Habe mich mal wieder an die Klasse gesetzt und habe auch in der Grundstruktur noch einige Änderungen vor genommen. Allerdings will es nun nicht ganz so laufen, wie ich das möchte. Findet vielleicht jemand von euch den Fehler? Bin echt ein bisschen am Verzweifeln.
MfG, Andy
Habe mich mal wieder an die Klasse gesetzt und habe auch in der Grundstruktur noch einige Änderungen vor genommen. Allerdings will es nun nicht ganz so laufen, wie ich das möchte. Findet vielleicht jemand von euch den Fehler? Bin echt ein bisschen am Verzweifeln.
/* The FtpConnect class */
class FtpConnect
// public class variables
protected $host;
protected $port;
protected $ctrlCon;
protected $dataCon;
protected $response;
public $logStats = 0;
* Constructor - Is called when the class is instanced
* @name: FtpConnect::__construct()
* @access: public
* @param Str $host
* @param Int $port
* @param Str $name
* @param Str $pwd
* @return NONE
public function __construct($host='localhost', $port=21, $user, $pwd)
// control-connection handle is save to $ctrlCon
$this->ctrlCon = @fsockopen($host, $port);
// switch to non-blocking mode - just return data no response
// @set_socket_blocking($this->ctrlCon, false);
// set timeout of the ctrlCon
@stream_set_timeout($this->ctrlCon, 0, 3600);
// send username to the server
$this->sendCmd("USER $user");
if ($this->valid()) continue;
// send password to the server
$this->sendCmd("PASS $pwd");
if ($this->valid()) continue;
// set type of data
$this->sendCmd("TYPE I");
else throw new Exception("Connection failed.");
* Destructor - Is called when the instance of the class is closed
* @name: FtpConnect::__destruct()
* @access: public
* @return NONE
public function __destruct()
* Opens connection in passive mode for file transferes
* @name: FtpConnect::getReply()
* @access: public
* @return boolean
public function getReply()
// get response from ftp-connection
$reply = stream_get_contents($this->ctrlCon);
return $reply;
* Checks if the response of a command is ok
* @name: FtpConnect::valid()
* @param Sting $reply
* @access: public
* @return mixed
public function valid()
// get response of the server
$this->response = $this->getReply();
// check the response and say if everything is allright
return (empty($this->response) || preg_match('/^[5]/', $this->response)) ? false : true;
* Sets a ftp-command given by the user
* @name: FtpConnect::sendCmd()
* @param Sting $command
* @access: public
* @return boolean
public function sendCmd($command)
fwrite($this->ctrlCon, "$command\r\n");
$this->log("> $command");
* Lists the directory $path
* @name: FtpConnect::listPath()
* @access: public
* @return boolean
public function listPath($path = "")
// initiate the cariable to save the listing of $path
$list = "";
// ask for listing
// ask for listing of $path
$this->sendCmd("LIST $path");
// save response from server to $list
$line = fgets($this->dataCon);
$list .= $line;
if($line =='')
return $list;
* Opens connection in passive mode for file transferes
* so now there are two connections - the control- and the data-connection
* @name: FtpConnect::pasv()
* @access: public
* @return boolean
public function pasv()
// send command for passive connection
// get response for PASV
$offset = strpos($this->response, "(");
$res = substr($this->response, ++$offset, strlen($this->response)-2);
// split string to array by delimiter ","
$parts = explode(",", trim($res));
// save host and port for passive connection
$host = "$parts[0].$parts[1].$parts[2].$parts[3]";
$port = ((int)$parts[4] << 8) + (int) $parts[5];
// data-connection handle is save to $dataCon
$this->dataCon = fsockopen($host, $port);
return $this->dataCon;
* Prints out all requests to the server and their responses
* @name: FtpConnect::log()
* @access: public
* @return boolean
private function log($str)
echo "$str<br>";
//---------------- testgebiet ----------------
$ftp = new FtpConnect($host, $port, $user, $pwd);
$ftp->logStats = 1;
catch(Exception $e)
echo $e->getMessage();