Holy Ghost
das Thema wurde zwar schon in ähnlicher Form behandelt, aber die vorgeschlagenen Lösungen konnte ich nicht auf mein Script anwenden. Dazu muss ich sagen, dass ich mich nur ein wenig mit PHP auskenne, daher bitte ich um Hilfe. Es geht um ein englisches Kalenderscript, bei dem ich die Monate und Wochentage vom Englischen ins Deutsche umgeschrieben habe. Auf dem Kalender werden die Wochentage nun ordnungsgemäß auf Deutsch angezeigt, aber die Monate werden nach wie vor auf Englisch gezeigt. Ich poste am besten mal das Script, damit ihr mir sagen könnt, was ich falsch gemacht habe oder was ich wo einsetzen muss:
// Include the FFDB library
// Include Header
//open db or create new db
$db = new FFDB();
if (!$db->open("calendar"))
// Define the database shema.
// Note that the "last_name" field is our key.
$schema = array(
array("event_key", FFDB_INT, "key"),
array("event_name", FFDB_STRING),
array("event_description", FFDB_STRING),
array("event_submitted_by", FFDB_STRING),
array("event_month", FFDB_STRING),
array("event_day", FFDB_INT),
array("event_year", FFDB_INT)
// Try and create it...
if (!$db->create("calendar", $schema))
echo "Error creating database\n";
function today($record)
{ global $event_day;
global $event_month;
global $event_year;
//echo "$event_month $event_day $event_year";
if (($record["event_month"] == $event_month) &&
($record["event_day"] == $event_day) &&
($record["event_year"] == $event_year))
return true;
return false;
function show_event($record){
$eventNumber = $record["event_key"];
$eventName = $record["event_name"];
echo "<font class=\"eventLink\">-<a href=\"viewEvent.php?eventNumber=$eventNumber\" class=\"eventLink\">$eventName</a></font> <br>";
function getEvents(){
global $db;
//get events for today
$result = $db->getbyfunction("today");
//display events if there are any
if($result != null)
foreach($result as $item)
function days_in_month($_month, $_year)
if($_month == 2)
{ return days_in_feb($_year); }
else {
if($_month == 1 || $_month == 3 || $_month == 5 || $_month == 7 || $_month == 8 || $_month == 10 || $_month == 12)
{ return(31); }
else { return(30); }
function selectMonth($_month){
$selectstart = "
<select name=\"sent_month\"> ";
$selectend = "
echo $selectstart;
echo "<option value=\"Januar\"";
if($_month == 1)
echo " selected=\"selected\" ";
echo ">Januar</option>
echo "<option value=\"Februar\"";
if($_month == 2)
echo " selected=\"selected\" ";
echo ">Februar</option>
echo "<option value=\"März\"";
if($_month == 3)
echo " selected=\"selected\" ";
echo ">März</option>
echo "<option value=\"April\"";
if($_month == 4)
echo " selected=\"selected\" ";
echo ">April</option>
echo "<option value=\"Mai\"";
if($_month == 5)
echo " selected=\"selected\" ";
echo ">Mai</option>
echo "<option value=\"Juni\"";
if($_month == 6)
echo " selected=\"selected\" ";
echo ">Juni</option>
echo "<option value=\"Juli\"";
if($_month == 7)
echo " selected=\"selected\" ";
echo ">Juli</option>
echo "<option value=\"August\"";
if($_month == 8)
echo " selected=\"selected\" ";
echo ">August</option>
echo "<option value=\"September\"";
if($_month == 9)
echo " selected=\"selected\" ";
echo ">September</option>
echo "<option value=\"Oktober\"";
if($_month == 10)
echo " selected=\"selected\" ";
echo ">Oktober</option>
echo "<option value=\"November\"";
if($_month == 11)
echo " selected=\"selected\" ";
echo ">November</option>
echo "<option value=\"Dezember\"";
if($_month == 12)
echo " selected=\"selected\" ";
echo ">Dezember</option>
echo $selectend;
function selectYear($selectedyear){
$day = getdate();
$year = $day['year'];
$selectyeartop = "
<select name=\"sent_year\">
$selectyearbottom = "
echo $selectyeartop;
for($i=$year; $i<$year+5; $i++) {
echo "<option value=\"$i\"";
if($i == $selectedyear)
echo "selected=\"selected\"";
echo "> $i</option>
echo $selectyearbottom;
function convertMonth($alpha_month){
if($alpha_month == "Januar")
return 1;
else if($alpha_month== "Februar")
return 2;
else if($alpha_month== "März")
return 3;
else if($alpha_month== "April")
return 4;
else if($alpha_month== "Mai")
return 5;
else if($alpha_month== "Juni")
return 6;
else if($alpha_month== "Juli")
return 7;
else if($alpha_month== "August")
return 8;
else if($alpha_month== "September")
return 9;
else if($alpha_month== "Oktober")
return 10;
else if($alpha_month== "November")
return 11;
else if($alpha_month== "Dezember")
return 12;
return 1;
function days_in_feb($year){
//$year must be YYYY
//[gregorian] leap year math :
if ($year < 0) $year++;
$year += 4800;
if ( ($year % 4) == 0) {
if (($year % 100) == 0) {
if (($year % 400) == 0) {
} else {
} else {
} else {
prints the month and year that are passed to it in
function printMonth($_month, $_year)
$timestamp = mktime(0,0,0,$_month,1,2000);
$date = getdate ($timestamp);
$monthText = $date['month'];
$monthtext1 =
<!-- month heading -------------------------------------------->
<table align=\"center\">
<td align=\"left\">
<form name=\"goto\" action=\"calendar.php\" method=\"POST\">
<table cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" bgcolor=\"#000000\" align=\"center\">
<table cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" bgcolor=\"#800000\">
<tr><td width=\"200\">";
$monthtext2 = "<input type=\"image\" src=\"go.gif\" name=\"go\" border=\"0\">
<td align=\"center\" width=\"355\" valign=\"top\"><font class=\"month\">$monthText $_year</font></td>
<td align=\"right\" width=\"186\" valign=\"top\"></td>
<!-- end of month heading ------------------------------------->
echo "$monthtext1";
echo "$monthtext2";
prints the bar that contains the days of the week
function printDays()
$daybar =
<!-- days of the week heading --------------------------------->
<table align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#000000\">
<td width=\"105\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#800000\"><font class=\"daysfont\">Sonntag</font></td>
<td width=\"105\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#800000\"><font class=\"daysfont\">Montag</font></td>
<td width=\"105\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#800000\"><font class=\"daysfont\">Dienstag</font></td>
<td width=\"105\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#800000\"><font class=\"daysfont\">Mittwoch</font></td>
<td width=\"105\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#800000\"><font class=\"daysfont\">Donnerstag</font></td>
<td width=\"105\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#800000\"><font class=\"daysfont\">Freitag</font></td>
<td width=\"105\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#800000\"><font class=\"daysfont\">Samstag</font></td>
<!-- end days of the week heading ----------------------------->
echo $daybar;
opens table for calendar which is closed by last week, then prints the first
week to the calendar
function printFirstWeek($_day)
global $event_day;
//write table declarations
echo "
<!-- begin day boxes ------------------------------------------>
$current_day = 1;
$spot = 0;
while ($spot < $_day){
echo "<td width=\"105\" height=\"115\" valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"#F5DAB4\"> </td>
while ($spot < 7){
$event_day = $current_day;
echo "<td width=\"105\" height=\"115\" valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"#F5DAB4\"><font class=\"number\">$current_day</font><br>";
echo "</td>
return $current_day;
function printWeek($_day, $_last)
global $event_day;
while ($_day <= ($_last - 7)){
$count = 0;
echo "<TR>
while($count < 7){
$event_day = $_day;
echo "<td width=\"105\" height=\"115\" valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"#F5DAB4\"><font class=\"number\">$_day</font><br>";
echo "</td>
echo "</TR>
return $_day;
function printLastWeek($_day, $_lastday)
global $event_day;
$count = 0;
echo "<TR>
while($count <= $_lastday)
$event_day = $_day;
echo "<td width=\"105\" height=\"115\" valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"#F5DAB4\"><font class=\"number\">$_day</font><br>";
echo "</td>
while($count < 7)
echo "<td width=\"105\" height=\"115\" valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"#F2CB97\"> </td>
echo "</tr>
echo "</table>
<!-- end day boxes ------------------------------------------>
//calculate all date information needed
if($sent_month && $sent_year){
$month = convertMonth($sent_month);
$year = $sent_year;
$event_day = 1;
$event_month = $sent_month;
$event_year = $year;
else {
$day = getdate();
$month = $month = $day['mon'];
$mday = $mday = $day['mday'];
$year = $year = $day['year'];
$event_day = 1;
$event_month = $day['month'];
$event_year = $year;
$days_in_month = days_in_month ($month, $year);
$first_day = mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year);
$date_first = getdate ($first_day);
$last_day = mktime(0,0,0,$month,$days_in_month,$year);
$date_last = getdate($last_day);
$dayofweekfirst = $date_first['wday'];
$dayofweeklast = $date_last['wday'];
//end date calculations
printMonth($month, $year);
$current = printFirstWeek($dayofweekfirst);
$current = printWeek($current, $days_in_month);
printLastWeek($current, $dayofweeklast);
// Include Footer
Es wäre supertoll, wenn mir jemand helfen könnte.
Holy Ghost
das Thema wurde zwar schon in ähnlicher Form behandelt, aber die vorgeschlagenen Lösungen konnte ich nicht auf mein Script anwenden. Dazu muss ich sagen, dass ich mich nur ein wenig mit PHP auskenne, daher bitte ich um Hilfe. Es geht um ein englisches Kalenderscript, bei dem ich die Monate und Wochentage vom Englischen ins Deutsche umgeschrieben habe. Auf dem Kalender werden die Wochentage nun ordnungsgemäß auf Deutsch angezeigt, aber die Monate werden nach wie vor auf Englisch gezeigt. Ich poste am besten mal das Script, damit ihr mir sagen könnt, was ich falsch gemacht habe oder was ich wo einsetzen muss:
// Include the FFDB library
// Include Header
//open db or create new db
$db = new FFDB();
if (!$db->open("calendar"))
// Define the database shema.
// Note that the "last_name" field is our key.
$schema = array(
array("event_key", FFDB_INT, "key"),
array("event_name", FFDB_STRING),
array("event_description", FFDB_STRING),
array("event_submitted_by", FFDB_STRING),
array("event_month", FFDB_STRING),
array("event_day", FFDB_INT),
array("event_year", FFDB_INT)
// Try and create it...
if (!$db->create("calendar", $schema))
echo "Error creating database\n";
function today($record)
{ global $event_day;
global $event_month;
global $event_year;
//echo "$event_month $event_day $event_year";
if (($record["event_month"] == $event_month) &&
($record["event_day"] == $event_day) &&
($record["event_year"] == $event_year))
return true;
return false;
function show_event($record){
$eventNumber = $record["event_key"];
$eventName = $record["event_name"];
echo "<font class=\"eventLink\">-<a href=\"viewEvent.php?eventNumber=$eventNumber\" class=\"eventLink\">$eventName</a></font> <br>";
function getEvents(){
global $db;
//get events for today
$result = $db->getbyfunction("today");
//display events if there are any
if($result != null)
foreach($result as $item)
function days_in_month($_month, $_year)
if($_month == 2)
{ return days_in_feb($_year); }
else {
if($_month == 1 || $_month == 3 || $_month == 5 || $_month == 7 || $_month == 8 || $_month == 10 || $_month == 12)
{ return(31); }
else { return(30); }
function selectMonth($_month){
$selectstart = "
<select name=\"sent_month\"> ";
$selectend = "
echo $selectstart;
echo "<option value=\"Januar\"";
if($_month == 1)
echo " selected=\"selected\" ";
echo ">Januar</option>
echo "<option value=\"Februar\"";
if($_month == 2)
echo " selected=\"selected\" ";
echo ">Februar</option>
echo "<option value=\"März\"";
if($_month == 3)
echo " selected=\"selected\" ";
echo ">März</option>
echo "<option value=\"April\"";
if($_month == 4)
echo " selected=\"selected\" ";
echo ">April</option>
echo "<option value=\"Mai\"";
if($_month == 5)
echo " selected=\"selected\" ";
echo ">Mai</option>
echo "<option value=\"Juni\"";
if($_month == 6)
echo " selected=\"selected\" ";
echo ">Juni</option>
echo "<option value=\"Juli\"";
if($_month == 7)
echo " selected=\"selected\" ";
echo ">Juli</option>
echo "<option value=\"August\"";
if($_month == 8)
echo " selected=\"selected\" ";
echo ">August</option>
echo "<option value=\"September\"";
if($_month == 9)
echo " selected=\"selected\" ";
echo ">September</option>
echo "<option value=\"Oktober\"";
if($_month == 10)
echo " selected=\"selected\" ";
echo ">Oktober</option>
echo "<option value=\"November\"";
if($_month == 11)
echo " selected=\"selected\" ";
echo ">November</option>
echo "<option value=\"Dezember\"";
if($_month == 12)
echo " selected=\"selected\" ";
echo ">Dezember</option>
echo $selectend;
function selectYear($selectedyear){
$day = getdate();
$year = $day['year'];
$selectyeartop = "
<select name=\"sent_year\">
$selectyearbottom = "
echo $selectyeartop;
for($i=$year; $i<$year+5; $i++) {
echo "<option value=\"$i\"";
if($i == $selectedyear)
echo "selected=\"selected\"";
echo "> $i</option>
echo $selectyearbottom;
function convertMonth($alpha_month){
if($alpha_month == "Januar")
return 1;
else if($alpha_month== "Februar")
return 2;
else if($alpha_month== "März")
return 3;
else if($alpha_month== "April")
return 4;
else if($alpha_month== "Mai")
return 5;
else if($alpha_month== "Juni")
return 6;
else if($alpha_month== "Juli")
return 7;
else if($alpha_month== "August")
return 8;
else if($alpha_month== "September")
return 9;
else if($alpha_month== "Oktober")
return 10;
else if($alpha_month== "November")
return 11;
else if($alpha_month== "Dezember")
return 12;
return 1;
function days_in_feb($year){
//$year must be YYYY
//[gregorian] leap year math :
if ($year < 0) $year++;
$year += 4800;
if ( ($year % 4) == 0) {
if (($year % 100) == 0) {
if (($year % 400) == 0) {
} else {
} else {
} else {
prints the month and year that are passed to it in
function printMonth($_month, $_year)
$timestamp = mktime(0,0,0,$_month,1,2000);
$date = getdate ($timestamp);
$monthText = $date['month'];
$monthtext1 =
<!-- month heading -------------------------------------------->
<table align=\"center\">
<td align=\"left\">
<form name=\"goto\" action=\"calendar.php\" method=\"POST\">
<table cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" bgcolor=\"#000000\" align=\"center\">
<table cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" bgcolor=\"#800000\">
<tr><td width=\"200\">";
$monthtext2 = "<input type=\"image\" src=\"go.gif\" name=\"go\" border=\"0\">
<td align=\"center\" width=\"355\" valign=\"top\"><font class=\"month\">$monthText $_year</font></td>
<td align=\"right\" width=\"186\" valign=\"top\"></td>
<!-- end of month heading ------------------------------------->
echo "$monthtext1";
echo "$monthtext2";
prints the bar that contains the days of the week
function printDays()
$daybar =
<!-- days of the week heading --------------------------------->
<table align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#000000\">
<td width=\"105\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#800000\"><font class=\"daysfont\">Sonntag</font></td>
<td width=\"105\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#800000\"><font class=\"daysfont\">Montag</font></td>
<td width=\"105\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#800000\"><font class=\"daysfont\">Dienstag</font></td>
<td width=\"105\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#800000\"><font class=\"daysfont\">Mittwoch</font></td>
<td width=\"105\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#800000\"><font class=\"daysfont\">Donnerstag</font></td>
<td width=\"105\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#800000\"><font class=\"daysfont\">Freitag</font></td>
<td width=\"105\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#800000\"><font class=\"daysfont\">Samstag</font></td>
<!-- end days of the week heading ----------------------------->
echo $daybar;
opens table for calendar which is closed by last week, then prints the first
week to the calendar
function printFirstWeek($_day)
global $event_day;
//write table declarations
echo "
<!-- begin day boxes ------------------------------------------>
$current_day = 1;
$spot = 0;
while ($spot < $_day){
echo "<td width=\"105\" height=\"115\" valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"#F5DAB4\"> </td>
while ($spot < 7){
$event_day = $current_day;
echo "<td width=\"105\" height=\"115\" valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"#F5DAB4\"><font class=\"number\">$current_day</font><br>";
echo "</td>
return $current_day;
function printWeek($_day, $_last)
global $event_day;
while ($_day <= ($_last - 7)){
$count = 0;
echo "<TR>
while($count < 7){
$event_day = $_day;
echo "<td width=\"105\" height=\"115\" valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"#F5DAB4\"><font class=\"number\">$_day</font><br>";
echo "</td>
echo "</TR>
return $_day;
function printLastWeek($_day, $_lastday)
global $event_day;
$count = 0;
echo "<TR>
while($count <= $_lastday)
$event_day = $_day;
echo "<td width=\"105\" height=\"115\" valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"#F5DAB4\"><font class=\"number\">$_day</font><br>";
echo "</td>
while($count < 7)
echo "<td width=\"105\" height=\"115\" valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"#F2CB97\"> </td>
echo "</tr>
echo "</table>
<!-- end day boxes ------------------------------------------>
//calculate all date information needed
if($sent_month && $sent_year){
$month = convertMonth($sent_month);
$year = $sent_year;
$event_day = 1;
$event_month = $sent_month;
$event_year = $year;
else {
$day = getdate();
$month = $month = $day['mon'];
$mday = $mday = $day['mday'];
$year = $year = $day['year'];
$event_day = 1;
$event_month = $day['month'];
$event_year = $year;
$days_in_month = days_in_month ($month, $year);
$first_day = mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year);
$date_first = getdate ($first_day);
$last_day = mktime(0,0,0,$month,$days_in_month,$year);
$date_last = getdate($last_day);
$dayofweekfirst = $date_first['wday'];
$dayofweeklast = $date_last['wday'];
//end date calculations
printMonth($month, $year);
$current = printFirstWeek($dayofweekfirst);
$current = printWeek($current, $days_in_month);
printLastWeek($current, $dayofweeklast);
// Include Footer
Es wäre supertoll, wenn mir jemand helfen könnte.
Holy Ghost