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Anmerkung: Diese Funktion ist in einigen Browsern möglicherweise nicht verfügbar.
$result = $db->getbyfunction("returnAll", "event_key");
* @function getbyfunction
* @param orderby order the results. Set to the field name to order by
* (as a string). If left unset, sorting is not done and it is a lot faster.
* If prefixed by "!", results will be ordered in reverse order.
* If orderby is an array, the 1st element refers to the field to order by,
* and the 2nd, a function that will take two take two parameters A and B
* - two fields from two records - used to do the ordering. It is expected
* that the function would return -ve if A < B and +ve if A > B, or zero
* if A == B (to order in ascending order).
Was war nochmal ein Präfix? Prä... hm... Davor vielleicht?* If prefixed by "!", results will be ordered in reverse order.