I spent days looking for this, couldn't find it, so just made it myself. This is an ultra simple text banner that keeps the text pretty much centered (not perfect when text is angled) vertically and horizontally. Size, font, colors are easy to edit and in HTML version for the colors.
Any additions (maybe for multi-line functionality) can be added if you desire.
### Declare this script will be displayed as a PNG image.
header("Content-type: image/png");
####################### BEGIN USER EDITS #######################
$imagewidth = 500;
$imageheight = 100;
$fontsize = "20";
$fontangle = "0";
$font = "arialf";
$text = "123456789";
$backgroundcolor = "003366";
$textcolor = "FFCC66";
######################## END USER EDITS ########################
### Convert HTML backgound color to RGB
if( eregi( "([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]{2})", $backgroundcolor, $bgrgb ) )
{$bgred = hexdec( $bgrgb[1] ); $bggreen = hexdec( $bgrgb[2] ); $bgblue = hexdec( $bgrgb[3] );}
### Convert HTML text color to RGB
if( eregi( "([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]{2})", $textcolor, $textrgb ) )
{$textred = hexdec( $textrgb[1] ); $textgreen = hexdec( $textrgb[2] ); $textblue = hexdec( $textrgb[3] );}
### Create image
$im = imagecreate( $imagewidth, $imageheight );
### Declare image's background color
$bgcolor = imagecolorallocate($im, $bgred,$bggreen,$bgblue);
### Declare image's text color
$fontcolor = imagecolorallocate($im, $textred,$textgreen,$textblue);
### Get exact dimensions of text string
$box = @imageTTFBbox($fontsize,$fontangle,$font,$text);
### Get width of text from dimensions
$textwidth = abs($box[4] - $box[0]);
### Get height of text from dimensions
$textheight = abs($box[5] - $box[1]);
### Get x-coordinate of centered text horizontally using length of the image and length of the text$xcord = ($imagewidth/2)-($textwidth/2)-2;
### Get y-coordinate of centered text vertically using height of the image and height of the text
$ycord = ($imageheight/2)+($textheight/2);
### Declare completed image with colors, font, text, and text location
imagettftext ( $im, $fontsize, $fontangle, $xcord, $ycord, $fontcolor, $font, $text );
### Display completed image as PNG
### Close the image