dringend Hilfe bei gallery-script Installation!


hi, habe mit folgendem script schwierigkeiten (download: http://kent.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/phpautogallery/phpAutoGallery-0.9.6.tar.gz )

Servervorraussetzungen sind alle erfüllt.

es geht um die datei ".htaccess" mit folgendem Inhalt:
# htaccess-dist -- required .htaccess file
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Martin Theimer
# Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file COPYING.
# Contact: Martin Theimer <pappkamerad@decoded.net>
# The latest version of phpAutoGallery can be obtained from:
# http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpautogallery
# $Id: htaccess-dist,v 1.8 2004/07/26 21:52:03 pappkamerad Exp $
# Usage:
# This is the required mod_rewrite configuration for phpAutoGallery.
# Change <GALLERY_WEB_PATH> to the full url path of your 
# root gallery folder. (and where the __phpAutoGallery folder must
# be located)
# Example 1:
# if your gallery is accessible here:
# "http://www.example.com/mygallery"
# then <GALLERY_WEB_PATH> would be "/mygallery"
# and the rewrite-rule would look like this:
# "RewriteRule .* /mygallery/__phpAutoGallery/wrapper.php [NE,QSA,L]"
# Example 2:
# or your gallery is accessible in the webroot directly:
# "http://www.example.com"
# then <GALLERY_WEB_PATH> would be "" (empty)
# and the rewrite-rule would look like this:
# "RewriteRule .* /__phpAutoGallery/wrapper.php [NE,QSA,L]"
# Then copy this file to the root path of your gallery and rename
# it to '.htaccess' (default for the Apache 'AccessFileName' directive)
# If you have problems with the loading, you may try
# to add this line:
# RewriteBase <GALLERY_WEB_PATH>
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !.*__phpAutoGallery/wrapper\.php.*
RewriteRule .* <GALLERY_WEB_PATH>/__phpAutoGallery/wrapper.php [NE,QSA,L]

wenn ich mich nicht irre sind nur die letzten 3 zeilen die command lines und damit für die .htaccess relevant. ich hab alles nach "Example 1" in meinem root-verzeichnis angelegt. Also sollte eigentlich nur mehr folgende 3 zeilen in der .htaccess - Datei stehn.

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !.*__phpAutoGallery/wrapper\.php.*
RewriteRule .* /mygallery/__phpAutoGallery/wrapper.php [NE,QSA,L]

jedenfalls funktioniert das script danach nicht? was fehlt? vl. könnt ihr euch das ja mal ansehn.

lg stefan