#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string>
#include <ext/hash_map>
#define MAX_BUCKETS 512
#define SIZE 10
int makesub(char *in, int depth) {
char key[21];
int i;
int hash, sub = 0;
int remainder;
strncpy(key, in, 20);
key[20] = ' ';
hash = hasher(key);
for(i=0; i < depth; i++) {
sub = sub << 1;
remainder = hash % 2;
sub = sub + remainder;
hash = hash >> 1;
return sub;
struct rec_tag {
char key_field[21];
typedef struct buck_tag {
long number_of_records;
int bucket_bits;
struct rec_tag record[SIZE];
struct head_tag {
int bits_used_in_index;
long buckets_used;
int doublidx(int bits, long *addresses) {
int i;
int size;
long old_table[MAX_BUCKETS];
size = pow(2, bits);
if((size * 2) == MAX_BUCKETS) puts("WARNING: You are about to run out of index space!");
memcpy(old_table, addresses, (size * sizeof(long)));
for(i=0; i < size; i++) {
addresses[i*2] = old_table[i];
addresses[i*2 +1] = old_table[i];
return (bits + 1);
int moverecs(BUCKET * old, BUCKET * neu) {
char spaces[21] = " ";
int i, j, sub, n_sub;
int odd, flag, space, check;
old->bucket_bits += 1;
n_sub = 0;
for(i=0; i < SIZE; i++) {
sub = makesub(old->record[i].key_field, old->bucket_bits);
odd = sub%2;
if(odd) {
memcpy(&neu->record[n_sub], &old->record[i], sizeof(struct rec_tag));
strcpy(old->record[i].key_field, spaces);
neu->number_of_records = n_sub;
neu->bucket_bits = old->bucket_bits;
for(i=0, flag=0; i < SIZE && flag==0; i++) {
space = strcmp(old->record[i].key_field, spaces);
if(space == 0) {
for(j=i+1, check=1; j < SIZE && check != 0; j++)
check = strcmp(old->record[j].key_field, spaces);
if(j < SIZE) {
memcpy(&old->record[i], &old->record[j-1], sizeof(struct rec_tag));
strcpy(old->record[j-1].key_field, spaces);
else flag = 1;
old->number_of_records -= n_sub;
return 0;