Jörg Infinity
Ich such mich dumm und dämlich in google finde aber nicht das passende. Ich habe ein Javascript flip counter http://netcash.x10.mx/counter/index.html und möchte gerne via php code
die member anzahl mit dem flip counter anzeigen lassen.
Ich weiß das man Javascript und PHP sich verbinden lässt aber nur wie.
-- hier der quellcode vom flip counter ---------
Ich such mich dumm und dämlich in google finde aber nicht das passende. Ich habe ein Javascript flip counter http://netcash.x10.mx/counter/index.html und möchte gerne via php code
Ich weiß das man Javascript und PHP sich verbinden lässt aber nur wie.
-- hier der quellcode vom flip counter ---------
<script type="text/javascript">
// Array to hold each digit's starting background-position Y value
var initialPos = [0, -618, -1236, -1854, -2472, -3090, -3708, -4326, -4944, -5562];
// Amination frames
var animationFrames = 5;
// Frame shift
var frameShift = 103;
// Starting number
var theNumber = 8999998596;
// Increment
var increment = 17;
// Pace of counting in milliseconds
var pace = 180;
// Initializing variables
var digitsOld = [], digitsNew = [], subStart, subEnd, x, y;
// Function that controls counting
function doCount(){
var x = theNumber.toString();
theNumber += increment;
var y = theNumber.toString();
// This checks the old count value vs. new value, to determine how many digits
// have changed and need to be animated.
function digitCheck(x,y){
var digitsOld = splitToArray(x),
digitsNew = splitToArray(y);
for (var i = 0, c = digitsNew.length; i < c; i++){
if (digitsNew[i] != digitsOld[i]){
animateDigit(i, digitsOld[i], digitsNew[i]);
// Animation function
function animateDigit(n, oldDigit, newDigit){
// I want three different animations speeds based on the digit,
// because the pace and increment is so high. If it was counting
// slower, just one speed would do.
// 1: Changes so fast is just like a blur
// 2: You can see complete animation, barely
// 3: Nice and slow
var speed;
switch (n){
case 0:
speed = pace/8;
case 1:
speed = pace/4;
speed = pace/2;
// Cap on slowest animation can go
speed = (speed > 100) ? 100 : speed;
// Get the initial Y value of background position to begin animation
var pos = initialPos[oldDigit];
// Each animation is 5 frames long, and 103px down the background image.
// We delay each frame according to the speed we determined above.
for (var k = 0; k < animationFrames; k++){
pos = pos - frameShift;
if (k == (animationFrames - 1)){
$("#d" + n).delay(speed).animate({'background-position': '0 ' + pos + 'px'}, 0, function(){
// At end of animation, shift position to new digit.
$("#d" + n).css({'background-position': '0 ' + initialPos[newDigit] + 'px'}, 0);
$("#d" + n).delay(speed).animate({'background-position': '0 ' + pos + 'px'}, 0);
// Splits each value into an array of digits
function splitToArray(input){
var digits = new Array();
for (var i = 0, c = input.length; i < c; i++){
subStart = input.length - (i + 1);
subEnd = input.length - i;
digits[i] = input.substring(subStart, subEnd);
return digits;
// Sets the correct digits on load
function initialDigitCheck(initial){
var digits = splitToArray(initial.toString());
for (var i = 0, c = digits.length; i < c; i++){
$("#d" + i).css({'background-position': '0 ' + initialPos[digits[i]] + 'px'});
// Start it up
setInterval(doCount, pace);