class CarouselException extends Exception{};
* Image carousel class
* @author saftmeister
* @license BSD
class Carousel
* The url which sends the image to the client
* @var string
private $imageUrl;
* The url which displays the HTML for displaying the carousel
* @var string
private $indexUrl;
* The directory which contains the image files
* @var string
private $directory;
* Whether to use recursive search
* @var boolean
private $recursive;
* The data holder
* @var array
private $allImages;
* Maximum width (height will be aspected ratio)
* @var number
private $maxWidth;
* Create a new carousel instance
* @param string $indexUrl
* @param string $imageUrl
* @param string $directory
* @param boolean $recursive
* @param number $maxWidth
* @throws CarouselException
public function __construct($indexUrl, $imageUrl, $directory, $recursive = true, $maxWidth = 0)
$this->indexUrl = $indexUrl;
$this->imageUrl = $imageUrl;
$this->directory = $directory;
$this->recursive = boolval ( $recursive );
$this->maxWidth = $maxWidth;
if (! is_dir ( $directory ))
throw new CarouselException ( "Given path does not exist or is no directory!" );
clearstatcache ();
$this->loadImageData ( $this->directory );
* Loads the images into data holder
* @throws CarouselException
* @param string $path
private function loadImageData($path)
if ($this->recursive)
$dir = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator ( $path );
$iter = new RecursiveIteratorIterator ( $dir );
$iter = new DirectoryIterator ( $path );
$regex = new RegexIterator ( $iter, '/^.+\.jpg/i', RegexIterator::GET_MATCH );
foreach ( $regex as $jpeg )
$key = md5 ( $jpeg [0] );
$this->allImages [$key] = $jpeg [0];
throw new CarouselException("No images found!");
* Retrieve the url to next image
* @return string
public function getNextLink()
$nextInArray = array_keys ( $this->allImages )[0];
if (isset ( $_GET ['next'] ))
$id = $_GET ['next'];
if (array_key_exists ( $id, $this->allImages ))
$found = false;
foreach ( $this->allImages as $key => $value )
if ($found)
$nextInArray = $key;
if ($key === $id)
$found = true;
return sprintf ( "%s?next=%s", $this->indexUrl, $nextInArray );
* Returns the url to the current image
* @return string
public function getCurrentLink()
return sprintf ( "%s?next=%s", $this->imageUrl, $this->getCurrentId () );
* Returns the current id
* @return string
public function getCurrentId()
$current = array_keys ( $this->allImages )[0];
if (isset ( $_GET ['next'] ))
$id = $_GET ['next'];
if (array_key_exists ( $id, $this->allImages ))
$current = $id;
return $current;
* Returns the current image file path
* @throws CarouselException
* @return string
private function getCurrentImageFile()
$id = $this->getCurrentId ();
if (! $id)
throw new CarouselException ( "Image does not exist!" );
$image = $this->allImages [$id];
return $image;
* Sends the current image to the client
public function getCurrentImage()
$image = $this->getCurrentImageFile ();
$data = file_get_contents ( $image );
$localDate = new DateTime ( 'UTC' );
$localDate->setTimestamp ( filemtime ( $image ) );
header ( 'Content-Type: image/jpeg' );
header ( sprintf ( 'Content-Length: %d', strlen ( $data ) ) );
header ( sprintf ( 'Last-Modified: %s', $localDate->format ( 'D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T' ) ) );
header ( 'Cache-Control: public' );
header ( sprintf ( 'ETag: "%s"', md5 ( $localDate->getTimestamp () . $image ) ) );
echo $data;
exit ();
* Retrieve the current image file height (respect the max width parameter)
* @throws CarouselException
* @return number
public function getCurrentHeight()
$image = $this->getCurrentImageFile ();
$info = getimagesize ( $image );
if (! $info)
throw new CarouselException ( "Could not determine image size!" );
$height = $info [1];
if ($this->maxWidth > 0 && $this->maxWidth < $info [0])
$ratio = $this->maxWidth / ($info [0] / 100) / 100;
$height = $height * $ratio;
return $height;
* Retrieve the current image file width (respect the max width parameter)
* @throws CarouselException
* @return number
public function getCurrentWidth()
$image = $this->getCurrentImageFile ();
$info = getimagesize ( $image );
if (! $info)
throw new CarouselException ( "Could not determine image size!" );
$width = $info [0];
if ($this->maxWidth > 0 && $this->maxWidth < $info [0])
$width = $this->maxWidth;
return $width;