#!/usr/bin/php -q
$written = "Fabian";
$version = "v1.1";
$name = "addcron.php";
function read() {
$fp=fopen("/dev/stdin", "r");
$input=fgets($fp, 255);
return str_replace("\n", "", $input);
$arg = strtoupper($argv[1]);
if ( $arg == "HELP" ) {
print("$name $version written by $written...\n\n");
print("usage: $name add (add a crontab to user)\n");
print(" $name help (show this screen, huh?)\n\n");
elseif ( $arg == "ADD" ) {
print("At which minute should the crontab run? Valid: 0-59,* Example: 15 or 15-25 : ");
$min = read();
str_replace(" ", "", $min);
if ( $min == "" ) {
$min = "*";
print("At which hour should the crontab run? Valid: 0-23,* Example: 23 or 11-13 : ");
$hour = read();
str_replace(" ", "", $hour);
if ( $hour == "" ) {
$hour = "*";
print("On which day of the month should this crontab run? Valid: 1-31,* Example: 24 or 12-16 : ");
$day = read();
str_replace(" ", "", $day);
if ( $day == "" ) {
$day = "*";
print("In which month should this crontab run? Valid: 1-12,* Example: 2 or 4-7 : ");
$month = read();
str_replace(" ", "", $month);
if ( $month == "" ) {
$month = "*";
print("In which month should this crontab run? Valid: 1-12,* Example: 2 or 4-7 : ");
$month = read();
str_replace(" ", "", $month);
if ( $month == "" ) {
$month = "*";
print("On which day of the week should this crontab run? Valid: 0-7,* Example: 6 or 2-5 : ");
$week = read();
str_replace(" ", "", $read);
if ( $week == "" ) {
$week = "*";
print("Do you want to receive messages or errors from your script in an email? Valid: y/n : ");
$mail = read();
str_replace(" ", "", $mail);
$mail = strtoupper($mail);
if ( $mail == "" ) {
$mail = "> /dev/null 2>&1";
elseif ( $mail == "N" ) {
$mail = "> /dev/null 2>&1";
else { $mail = ""; }
print("The absolut path to your executable? Example: /home/$written/backup.sh : ");
$prog = read();
str_replace(" ", "", $prog);
if ( $prog == "" ) {
print("\nERROR! NO PROGRAM PATH GIVEN...\n\n");
else {
exec("crontab -l > temp.cron");
print("\nOkay, going to install the following crontab:\n\n");
print("$min $hour $day $month $week $prog $mail\n\n");
exec("echo \"$min $hour $day $month $week $prog $mail\" >> temp.cron");
exec("crontab temp.cron");
exec("rm temp.cron");
print("... ADDED!\n\n");
else {
print("$name $version written by $written...\n\n");
print("usage: $name add (add a crontab to user)\n");
print(" $name help (show this screen, huh?)\n\n");