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Anmerkung: Diese Funktion ist in einigen Browsern möglicherweise nicht verfügbar.
Dim strFeld as String
strFeld = GetDBValue(Recordset.Fields(Memofeld))
Public Function GetDBValue(F As ADODB.Field) As Variant
If IsNull(F) Then
Select Case F.Type
Case adBoolean
GetDBValue = 0
Case adChar
GetDBValue = " "
Case adCurrency
GetDBValue = 0
Case adDate
GetDBValue = "01.01.1990 00:00:00"
Case adDBTime
GetDBValue = "01.01.1990 00:00:00"
Case adDBDate
GetDBValue = "01.01.1990 00:00:00"
Case adDecimal
GetDBValue = 0
Case adInteger
GetDBValue = 0
Case adDouble
GetDBValue = 0
Case adLongVarChar
GetDBValue = " "
Case adLongVarWChar
GetDBValue = " "
Case adSingle
GetDBValue = 0
Case adVarChar
GetDBValue = " "
Case adVarWChar
GetDBValue = " "
Case adVarWChar
GetDBValue = " "
Case adWChar
GetDBValue = " "
End Select
End Function
Dim FOX_Conn as ADODB.Connection
Dim FOX_RS as ADODB.Recordset
Set FOX_Conn = new ADODB.Connection
Set FOX_RS = new ADODB.Recordset
With FOX_Conn
.Provider = "MSDASQL"
.Mode = adModeRead
.Open "Driver={Microsoft Visual FoxPro Driver}; SourceDB=G:\AMS32DB\datendb;SourceType=DBF; Exclusive=No;BackgroundFetch=Yes;Collate=MACHINE;Null=Yes
End With
. Activeconnection = FOX_Conn
.Cursortype = adOpenKeyset
.LockType = adLockReadOnly
.Source "Select * from anmerk"
End With