Axis 1.4 WSDL2Java benutzen


Ich versuche jetzt seit 2 Stunden mittels Axis insbesondere dem Tool WSDL2Java
aus meiner WSDL Datei die Java Stubs zu generieren.

Leider funktioniert es hinten und vorne nicht... ich hab gemäß Installationsanleitung Classpath und so gesetzt und neben Axis noch Xerces runtergeladen da er als XML Parser empfholen wird.

Brauche ich möglicherweise doch den TomCat server ? Ich bin mir da nicht so ganz sicher. Es kann doch eigentlich nicht so schwer sein das Tool zu benutzen.... Wenn irgendjemand eine Idee hat wäre ich dankbar.

Beim Aufruf über Eclipse sieht das ganze zur Zeit so aus:
Unable to find required classes (javax.activation.DataHandler and javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart). Attachment support is disabled.
The <class-of-portType> was not specified.
Java2WSDL emitter
Usage: java org.apache.axis.wsdl.Java2WSDL [options] class-of-portType
-h, --help
print this message and exit
-I, --input <argument>
input WSDL filename
-o, --output <argument>
output WSDL filename
-l, --location <argument>
service location url
-P, --portTypeName <argument>
portType name (obtained from class-of-portType if not specif
-b, --bindingName <argument>
binding name (--servicePortName value + "SOAPBinding" if not
-S, --serviceElementName <argument>
service element name (defaults to --servicePortName value +
-s, --servicePortName <argument>
service port name (obtained from --location if not specified
-n, --namespace <argument>
target namespace
-p, --PkgtoNS <argument>=<value>
package=namespace, name value pairs
-m, --methods <argument>
space or comma separated list of methods to export
-a, --all
look for allowed methods in inherited class
-w, --outputWsdlMode <argument>
output WSDL mode: All, Interface, Implementation
-L, --locationImport <argument>
location of interface wsdl
-N, --namespaceImpl <argument>
target namespace for implementation wsdl
-O, --outputImpl <argument>
output Implementation WSDL filename, setting this causes --o
utputWsdlMode to be ignored
-i, --implClass <argument>
optional class that contains implementation of methods in cl
ass-of-portType. The debug information in the class is used
to obtain the method parameter names, which are used to set
the WSDL part names.
-x, --exclude <argument>
space or comma separated list of methods not to export
-c, --stopClasses <argument>
space or comma separated list of class names which will stop
inheritance search if --all switch is given
-T, --typeMappingVersion <argument>
indicate 1.1 or 1.2. The default is 1.1 (SOAP 1.1 JAX-RPC c
ompliant 1.2 indicates SOAP 1.1 encoded.)
-A, --soapAction <argument>
value of the operation's soapAction field. Values are DEFAUL
T, OPERATION or NONE. OPERATION forces soapAction to the nam
e of the operation. DEFAULT causes the soapAction to be set
according to the operation's meta data (usually ""). NONE
forces the soapAction to "". The default is DEFAULT.
-y, --style <argument>
The style of binding in the WSDL, either DOCUMENT, RPC, or W
-u, --use <argument>
The use of items in the binding, either LITERAL or ENCODED
-e, --extraClasses <argument>
A space or comma separated list of class names to be added t
o the type section.
-C, --importSchema
A file or URL to an XML Schema that should be physically imp
orted into the generated WSDL
-X, --classpath
additional classpath elements
-d, --deploy
generate wsdd and java classes for deploying
portType element name= <--portTypeName value> OR <class-of-portType name>
binding element name= <--bindingName value> OR <--servicePortName value>SoapBinding
service element name= <--serviceElementName value> OR <--portTypeName value>Service
port element name= <--servicePortName value>
address location = <--location value>