Applets und FileSystemLoader?


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Ich habe auf den Seiten von Sun folgende Aussage bzgl. Applets gefunden:

In Java-enabled browsers, untrusted applets cannot read or write files at all. By default, downloaded applets are considered untrusted. There are two ways for an applet to be considered trusted:

The applet is installed on the local hard disk, in a directory on the CLASSPATH used by the program that you are using to run the applet. Usually, this is a Java-enabled browser, but it could be the appletviewer, or other Java programs that know how to load applets.

The applet is signed by an identity marked as trusted in your identity database. For more information on signed applets, refer to an example of using signed applets, and to a short description on using javakey.


If an applet is loaded over the net, then it is loaded by the applet class loader, and is subject to the restrictions enforced by the applet security manager.

If an applet resides on the client's local disk, and in a directory that is on the client's CLASSPATH, then it is loaded by the file system loader. The most important differences are


This means that if you specify the URL like so:

Location: file:/home/me/public_html/something.html
and the file something.html contains an applet, the browser loads it using its applet class loader.

Wenn ich jetzt ein Applet (eine JAR-Datei ggf. + html Datei) bei mir lokal auf c:\tmp\ packe und diesen Ordner in den Classpath packe, wie würde ich dieses Applet dann z.B. im IE oder FireFox so starten, dass es mit dem file system loader und nicht mit dem applet class loader geladen wird?