[PHP] Objekt-Eigenschaften einer abgeleiteten Klasse in der Basisklasse verwenden

[PHP] Objekt-Eigenschaften einer abgeleiteten Klasse in der Basisklasse verwenden

Eigentlich ist es nicht möglich, in Basis-Klassen auf die Objekt-Eigenschaften einer davon abgeleiteten Klasse zuzugreifen. Ich zeige hier, wie es (ohne Reflection) dennoch möglich ist, durch einen Hack:

class Vater
  private $vaterEigenschaft;

   * Evil hack to retrieve the properties from the derived class
   * This method uses a hack to get class properties without the
   * use of reflection to minimize the dependencies to php functionality.
   * First a object dump is retrieved.
   * Then we try to find all property names from the object dump by regular
   * expression.
   * Then we retrieve the object vars from the base class using get_object_class().
   * Due to limitation the method get_object_class will return only properties
   * of class ORM, which is the base class.
   * We walk over all derived class properties to find match in base class. If
   * found, we skip that property.
   * After all walks we have only properties, which exists in the derived class.
   * @return array All properties known in the derived class.
  public function getObjectProperties()
    $s = var_export ( $this, true );
    $propertyNames = array ();
    $matches = array ();
    preg_match_all ( '/\'([^\']+?)\' => .*/m', $s, $matches );
    if (count ( $matches ) > 1)
      array_shift ( $matches );
      $baseClassProperties = get_object_vars ( $this );
      foreach ( $matches [0] as $match )
        if (! array_key_exists ( $match, $baseClassProperties ))
          $propertyNames [] = $match;
    return $propertyNames;

   * Retrieve a particular property value by calling getter of property
   * @param string $propertyName        
   * @throws ORMException
   * @return mixed
  private function getProperty($propertyName)
    $getter = "get" . ucfirst ( $propertyName );
    if (! method_exists ( $this, $getter ))
      throw new Exception ( "Could not find getter for property $propertyName" );
    return $this->$getter ();

   * Set the property using property setter of child class
   * @param string $propertyName
   *          The name of the property to set
   * @param mixed $value
   *          The value to set
   * @throws Exception
  private function setProperty($propertyName, $value)
    $setter = "set" . ucfirst ( $propertyName );
    if (! method_exists ( $this, $setter ))
      throw new Exception ( "Could not find setter for property $propertyName" );
    $this->$setter ( $value );

class Kind extends Vater
  private $kindProperty1 = "test";
  private $kindProperty2 = 4;

  public function getKindProperty1()
  return $this->kindProperty1;

  public function setKindProperty1($string)
  $this->kindProperty1 = $string;

  public function getKindProperty2()
  return $this->kindProperty2;

  public function setKindProperty2($number)
  $this->kindProperty2 = $number;

$kind = new Kind ();

var_dump ( $kind->getObjectProperties () );


array(2) {
[0] =>
string(13) "kindProperty1"
[1] =>
string(13) "kindProperty2"

Damit ist es dann möglich, aus dem Vater die Eigenschaften des Kindes zu manipulieren.
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