Folge dem Video um zu sehen, wie unsere Website als Web-App auf dem Startbildschirm installiert werden kann.
Anmerkung: Diese Funktion ist in einigen Browsern möglicherweise nicht verfügbar.
public class PrintUtilities implements Printable {
private Component componentToBePrinted;
public static void printComponent(Component c) {
new PrintUtilities(c).print();
public PrintUtilities(Component componentToBePrinted) {
this.componentToBePrinted = componentToBePrinted;
public void print() {
PrinterJob printJob = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob();
if (printJob.printDialog())
try {
System.out.println("Calling PrintJob.print()");
System.out.println("End PrintJob.print()");
} catch(PrinterException pe) {
System.out.println("Error printing: " + pe);
public int print(Graphics g, PageFormat pf, int pageIndex) {
int response = NO_SUCH_PAGE;
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
// for faster printing, turn off double buffering
Dimension d = componentToBePrinted.getSize(); //get size of document
double panelWidth = d.width; //width in pixels
double panelHeight = d.height; //height in pixels
double pageHeight = pf.getImageableHeight(); //height of printer page
double pageWidth = pf.getImageableWidth(); //width of printer page
double scaleX = pageWidth / panelWidth;
double scaleY = pageHeight / panelHeight;
int totalNumPages = (int) Math.ceil(scaleY * panelHeight / pageHeight);
// make sure not print empty pages
if (pageIndex >= totalNumPages) {
response = NO_SUCH_PAGE;
} else {
// shift Graphic to line up with beginning of print-imageable region
g2.translate(pf.getImageableX(), pf.getImageableY());
// shift Graphic to line up with beginning of next page to print
g2.translate(0f, -pageIndex * pageHeight);
// scale the page so the width fits...
g2.scale(scaleX, scaleY);
componentToBePrinted.paint(g2); //repaint the page for printing
response = Printable.PAGE_EXISTS;
return response;
public static void disableDoubleBuffering(Component c) {
RepaintManager currentManager = RepaintManager.currentManager(c);
public static void enableDoubleBuffering(Component c) {
RepaintManager currentManager = RepaintManager.currentManager(c);