Folge dem Video um zu sehen, wie unsere Website als Web-App auf dem Startbildschirm installiert werden kann.
Anmerkung: Diese Funktion ist in einigen Browsern möglicherweise nicht verfügbar.
Dim pfad As String
Test1.ShowOpen 'Oder .ShowSave
pfad = Test1.FileName
MsgBox pfad
'-- uncomment this sample code to run script:
Dim Ob, s
Set Ob = new ClsBrowse
s = Ob.ChooseFile() '-- uncomment this line to browse for file OR
' s = Ob.ChooseFolder("Pick it") '-- uncomment this line to browse for folder.
MsgBox s
Set Ob = Nothing
'--------------------- Class ClsBrowse .ChooseFile() and .ChooseFolder(Caption) ------------------------------
Class ClsBrowse
Private IE, FSO, ShAp
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
On Error Resume Next
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set ShAp = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set FSO = Nothing
Set ShAp = Nothing
End Sub
'---------------------------- ChooseFile Function -----------------------------------
Public Function ChooseFile()
On Error Resume Next
Dim Q2, sRet
Q2 = chr(34)
ChooseFile = ""
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
IE.visible = False
Do Until IE.ReadyState = 4
IE.Document.Write "<HTML><BODY><INPUT ID=" & Q2 & "Fil" & Q2 & "Type=" & Q2 & "file" & Q2 & "></BODY></HTML>"
With IE.Document.all.Fil
sRet = .value
End With
Set IE = Nothing
'--this added "just in case" because BrowseForFolder will return web paths in some Windows versions.
sRet = Replace(sRet, "%20", " ")
If (FSO.FileExists(sRet) = true) Then ChooseFile = sRet
End Function
'------------------- ChooseFolder Function --------------------------------------
'-- this is a version that does Not show files and will Not return Namespaces. ------------
Public Function ChooseFolder(sCaption)
Dim Fol, sFolName, sParentName, FolParent, Pt, Pt1, PtColon
On Error Resume Next
Set Fol = ShAp.BrowseForFolder(0, sCaption, 0)
sFolName = Fol.Title
If (Err.number <> 0) Then '--cancel was clicked so Fol is Not an object.
ChooseFolder = ""
Exit Function
End If
sParentName = "a"
Do While sParentName <> ""
Set FolParent = Fol.parentfolder
sParentName = FolParent.title
'-- an error here means no parent folder and no : has been found below
'-- so it must be a drive or namespace (control panel, etc.)
If (Err.number <> 0) Then
Pt1 = instr(sFolName, ":")
If (Pt1 = 0) Then '--it's a namespace or namespace path. check For Desktop.
If (Left(sFolName, 6) = "Deskto") Then
FixPath sFolName
ChooseFolder = DeWeb(sFolName)
ChooseFolder = ""
End If
Set Fol = Nothing
Set FolParent = Nothing
Exit Function
Else '--it's a drive. extract root folder path (ex.: C:\ )
sParentName = mid(sFolName, (Pt1 - 1), 2)
ChooseFolder = sParentName & "\"
Set Fol = Nothing
Set FolParent = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
End If
If (Len(sParentName) > 0) Then '--look For a colon. If found Then quit Loop. If Not Then keep going.
PtColon = instr(sParentName, ":")
If (PtColon = 0) Then '-- no colon. add folder name to path and keep going.
sFolName = sParentName & ("\" & sFolName)
Else '--colon found. Get root folder, add to path and quit Loop.
sParentName = mid(sParentName, (PtColon - 1), 2)
sFolName = sParentName & ("\" & sFolName)
Exit Do
End If
End If
'-- If it's still going Then the End of the path hasn't been found.
'-- Set the parent folder as Fol object and redo the Loop:
Set Fol = FolParent
Set Fol = Nothing
Set FolParent = Nothing
ChooseFolder = DeWeb(sFolName)
End Function
'-- remove %20 just in Case.
Private Function DeWeb(sFol)
DeWeb = Replace(sFol, "%20", " ")
End Function
'--fix path when returned with desktop namespace. Any folders on Desktop
'-- will be returned as: Desktop\folderpath
Private Sub FixPath(sPath)
Dim sDesk, SHL
On Error Resume Next
Set SHL = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
sDesk = SHL.Specialfolders("Desktop")
Set SHL = Nothing
If (Len(sPath) = 7) Then
sPath = sDesk
sPath = Right(sPath, (Len(sPath) - 7))
sPath = sDesk & sPath
End If
End Sub
End Class