comments", "comment_type='N' AND comment_item_id=$n_id");
if ($i == 10) {
    $intro = stripslashes($data['news_news']);
    if ($data['news_breaks'] == "y") $intro = nl2br($intro);
echo "<td colspan='3' valign='top' class='tbl'><font color='".$line_color."' class='small'></font><br /><b>$title</b><br />
		$intro<br><img src='".THEME."'> <a href='".BASEDIR."news.php?readmore=$n_id'>".$locale['cp101']."</a><br /><hr></td></tr><tr>";
} else {
	$intro = $data['news_news'];
    if ($data['news_breaks'] == "y") $intro = nl2br($intro);
    $intro = stripslashes($intro);
    $intro = preg_replace("/(<img)(.*?)(>)/si", "", $intro);
    $intro = substr($intro,0,0);
echo "<td width='100%' valign='top' class='tbl001'>";
		if ($data['news_image_t2']) {
			echo "<a href='news.php?readmore=".$data['news_id']."' title='".$data['news_subject']."'><img align='left' src='".IMAGES_N_T.$data['news_image_t2']."' height='70%' width='100%' alt='' /></a>";
		echo "<font color='#303030' class='small'></font><br />
		<a href='news.php?readmore=".$data['news_id']."' title='".$data['news_subject']."'><h4><b>$title</b>$intro<br></h4>
		".trimlink(strip_tags(stripslashes($data['news_news'])), 600)."</a><br /><br />

$result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".DB_PREFIX."news ORDER BY news_datestamp DESC LIMIT 3,14");
while ($data = dbarray($result)) {
$title = $data['news_subject'];
$sh_title = substr($title,0,7) . "..";
$n_id = $data['news_id'];
echo "<tr><td colspan='4' align='right' class='news-border'></td></tr></table>";

	echo "</ul>\n";
	echo "</li>\n";
	echo "<li>\n";
	echo "<ul>\n";
		$i = 0;
$result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".DB_PREFIX."news WHERE ".groupaccess('news_visibility')." AND (news_start='0'||news_start<=".time().") AND (news_end='0'||news_end>=".time().") ORDER BY news_datestamp DESC LIMIT 1,7");
echo "<table border='0' width='100%' id='table1' cellpadding='2'><tr>";
while ($data = dbarray($result)) {
$title = $data['news_subject'];
$text = stripslashes($data['news_extended']);
$n_id = $data['news_id'];
$date = $data['news_datestamp'];
$s_date = showdate($settings['shortdate'], $date);

$n_comments = dbcount("(comment_id)", "".DB_PREFIX."comments", "comment_type='N' AND comment_item_id=$n_id");
if ($i == 10) {
    $intro = stripslashes($data['news_news']);
    if ($data['news_breaks'] == "y") $intro = nl2br($intro);
echo "<td colspan='3' valign='top' class='tbl'><font color='".$line_color."' class='small'></font><br /><b>$title</b><br />
		$intro<br><img src='".THEME."'><a href='".BASEDIR."news.php?readmore=$n_id'>".$locale['cp101']."</a><br /><hr></td></tr><tr>";
} else {
	$intro = $data['news_news'];
    if ($data['news_breaks'] == "y") $intro = nl2br($intro);
    $intro = stripslashes($intro);
    $intro = preg_replace("/(<img)(.*?)(>)/si", "", $intro);
    $intro = substr($intro,0,0);
echo "<td width='100%' valign='top' class='tbl000'>";
		echo "<font color='#303030' class='small'></font><br />
		<a href='news.php?readmore=".$data['news_id']."' title='".$data['news_subject']."'><h4><b>$title</b>$intro<br></h4>
		".trimlink(strip_tags(stripslashes($data['news_news'])), 50)."</a><br /><br />

$result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".DB_PREFIX."news ORDER BY news_datestamp DESC LIMIT 3,14");
while ($data = dbarray($result)) {
$title = $data['news_subject'];
$sh_title = substr($title,0,7) . "..";
$n_id = $data['news_id'];

echo "<td align='right' class='allnews'><a href='".BASEDIR."news_cats.php'><font color='#0b4670'>".$locale['lnp002']."</font></a></td></table>";

	echo "</ul>\n";
	echo "</li>\n";
	echo "</div>\n";

Ok, das bedeutet, dass das in der Datenbank ungefähr so steht "Das sch&amp;ouml;ne...."

Das Problem hier ist also, dass das kaufmännische Und (&) in seine HTML-Entity umgewandelt wurde. Du kannst das beheben, in dem, bevor die jeweilige Ausgabe (wahrscheinlich z.B. $intro) getätigt wird, die Variable an die Funktion htmlspecialchars_decode() übergibst. Beispiel:

    $intro = preg_replace("/(<img)(.*?)(>)/si", "", $intro);
    $intro = substr($intro,0,0);
    $intro = htmlspecialchars_decode($intro); /** DAS HIER MEINE ICH **/
echo "<td width='100%' valign='top' class='tbl001'>";
        if ($data['news_image_t2']) {
            echo "<a href='news.php?readmore=".$data['news_id']."' title='".$data['news_subject']."'><img align='left' src='".IMAGES_N_T.$data['news_image_t2']."' height='70%' width='100%' alt='' /></a>";
        echo "<font color='#303030' class='small'></font><br />
        <a href='news.php?readmore=".$data['news_id']."' title='".$data['news_subject']."'><h4><b>$title</b>$intro<br></h4>
        ".trimlink(strip_tags(stripslashes($data['news_news'])), 600)."</a><br /><br />

Da ich nicht genau weiß, was die einzelnen Text-Stellen sind, kann ich nur dieses Beispiel geben.

Du kannst das aber erstmal in der Datenbank (z.B. mit phpMyAdmin) verifizieren, die Texte müssten statt der HTML-Entity immer "&amp;ouml;" enthalten.

EDIT: Achja und willkommen auf
Das Panel ist nicht in der Datenbank eingetragen .

Natürlich ist es das, was sollen sonst die dbquery() und dbarray() Aufrufe im Code?

$result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".DB_PREFIX."news WHERE ".groupaccess('news_visibility')." AND (news_start='0'||news_start<=".time().") AND (news_end='0'||news_end>=".time().") ORDER BY news_datestamp DESC LIMIT 0,1");

Such in deiner Datenbank (vermutlich MySQL) nach einer Tabelle "news", die noch was vordran stehen hat (halt das, was in DB_PREFIX steht). Dort drinnen dürften die Einträge für das Panel sein.